Is Baking Soda Good for Dyshidrotic Eczema?

Is baking soda good for dyshidrotic eczema? How to naturally relieve dyshidrosis with baking soda? How does it work to treat it? Which methods? Is it necessary to pierce the blisters caused by dyshidrosis? And finally what are the other natural remedies to treat this kind of eczema?  

I.  Brief reminder on dyshidrosis 

Dyshidrosis is a type of eczema, which is characterized by small blisters that appear on the feet and hands.

This is where it gets its other name bullous eczema.

This skin condition affects all segments of society: women, men, and children.

The blisters caused by dyshidrosis are filled with fluid and cause severe itching.

Although its true cause remains a mystery, the onset of dyshidrosis is associated with exposure to metals such as nickel and cobalt.

Stress, fungal infections, and allergies can also be the cause.

Dyshidrosis can be more or less severe. In the most severe cases, the blisters may harden and thicken, the skin may become inflamed, crack or even bleed.

II. Is baking soda good for dyshidrotic eczema?

1. How does baking soda act on dyshidrosis

Baking soda acts on different types of eczema. This product can sanitize the skin, soothe irritations and soften the skin.

On dyshidrosis, bicarbonate can be used when the skin has dried. It will moisturize it and help it regenerate.

Because baking soda is an anti-inflammatory, it will alleviate itching sensations.

By rebalancing the pH of your skin, baking soda will stop the spread of germs and bacteria on your skin.

People who tend to sweat a lot can also use it. Sweating can cause dyshidrosis, and baking soda can be used to absorb the sweat. This can be done in closed shoes for example.

This is a preventive use of baking soda against dyshidrosis.

It can also be very useful before using a cream, for effective washing of the hands or feet.

2.  How to use baking soda to treat dyshidrosis

You can use bicarbonate to get rid of dyshidrosis, or at least soothe its symptoms.

All you have to do is pour a cup of baking soda into a basin of water. Once the liquid is well mixed, soak your feet and/or hands in it for 15 minutes.

Do this, every day.

This will help you fight the itching and clean your skin.

You can also put it in your bath water. For a standard bathtub, put between 125 and 250 mg of baking soda in the water.

Soak in it for at least 20 minutes before rinsing.

Another use of baking soda is to make a paste. Mix baking soda with a little water until you get a paste-like mixture.

Then apply it to your affected skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Rinse and moisturize your skin. Do this regularly.

3. How often should I use baking soda on my eczema?

The answer depends on several factors, including the severity of your eczema, your skin type, and your personal response to treatment.

In general, it’s best to start by using baking soda to treat your eczema once or twice a week.

You can make a paste by combining a small amount of baking soda with water and applying it to the affected area.

Let the paste sit for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

You can gradually increase the frequency of application if your skin responds well to the treatment and your eczema symptoms improve.

But if you experience irritation or pain, reduce the frequency or stop using baking soda altogether.

4. Is baking soda safe to use on dyshidrotic eczema?

Overall, it is universally considered safe to use baking soda on dyshidrotic eczema, with the proviso that it is used with caution and moderation and under the guidance of a health care professional.

It is important to remember that everyone’s skin is different and what works for one person may not work for another.

In addition, the severity of the disease and the general health of the individual must be taken into account when considering home remedies such as baking soda.

For, as we have just seen, Dyshidrotic Eczema, also known as pompholyx, is a skin condition that causes small fluid-filled blisters on the hands and feet, which can be triggered by a variety of factors, including stress, allergies, and exposure to irritants.

Because of this, sometimes, although rare, baking soda may not be the right solution for this type of skin problem and can actually make the symptoms worse if used incorrectly.

5. Dyshidrosis: do you have to pierce the blisters? 

Dyshidrosis causes blisters that you may be tempted to pierce. This should not be done, not without proper treatment.

In the case of dyshidrosis, do not hesitate to start by consulting a doctor for advice.

He will apply an antiseptic cream or even a sterile bandage on your blisters.

If the blisters are too big, your doctor may decide to pierce them.

Popping the blisters could cause you to injure yourself and irritate the skin even more. For the same reason, it is advisable to avoid scratching your skin too much.

To do this, if your itching is too strong, wear cotton gloves and light socks.

Cut your fingernails very short to avoid piercing your blisters while scratching and irritating your skin.

Scars could result.

6. Can baking soda worsen dyshidrotic eczema?

In most cases, baking soda is safe for the person using it to relieve the aches and pains that eczematous dyshidrosis can generate.

However, since skin and medical conditions differ from one individual to another, this natural anti-inflammatory can aggravate the condition if used in large quantities and incorrectly or if it is of very poor quality.

Personally, I humbly think that in the worst case, it will only act and induce some itching at most.

7. What ingredients can be mixed with baking soda to make a dyshidrotic eczema treatment?

Yes, it is possible to mix baking soda with other natural ingredients to relieve the symptoms of dyshidrosis eczema.

Here are a few simple recipes that could help you relieve some of this skin condition.

Baking Soda and Oatmeal Recipe for Dyshidrotic Eczema:


  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 4 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 cup of warm water


  • In a small bowl, mix the baking soda and oatmeal until combined.
  • Gradually add in the warm water and stir until thick paste forms.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day for the best results.

Baking soda and coconut oil for Dyshidrotic eczema:


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil


  • In a small bowl, mix the baking soda and coconut oil together until combined.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and massage it gently.
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day for the best results.

Baking Soda and Honey Recipe for Dyshidrotic Eczema:


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • In a small bowl, combine baking soda and honey.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and gently massage it in.
  • Let sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • For best results, repeat this method twice a day.

8. Does baking soda help reduce the itching associated with dyshidrotic eczema?

Baking soda is alkaline in nature and can help neutralize the pH of the skin, which can help reduce itching and irritation.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that a baking soda bath was effective in reducing itching and skin irritation in patients with eczema.

The study also found that baking soda helped restore the skin’s natural pH balance, which may have contributed to its effectiveness.

9. How can baking soda be used to reduce redness associated with dyshidrotic eczema?

Yes, baking soda can be an effective natural treatment to reduce the redness caused by dyshidrotic eczema.

Making a baking soda paste or adding it to a warm bath will help soothe and moisturize the skin, reducing irritation and itching.

10. Does baking soda help prevent scarring caused by dyshidrotic eczema?

Some people believe that it can help prevent scarring caused by dyshidrotic eczema by reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of the skin. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

III. How can I prevent dyshidrotic eczema flare-ups?

The first step in preventing eczema flare-ups is to identify and avoid triggers.

The most common triggers are stress, exposure to irritants such as chemicals and detergents, and sweating.

To avoid stress, for example, it is essential to practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.

As for chemicals, simply wear protective gloves when using them and avoid detergents containing harsh chemicals.

Sometimes simply keeping hands and feet dry and cool can help prevent sweating and reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Another way to prevent breakouts is to keep your skin healthy. Regular moisturizing with a fragrance-free lotion or cream can keep skin hydrated and prevent chapping, which can lead to breakouts.

It is also essential to avoid scratching or picking at blisters, as this can infect the skin and make the condition worse.

Diet can also play a role in preventing dyshidrosis eczema flare-ups.

Some people find that certain foods, such as dairy, gluten, and citrus fruits, can trigger flare-ups.

If you think your diet may be contributing to your condition, keeping a food journal can help you identify problem foods and avoid them.

IV.  Other natural remedies for dyshidrosis

1. Cider vinegar

Cider vinegar can be used in two ways to fight against dyshidrosis.


Drink a cider vinegar drink three times a day.

The recipe is simple, dilute a spoon of organic cider vinegar in a glass of water. All you have to do is drink it.


Mix equal parts of cider vinegar and water. The quantities will depend on your use. If you want to use it on your hands, the quantity will be less than on your feet.

Soak your hands or feet in the mixture. Do this bath twice a day.

By regulating the acidity of an environment, cider vinegar prevents the spread of fungi and bacteria. Moreover, it softens the epidermis.

2. Clay

Against dyshidrosis, use clay as a poultice.

To do this, apply a mixture of clay and water to the affected areas, to which you will have added olive oil. You can also choose evening primrose oil.

Apply to the skin and let it dry before rinsing.

Then apply a moisturizing and soothing cream.

It is important to use superfine green clay. Moreover, green clay is used only on the oozing eczemas. If the dyshidrosis is dry, it is better to avoid it.

On the other hand, you can use green or white clay powder, especially during itching crises.

During these painful moments, sprinkle clay-like talcum powder on your eczema. This will give you relief.

3. Aloe vera

For most skin problems, aloe vera can be used. This plant treats infections, softens the skin, and relieves itching.

You can simply apply aloe vera gel on your washed skin.

If the itching and irritation are severe, let the gel cool down first.

The cold aloe vera gel will give you even more effective relief.

 4. Essential oils

Several essential oils can help relieve dyshidrosis.

Before using any, however, do a skin test on a small area of your skin.

Lavender aspic essential oil:

Directly on the lesions, apply two undiluted drops of this oil. Do this twice a day.

Lavender aspic essential oil is anti-inflammatory and helps to heal.

Niaouli essential oil:

In 10 drops of calophyll inophylla or evening primrose vegetable oil, add 2 drops of niaouli EO.

Once a day, apply this mixture to your skin.

Recipe with essential oils against dyshidrosis:

Mix in a clean bottle, 30 ml of black cumin oil, with 35 drops of cypress EO and 35 drops of niaouli EO.

Once a day, use this amalgam on your skin.

For that, the dyshidrosis must be dried.

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