14 Health Benefits of magnesium

What are the health benefits of magnesium? When to take it, morning or evening? Which foods are rich in magnesium? And what are the cases in which one should consult before taking a magnesium cure?

I. What is magnesium?

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our body. It is involved in more than 600 cellular reactions, from the manufacture of DNA to muscle contraction.

Despite its importance, more than half of all men and women are quite deficient in this trace mineral.

Low levels of magnesium in the body have been linked to many negative health effects, including weakness, depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

II. When to take magnesium, morning or evening?

If you have decided to take a magnesium treatment, you may be wondering when is the best time to take this trace element to get the most out of its effects.

There are no real rules concerning magnesium, its absorption is quite rapid and it is not an excitant like vitamin C for example.

You can therefore take it before going to sleep (about 1 hour), to benefit from its soothing properties on the quality of your sleep.

The magnesium cure is often taken twice a day or more, in the morning and evening, to ensure absorption by our body.

There is no real risk of overdosing, so you can start your magnesium treatment without really worrying about what time it is and without fear of ending up in the hospital because of an overdose, as the body does not produce it.

To see a pronounced enough difference to satisfy you, count on at least one month of treatment with morning and evening intakes to exploit the benefits of magnesium, until the end.

III. 14 Health Benefits of magnesium

It is known and proven by science that magnesium has thousands of benefits while participating in the proper functioning of our body by being a neurotransmitter and the element responsible for the proper absorption of calcium by our bones.

In general, it participates in a good activity for our organism by evacuating the toxins that our body is confronted with, such as those related to pollution or produced in a state of stress, due to an action that increases the biliary secretion and facilitates its elimination while strengthening the functions of the liver.

But by making a cure, what are the benefits that you can enjoy?

1. anti-fatigue

If you feel a slump, you may suffer from a magnesium deficiency.

The most common symptom of magnesium deficiency is fatigue, which is temporary at first and becomes chronic over time.

Consuming enough magnesium will give you energy and a new lease on life by helping your body to relax while giving you a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

2. anti-stress and anxiety

One of the other symptoms of a magnesium deficiency is irritability and psychological problems, caused by stress.

A cure of this trace element will offer you a therapeutic effect and will calm the stress as well as the strong emotions.

You will regain serenity after a few weeks, due to its relaxing action against muscle cramps and heart palpitations when they are related to stress.

3. Concentration and cognitive reinforcement

Several studies have highlighted the benefits of magnesium on concentration and cognitive strengthening.

Several institutes in Japan recommend supplements of this important mineral to their students during exam periods, because a magnesium cure will improve memory considerably, facilitating revision and learning, not to mention the manifestation of hyperactivity caused by a magnesium deficiency in children.

So, do not hesitate to consume more magnesium if you want to boost your mental abilities.

4. Is magnesium good for sleep? 

Magnesium has a therapeutic effect on muscles. A lack of this mineral causes night cramps and muscle pain.

By consuming magnesium, you will avoid these muscular inconveniences. As mentioned above, magnesium is an effective anti-stress, and the consequence of these two properties is a pleasant and restful sleep while maintaining the nervous, emotional, and psychic balance necessary to spend a good night.

5. weight loss

Magnesium also facilitates weight loss. It eliminates fats in the body and transforms them into energy.

Moreover, it limits the cravings for sweet things that we have when stress threatens us and fatigue prevents us from being motivated to do sports and continue a diet.

A sufficient dose of magnesium in your body will have a detoxifying effect and will certainly help you lose weight.

6. high blood pressure

Magnesium deficiency causes the blood vessels to constrict, which results in increased blood pressure.

A magnesium cure will relax the arteries to regulate blood pressure while having positive effects on cardiovascular health by fighting against heart attacks, strokes, angina …

7. bones health and protect against osteoporosis

Magnesium is the mineral responsible for the absorption of calcium by the bones. In children, it participates in the growth and consolidation of bones during their growth.

It has been proven that a magnesium treatment helps fight osteoporosis and preserves bone health at any age.

8. May relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Magnesium is a mineral that can help relieve premenstrual syndrome. Taking 300mg of magnesium with meals can ease the pain.

9. May Boost Exercise Performance

Because it actively participates in the creation of energy in the body, magnesium allows a real improvement of the sports capacities.

Associated with vitamins, it allows a better synthesis of proteins.

10. It can help fight type 2 diabetes

Magnesium has an action with carbohydrates and insulin. This is very important for people with type 2 diabetes.

If during this disease the pancreas still produces insulin, it is unfortunately not very effective.

11. can be an excellent anti-inflammatory

Studies have highlighted the ability of magnesium to slow down inflammation. This mineral would be able to reduce the production of C-reactive protein, which is involved in inflammation.

12. It Reduces Insulin Resistance

Magnesium is of great benefit to people suffering from type 2 diabetes. It can improve the efficiency of insulin in the body. Magnesium reduces insulin resistance.

13. Cardiovascular health

For people with heart problems, magnesium supplementation can be helpful. Magnesium has a vasodilator effect on the arteries, which is a plus for heart health.

14. May relieve headaches and migraines

Migraines and other headaches are often the results of magnesium deficiency. The consumption of magnesium or products containing it, such as dark chocolate, alleviates headaches.

IV. Magnesium daily intake

The amount of magnesium that a human needs each day depends on his sex and age. Here are the average amounts according to these two criteria:

  • Men aged 19 to 30: 400 milligrams
  • Men aged 31 and over: 420 milligrams
  • Women aged 19 to 30: 310 milligrams
  • Women 31 years and older: 320 milligrams
  • Pregnant women: 350 milligrams (360 mg if over 31 years old)

V. Foods rich in magnesium

A magnesium cure can be done via food supplements in the form of natural sea salts, capsules, ampoules or even dry oil to be applied directly to the skin.

But if you are the type of person who prefers to go natural, it is possible to take this mineral from our diet, by favoring foods rich in magnesium, here is a list:

  • Unsweetened cocoa powder, and dark chocolate.
  • Some green vegetables: beans …
  • Dried fruits: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, grapes, figs …
  • Dried vegetables: white beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas …
  • Whole grains: Whole grain bread, whole grain rice, whole grain breakfast cereals.
  • Bananas.
  • Some mineral waters are very rich in magnesium, reading the label will allow you to see the level of magnesium per liter and will allow you to cure this trace element naturally and without any headache.

If you suffer from renal insufficiency, please do not consume magnesium without the advice of your doctor.

If you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, please consult your doctor before deciding to take a magnesium cure.

VI. What about magnesium supplements?

# Magnesium citrate

Magnesium citrate is a type of magnesium known for its laxative effect. Magnesium citrate is useful in cases of constipation and works naturally in the body to relieve it.

# Magnesium oxide

Magnesium oxide is also known as magnesia. It is used for its antacid action. This property allows magnesium oxide to act in case of gastric acidity. It thus relieves heartburn.

# Magnesium chloride

Used in cosmetic care to restore radiance to the complexion, magnesium chloride has other benefits. This acid can also act on stress and nervousness.

# Magnesium lactate

Magnesium lactate is one of the most widely sold forms of magnesium in the world. It is mostly consumed in cases of magnesium deficiency, which is very common in the modern world.

# Magnesium malate

Magnesium malate can be used against muscular pains as well as against fatigue. It also acts on the mood, which helps to regulate.

# Magnesium taurate

Magnesium taurate acts in case of exhaustion. This magnesium derivative also helps the muscles and promotes concentration.

# Magnesium L-threonate

Magnesium L-Threonate was primarily designed to be easily absorbed by the body. It provides energy by improving muscle health, including heart muscle.

# Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)

Magnesium sulfate is known for its laxative properties. But it is also used in gynecology to prevent pre-eclampsia or prematurity.

# Magnesium glycinate

Magnesium glycinate helps to keep the heart muscles healthy. It is also a product that acts on all the muscles of the human body.

# Magnesium orotate

Magnesium orotate is a type of magnesium associated with orotic acid. This magnesium helps to improve sports performance and protects the heart.

VII. Risks of too much magnesium

Harmful side effects can occur after a magnesium overdose. Because of its laxative property, magnesium taken in excess can cause diarrhea.

It is also sometimes possible to develop cramps or headaches.

VIII. Other Questions about the Health benefits of magnesium

1. How long does magnesium stay in your body

Magnesium is eliminated from the body mainly through sweat and urine. Therefore, a human body loses an average of 30 to 40 mg of magnesium per liter of sweat per hour. The duration of magnesium in the body is, therefore, difficult to determine.

2. What does magnesium do for a woman’s body?

Women benefit enormously from magnesium. First of all, magnesium acts on premenstrual syndrome.

It is also very helpful during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Menopausal women can also be relieved by taking magnesium.

3. Can magnesium cause weight gain?

No, magnesium does not cause weight gain. On the contrary, its action in the human body promotes weight problems related to water retention. By improving protein synthesis, it helps muscle development.

4. Is magnesium good for leg cramps?

Magnesium supplementation has proven to be effective for leg cramps. Especially in pregnant women.

5. What drinks are high in magnesium?

Some mineral waters are enriched with magnesium. You can easily buy them in supermarkets.

6. Is magnesium good for the heart?

Magnesium is known for its effect on cardiovascular health. It helps the muscles to function better, by intervening during the synthesis of proteins. Therefore, it also acts on the myocardium, the heart muscle.

7. Can magnesium help muscle pain?

Some muscular pains are directly linked to a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium supplementation can therefore reduce or even eliminate muscle pain.

8. Is magnesium good for hot flashes?

Studies have shown that magnesium is effective against hot flashes. Magnesium would indeed be able to reduce hot flashes if taken daily at 400 to 800 mg.

9. What causes a magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium deficiency can be caused by a variety of factors. These include stress, poor diet, alcoholism, and certain illnesses that can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

10. Can low magnesium affect your eyes?

One of the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency is eyelid twitching. Since magnesium tends to affect muscles, the muscles of the eyes are not left out.

Useful Links:

Magnesium is naturally present in a variety of foods

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Magnesium

Health Risks from Excessive Magnesium