10 Health benefits of turmeric syrup

Here are 10 health benefits of turmeric syrup. It’s a spice that’s readily available on the market, and much easier to prepare or incorporate into recipes. Try this spice in syrup, it’s a bomb of goodness.

I. Turmeric syrup recipe

If you too would like to make your own turmeric syrup and take full advantage of all the health benefits it has to offer, just follow this extremely easy recipe:

Start by peeling and chopping 100g of fresh turmeric, and prepare 100g of ginger.

Split a vanilla pod in half and mix 350g sugar with 50cl water and the spices you’ve just prepared.

Bring to the boil and boil on a low heat for 20 minutes.

Remove from the heat and leave to cool for a while before blending. Leave in the fridge for around 2 days before straining. That’s all there is to it!

Always try to use organic, quality products, to avoid pesticides and chemicals that can alter the quality of your syrup while diminishing the benefits of turmeric.

To do this, find a store that offers genuine spices with certain sources and an ORGANIC-certified label.

II. Health benefits of turmeric syrup

Once you’ve made your own turmeric syrup, it’s only natural to ask yourself what good it will do you!

First of all, it’s a real energy cocktail. The combination of two of the best roots (spices) in the world of herbal medicine – turmeric and ginger – gives you a natural energy drink that will help you fight off sluggishness, especially during the cold winter months, while boosting your immune system against external aggressions such as viruses and diseases that threaten us as soon as we step outside.

And one of the most effective ways to harness the health benefits of turmeric is in the form of a concentrated syrup. Let’s explore the top 10 evidence-based health benefits of this golden healer.

1. A Potent Anti-Inflammatory

Chronic inflammation is at the root of most diseases. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is one of the most potent anti-inflammatories found in nature.

Multiple studies have shown curcumin to be highly effective at lowering inflammatory markers throughout the body.

By reducing systemic inflammation, turmeric syrup can help relieve pain, improve mobility, and decrease disease risk.

Those suffering from inflammatory conditions like arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and autoimmune disorders may find great relief with the regular use of turmeric syrup.

2. Natural Antioxidant Protection

Free radicals produced through metabolism, toxins, and stress can damage our cells. Turmeric is packed with antioxidants that neutralize these dangerous free radicals.

The antioxidant boost provided by turmeric syrup enhances the body’s natural defenses against oxidative stress.

Animal studies have found that curcumin is even more potent than vitamin E and C in eliminating free radicals. Protect your cells against damage by introducing this super anti-oxidant into your daily routine.

3. Supports Optimal Brain Function

The curcumin in turmeric syrup can readily cross the blood-brain barrier. Once in the brain, it has been shown to increase BDNF, a growth hormone responsible for neuron health.

Through this pathway, turmeric ingestion has been linked with improved cognition, memory, mood, and protection against degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

The anti-inflammatory action of curcumin also protects the brain from chronic inflammation – a leading cause of neurodegeneration.

Those looking to enhance their focus, memory, and positive outlook may find turmeric syrup to be a game changer.

4. Cardiovascular Protection

Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death worldwide. Curcumin has emerged as a hero for cardiovascular health.

Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-thrombotic properties support healthy circulation in multiple ways.

Studies have shown that turmeric ingestion lowers serum cholesterol levels while improving endothelial cell function.

Curcumin has also been shown to reduce triglycerides, prevent arterial plaque buildup, and discourage blood clot formation.

Adding this heart-healthy syrup to your daily tea or smoothie is a tasty way to keep your ticker in top shape.

5. Potent Anti-Cancer Properties

While research is still ongoing, early studies suggest that the curcumin in turmeric may help prevent and fight certain types of cancer.

Curcumin exhibits anti-proliferative effects, preventing the growth and spread of tumor cells. It also promotes apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in malignant cells.

Turmeric’s antioxidant properties further protect healthy cells against becoming cancerous in the first place.

Although more human trials are needed, these early findings show promise for turmeric’s anti-cancer potential.

6. Aids Digestion and Gut Health

Traditional medicinal systems have long used turmeric to support healthy digestion. Modern studies have confirmed that turmeric increases the production of bile, which aids the digestion of fats.

The anti-inflammatory action of curcumin also soothes the gut lining and can help relieve gas, bloating, and even conditions like ulcerative colitis.

As an added bonus, turmeric’s vibrant golden color comes from curcumin – a pigment with prebiotic effects that feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut microbiome.

7. Natural Pain Relief

For millennia, turmeric has been used as a natural pain killer. Today, science has proven curcumin to be an incredibly effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

By inhibiting COX2 enzymes and reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines, curcumin eases joint inflammation and provides lasting pain relief.

Multiple studies have found turmeric supplements to reduce osteoarthritis pain more effectively than common OTC medications.

The curcuminoids in turmeric also act on opioid receptor sites – providing potent, natural pain relief without the side effects of pharmaceutical pain killers.

8. Immune System Booster

Turmeric has been shown to have immunomodulatory properties, meaning it can strengthen, balance, and optimize immune function.

Curcumin enhances antibody responses, increases the activity of T cells and natural killer cells, and heightens resistance to infection.

At the same time, it can temper unnecessary inflammation. These effects support a healthy, responsive immune system without over-stimulation.

Protect yourself against illness and chronic disease by incorporating immune-optimizing turmeric into your daily health regimen.

9. Potential Anti-Depressant

Early preclinical studies suggest that turmeric supplementation may provide antidepressant benefits. The proposed mechanisms include upregulating serotonin and dopamine production, modifying neurotrophic factors like BDNF, and reducing neuroinflammation.

A randomized, placebo-controlled study found that curcumin was equally effective as prozac in alleviating depressive symptoms.

While more research is still needed, these early findings show that turmeric supplementation may provide a promising natural adjunct to conventional antidepressant medications.

10. Promotes Glowing Skin

In addition to consumption, turmeric paste and milk can be used topically for radiant skin. Curcumin improves skin hydration, speeds wound healing, reduces hyperpigmentation, and protects against free radical damage.

The anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antimicrobial properties of turmeric have made it a revered skin care ingredient throughout Asia.

Check out some DIY turmeric face masks to reveal your healthiest, most glowing complexion yet. For an extra antioxidant boost, be sure to add a pinch of black pepper – as the piperine can increase curcumin bioavailability by up to 2000%!

III. How should turmeric syrup be used?

Given the pronounced taste and, above all, the concentration of turmeric and ginger in this magic syrup, it’s probably not a good idea to consume it as a drink!

For curative or preventive purposes, it should be consumed as a medicine, fortunately a natural remedy, i.e. 2 tablespoons a day at most.

If you can’t stand the taste and can’t consume the syrup directly, we recommend diluting the two tablespoons in your food, or simply sweetening and flavoring your herbal tea with it.

You can also add a small amount of honey, although this makes for a very sweet mixture!

A tip for those who can’t stand the taste of ginger or turmeric: before sipping your two tablespoons, suck on an ice cube for a few minutes, and you’ll feel much less of the strong taste of these spices.

But it’s also possible – and quite likely – that you’ll love the taste of this syrup and be tempted to take much more, something you should avoid if you don’t want to fall into the trap of overdosing.

IV. What Organs Does Turmeric Benefit?

Due to its incredibly diverse pharmacological properties, turmeric has been shown to benefit nearly every organ system and bodily process.

Here’s a closer look at some of the organs and systems most impacted by daily turmeric consumption:

# Brain

The curcumin in turmeric is a neuroprotective powerhouse. It boosts BNDF, reduces neuroinflammation, inhibits plaque formation, and raises serotonin and dopamine levels. These effects boost cognition, memory, mood, and protection against neurodegenerative diseases.

# Heart

Curcumin improves circulation by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, preventing blood clots, discouraging plaque build-up, and relaxing blood vessels. These vascular effects significantly reduce risk of heart attacks and stroke.

# Liver

Turmeric stimulates bile production while its antioxidants protect liver tissue from toxins and damage. Early research also shows potential for turmeric supplements to help regenerate liver cells.

# Pancreas

The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and blood sugar-optimizing properties of curcumin help prevent pancreatic damage. Turmeric also shows promise for improving pancreatic cell function.

# Gut

Turmeric soothes intestinal inflammation, improves gut permeability, and balances gut flora populations. This aids in digestion, absorption, and overall GI health.

# Joints/Skeletal System

Curcumin works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis pain relief. It blocks inflammatory cytokines, reduces joint swelling, protects cartilage, and improves overall joint function.

# Immune System

Turmeric optimizes immune function. It enhances antibody and T cell responses, increases cancer-fighting cells, and regulates inflammation for a balanced immune response.

# Skin

Curcumin promotes collagen synthesis, speeds wound healing, reduces hyperpigmentation, improves hydration, and protects against UV damage when applied topically.

# Reproductive System

Preliminary studies suggest turmeric may support both male and female fertility while also exhibiting protective effects on the fetus during pregnancy. More research is still needed.

# Endocrine System

Turmeric shows promise at balancing hormone levels, particularly thyroid hormones. The antioxidant effects also protect hormone-producing glands from damage.

In summary, turmeric’s unique combination of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and regulatory properties make it highly beneficial for nearly every bodily system and organ. Adding this super spice into your daily health regimen can provide whole-body protection.