Does Turmeric Work for Joint Pain and Inflammation?

Does turmeric work for joint pain and Inflammation? How to use turmeric for inflammation? How to prepare a turmeric-based anti-inflammatory for joints and muscles? What are the good and simple recipes? And finally what are the benefits of turmeric on joints and muscles?

I. What are the problems of joints and Inflammation?

Unfortunately, many people suffer every day from the excruciating pain that paralyzes their movements and impacts their activities.

Indeed, apart from the fact that anti-inflammatory drugs are not always available everywhere, there is also the problem of their ineffectiveness in the long term and the problem of side effects.

To naturally reduce your joint pain, you should consider using turmeric. And first of all, it is important to note that not all joint pain comes directly from a damaged joint.

The real joint pain is arthralgia. It may or may not be accompanied by inflammation. Arthritis is when joint pain is followed by inflammation.

This pain sometimes comes from structures such as the tendon, the muscle, or the ligaments (tendinitis or bursitis). Other times, however, the pain is caused by trauma (sprain, dislocation, and fracture).

The symptoms are multiple (swelling, excruciating pain, redness, effusion, grinding, blocking, cracking, fever, sweating, and weight loss…).

The joint pains are similar, but the disorders differ from each other.

Arthritis, for example, is a group of about 100 conditions. In some conditions, arthritis moves from one joint to another (migratory arthritis).

In others, it remains in the same joints throughout the attack and in still others, arthritis affects the same joint on both sides (symmetrical arthritis).

The conditions that cause arthritis include a viral infection, gout, or pseudogout, or the onset of an attack related to an existing chronic joint disorder.

Whatever the real cause of the muscle and joint pain you are experiencing, it is always important to consult a physician to make a definite diagnosis before resorting to any treatment.

II. Does Turmeric Help with Inflammation and Joint Pain?

Turmeric is an excellent way to relieve various types of joint inflammation. Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers, it is an all-natural remedy, and sometimes even more effective.

Whether it is an inflammation of the whole joint, like arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammation of the tendon, like tendonitis, or rather an inflammation of the bursa, many studies have proven that turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory, allowing you to relieve your ailments in no time.

III. How does turmeric work for joint pain and Inflammation (how to use)

1. Soup

To relieve your joint pain quickly and effectively, all you need is a good anti-inflammatory soup. If you are wondering how to proceed to give anti-inflammatory properties to a soup, just read the following lines.

Turmeric is a rhizome with diverse properties. It relieves muscle and joint pain, so all you have to do is add it to your soup to get your smile back. But first, you will need :

  • 1 spaghetti squash
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 2 turmeric rhizomes
  • 2 cm of ginger rhizome
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • black pepper

Peel the spaghetti squash, remove the seeds and cut it into 4 pieces. Peel the sweet potato and onion and cut them into 4 pieces.

And Peel 3 cloves of garlic and the rhizomes of turmeric and ginger. Wash them well and put them in a pot.

Add coconut oil and a sufficient amount of water. Add pepper and salt before putting the pot on the stove for 20 to 30 minutes. After cooking, mix and serve.

2. The herbal tea

To prepare the herbal tea, you will need

  • 1 teaspoon or 4 g of turmeric powder and the same amount of ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger powder and anise seeds
  • 5 g of cardamom seeds
  • 1 liter of water

Boil water and add the anise and cardamom seeds. Let it boil for about ten minutes. Now turn off the heat and add the ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric powders.

Leave it for 10 minutes. Serve and add honey to sweeten the taste. Honey is optional; you can do without it if you don’t mind the taste of the tea.

3. Preparation of honey with turmeric

Here is a recipe for honey with turmeric that we present to you to soothe your regular joint inflammation. To carry out the preparation, provide you with :

  • 100 g of bio honey
  • 10 g or 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
  • Optional: 10 g of another spice (ginger powder for example) and
  • Black pepper.

Mix everything in a jar to the point of homogeneity. Keep the solution in a tightly closed jar and use it as needed.

This preparation is indeed a preventive remedy against many ailments. When you take it, hold it in your mouth until it is completely dissolved.

You can dilute it with water or milk if you find it excessively sweet.

4. turmeric lotion

The ingredients to make the turmeric topical lotion are:

  • 6 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons of turmeric
  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel

Mix the ingredients well before storing the mixture in an airtight container. Apply this lotion to your inflammations as many times as possible and you will be soothed.

5. Golden milk

Golden milk is a good way to enjoy the benefits of turmeric while keeping the pleasure of tasting an excellent refreshing drink.

To prepare it, you need to mix in a container, a glass of coconut milk, with a teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Once the mixture is homogeneous, add a second glass of coconut milk and mix. Then heat on a light flame for at least 10 minutes, then add a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Let it heat for a few minutes, then add a little pepper. Then sweeten the drink with a little honey preferably. You can then drink your golden milk, and observe the results on your body.

6. Turmeric smoothies

Turmeric smoothies are a delicious drink. Apart from its amazing taste, it is also a great remedy for joint pain.

To prepare it, you need ½ cup of milk, ½ cup of carrot juice, a peeled banana, a cup of fresh pineapple chunks, a piece of fresh ginger, and to top it all off, you should not forget to add ½ teaspoon of ground turmeric.

Then you can grind and mix everything in a container, using a self-mixer until you get a creamy substance that you can consume.

7. Turmeric as a supplement (Dosage of curcumin capsules)

It is also possible to consume turmeric using capsules or tablets. Indeed, there are tablets specially standardized in curcuminoids.

These will allow you to enjoy the benefits of turmeric while avoiding the characteristic taste in your mouth.

However, these capsules are highly concentrated in curcumin, and therefore to avoid an excess of consumption, there is a certain dose to respect.

For example, when it comes to joint pain, it is advisable to take between 200 and 400 mg of curcuminoids, three times a day.

IV. How to get turmeric (and curcumin) in your diet

If you are interested in incorporating turmeric into your diet, there are a variety of opportunities available to you. Turmeric is widely used in cooking to color and season your recipes.

However, because of its powerful taste, it is advisable to use it in moderation to avoid losing the flavor of your dish.

If this method does not suit you, you can also consume it in infusion, with ginger and lemon, or prepare it in the form of drinks like a golden latte or turmeric smoothie, etc.

V. Benefits of turmeric for joints and inflammation

Turmeric or turmeric is a rhizome of the Zingiberaceae family. It is appreciated in cooking, cosmetics, and especially in medicine for its multiple virtues.

Used for centuries in traditional Asian medicine, turmeric is a spice with unmatched anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves rheumatic or articular pains and attenuates redness due to inflammations.

Whether you use the powder, the rhizome, or its oil, turmeric retains all its benefits and guarantees you well-being because of its effectiveness, scientists compare the effects of turmeric to those of aspirin and cortisone.

If the European Food Safety Agency, EFSA, has recognized the benefits of turmeric, especially for joint pain, it is first because turmeric rhizomes effectively relieve patients.

Secondly, AESA’s scientific research proves that the consumption or use of turmeric for anti-inflammatory purposes has no adverse effects on the patient.

And to optimize the effects of turmeric and facilitate its absorption by the body, it is important to add black pepper.

VI. Turmeric spice or extract: Which is better?

Turmeric is an excellent remedy and is widely used in cooking. However, it is very poorly assimilated by the body. Indeed, a large part of the turmeric consumed does not pass the intestinal barrier.

This is why turmeric extracts are preferable. Being specially treated and analyzed, they contain only the essential molecules of turmeric, the curcuminoids, which include curcumin.

Curcumin is the main component of turmeric, and it is this component that is responsible for all the health benefits of turmeric.

And that’s why turmeric extract is the best. It allows more curcumin to be assimilated and therefore offers more benefits to the human body.

VII. Turmeric and Drug Interactions

Turmeric can interact with drugs that are used to thin the blood, such as warfarin. It can also interact with anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, if you are a diabetic, suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, or are a pregnant woman, it is best not to consume it, to ensure your well-being.

VIII. Other Questions about using turmeric for joints pain and inflammation

1. the best way to take turmeric for inflammation

To relieve inflammation, it is recommended to take three times a day, an amount of curcumin ranging from 200 to 400 mg. An amount that corresponds to almost 3 g of curcumin 3 times a day.

2. how to make turmeric paste for knee pain

This is a pretty simple recipe. Just pour 3 spoonfuls of wheat flour, a spoonful of castor oil, and a little turmeric powder into half a glass of warm water.

Then mix until you get a paste that you apply to your knee.

3. How many mg of turmeric should I take for joint pain?

When you have joint pain, you should take at least 9g of turmeric a day to relieve the pain.

4. How long does it take for turmeric to work for joint pain?

The treatment of joint pain with turmeric is carried out over a certain period. This treatment time can range from a week to almost a month, depending on the types of pain experienced.

5. What are the negative effects of turmeric?

If used sensibly, turmeric poses no risk to the body. However, if used in high doses, it can cause heartburn, dry mouth, nausea, and even vomiting.

6. How long should I take turmeric for inflammation?

You can use turmeric every day. However, if you want to use it for special needs such as relieving inflammation, it is advisable to take it in a specific dosage over two to three weeks.

7. Is fresh turmeric better than powder for joint pain?

While it is true that powdered turmeric is better hidden in food than fresh turmeric, there is virtually no difference between these two forms of turmeric when in the body. They are both absorbed by the body in the same way.

8. What is the best time to drink turmeric water?

To get the most out of turmeric, you need to know the best time of day to drink it.

It is best to take it three hours before or after a meal. It is only at this time that the absorption of curcumin is highest in the body.

9. Can you take turmeric and ibuprofen together?

Turmeric and ibuprofen are two fairly similar anti-inflammatory drugs. According to studies, 2 g of turmeric is equivalent to 800 mg of ibuprofen in patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

It is possible to mix these two anti-inflammatory drugs but please do so in moderation.

10. Is turmeric good for arthritis?

Turmeric is an all-purpose spice. It can be used to treat blood circulation disorders and digestive disorders and is also used to relieve inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Useful Links:

The inflammation theory of disease

Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span
The yin and yang of pragmatic clinical trials of behavioral interventions for chronic pain