Ginger for Slow and Difficult Digestion [Uses & Benefits]

How to use ginger for difficult and slow digestion? What are its benefits for the digestion of ginger? What are the causes of such bad digestion? And what are the other natural tips to cure digestion problems?

I. Causes of Slow and Difficult Digestion

1. Usual Causes

External factors cause most of the time the problems of bad digestion. We can list excess alcohol, bad eating habits, heavy meals, etc.

Similarly, aerophagia, which is the ingestion of too much air during a meal, can cause great discomfort and eructation.

It should be noted that any gastrointestinal disturbance can cause feelings of “liver attack” or difficult digestion.

In addition, any disease contracted by organs such as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas can be accompanied by digestive disorders. These organs are involved in the digestion process.

Psychological problems can also cause digestive problems. People who suffer from anxiety, for example, usually have not only difficulty digesting, but also other digestive problems.

Also, the risk of difficult digestion can be increased by smoking, being overweight, drinking alcohol, etc.

It should also be noted that certain medications can cause digestive discomfort or make digestion more difficult. We can mention proton pump inhibitors (prescribed against acid reflux), aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), some drugs against osteoporosis (bisphosphonates), some antibiotics, and drugs against erectile dysfunction, …

Also, it should be said that during pregnancy, it is regular that digestion is slower or more difficult.

2. Serious Causes

Sometimes digestive disorders are a signal of serious digestive diseases. We can list the following as serious causes of slow and difficult indigestion: a gastrointestinal, liver, or bile duct tumor, gastrointestinal or pancreatic disease, bile duct stones, and inflammation of the esophagus and stomach (gastroesophageal reflux, duodenal ulcer, gastritis).

A medical consultation is necessary or required when digestive problems are accompanied by black stools, abundant vomiting, fever or weight loss.

 Let’s talk about ginger for slow and difficult digestion in the following title.

II. Ginger for slow and difficult digestion

1. Does Ginger Speed Up Digestion

Scientific studies conducted on animals and published in a review article have shown that ginger (like other spices) could stimulate the secretion of bile and the activity of various digestive enzymes, resulting in faster digestion of food.

It is important to make one clarification. In these studies, the amounts of ginger that were used are high and even higher than what could be consumed by populations known to be large consumers of spices, such as India.

However, it must be said that more research may eventually lead to more precise conclusions on the subject since, in humans, the consumption of fresh ginger in the digestive process has not been the subject of a well-detailed clinical study.

2. Ginger and Lemon for a Good Digestion

The association of ginger can be described as exceptional. Because, whether in cooking or medicine, these two foods have several benefits on the one hand, and health properties independently of each other on the other hand.

Ginger and lemon have benefits that work perfectly together, especially in digestion.

Ginger is known to stabilize the intestinal function, and support the transit of this one. It is also known to be very efficient against vomiting and nausea in case of pregnancy, motion sickness, or surgery.

Also, it must be said that ginger has a certain power on the digestive system. On the metabolism, it acts as a natural stimulant.

It is its rhizome that allows the production of the enzymes we mentioned above and which intervene in digestion and stimulate it.

Ginger promotes the secretion of bile. In 2004, the ability of ginger to secrete bile was highlighted in a review article that lists all the studies conducted on this subject by Platel K, Srinivasan K. Thus, the consumption of ginger will facilitate the process of digestion of food. However, it does not only act punctually on this function of the body.

Lemon is an alkalizing food, which concretely allows decreasing gastric acid while stimulating the production of enzymes in the liver and the pancreas.

Lemon, in this way, protects and preserves the mucous membranes of the stomach. It should be said that the combination of ginger and lemon is very beneficial to protect against various digestive disorders. Also, it should be noted that these two foods combine their effects perfectly.

3. How to Use Ginger Oil for Digestion

As a digestive stimulant, ginger oil can treat the following ailments: bloating, aerophagia, colitis, constipation, alternating constipation-diarrhea, abdominal cramps, intestinal spasms, diarrhea, difficult or slow digestion, motion sickness, lack of appetite (adult and child), nausea, vomiting.

How to use it: Aromatherapy

  • Diffuse 3 drops of ginger in an ultrasonic diffuser or personal inhaler to relieve symptoms of nausea.
  • Diffuse for 30 to 60 minutes. Breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Inhale the scent of ginger before boarding a ship or plane. You can also place a few drops on your wrists to inhale while traveling.
  • Be sure to mix ginger oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil if applying topically.

Skin application: massage

Dilute in vegetable oil and massage into the abdomen.

4. Adding Ginger to Your Diet

Ginger is easy to add to your diet; you can use it fresh or powdered, and it has a delicious spicy flavor.

Ginger is readily available at the supermarket, and although it is relatively expensive, you only need to use a small amount in your cooking.

Look for fresh, unwrinkled ginger roots and store them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or freezer.

Ginger should keep in the refrigerator for about a month, but it can be used longer as long as it is not slimy, moldy, or too soft.

Be sure to peel it before using it, then roast or slice it according to your recipe.

5. When to Take Ginger for Digestion

The best time to take ginger for digestion is before a meal. It can speed up digestion and soothe your digestive system.

If you forget, you can also use ginger after a meal and it will still provide some benefits. But it is more effective when taken before.

6. Ginger and Salt for Digestion

Ginger has many wonderful digestive properties and is especially helpful for those who suffer from constipation.

You can chew raw ginger with a pinch of salt just before going to sleep. It aids digestion and is likely to help you sleep better.

7. How Much Ginger Should I Take for Digestion?

Per day, you should or can consume 2 to 4 g of dry ginger, the equivalent of 10 to 15 g of fresh ginger.

You can consume it throughout the day in the form of herbal tea for example. As for the powder capsules, you must follow the manufacturer’s advice.

For information purposes, you are usually advised to take 250 mg to 1 g, 3 times a day.

8. Other Tips for Fast Digestion

To better and quickly digest, you can take or consume many other foods or do other tricks among which we can list:

  • Chamomile: you can drink it if you want to digest it quickly. Because it helps the stomach and intestines to relax, and the positive effect is felt quickly. Also, you can easily make a cup of chamomile tea yourself.       Also, mint tea helps with bloating.
  • Water: The digestive system, when you drink water, remains very active and becomes more efficient. Water not only helps you have an easy bowel movement but also relieves bloating and nausea. If possible, add a slice of lemon to detoxify your liver.
  • Peppermint essential oil: this is a necessary reflex in case of slow digestion and painful spasms. You can inhale it directly from the bottle, put two drops under the tongue, or on sugar or honey. Also, you can mix it with vegetable oil for a soothing massage of the abdomen.
  • Take a real break: to avoid weight gain and digestive problems, give yourself a lunch break. This is one of the most effective solutions.  You have a large amount of food when you eat quickly. This would inevitably expose you to bloating, acid reflux, and gas.  Also, the amount of time you eat should be at least 20 minutes.

III. How to Use Ginger for a Good Digestion

1. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is straightforward to prepare. Measure 1 teaspoon of ground ginger into a teapot (about 1 L) and then pour boiling water over it.

Cover and let stand until the tea is cool enough to drink before straining. Sweeten preferably with honey (otherwise sugar).

You can take 2 to 3 cups a day.

2. Candied Ginger

Candied ginger is a delicious way to relieve nausea that sometimes accompanies pregnancy, poor digestion, and travel.

To prepare candied ginger we need about

  • 500 g of fresh ginger
  • 500 g of sugar
  • ½ L of water

Prepare the ginger (peel the rhizomes and clean them) and put it in water to soak overnight.

The next day, put the ginger pieces in boiling water and simmer them for 4-5 minutes to soften them. Drain it and repeat the process with fresh water. Do this a total of 3 or 4 times.

Boil the sugar and water to make a syrup and pour it over the drained ginger pieces. Let it sit overnight.

Drain the syrup, boil it again for a few minutes, and pour it over the ginger.

Repeat the process the next day and the day after that.

Finally, drain the ginger slices and put them in sterilized jars. Then heat the remaining syrup until it boils and pour it over the ginger in the jars before closing well.

 3. Ginger Candy

Ginger candies are an excellent digestive aid. It is advisable to eat them regularly for those who have recurrent transit problems.

To make homemade ginger candy, you will need 1 cup ground ginger (you can increase the amount of ginger if you want a stronger taste) and 1/2 cup sugar, and just a small amount of water.

Mix well in a deep, heavy saucepan. Boil over medium heat, stirring lightly, until mixture reaches 150° C.

Let cool on a steel plate. Then cut into small pieces before eating.

4. Ginger Capsules

Ginger capsules are ideal to take just before a trip or when you have motion sickness or difficulty digesting.

We can make our capsules due to a homemade capsule maker and dried and finely ground ginger.

Or you can buy them ready-made at your local pharmacy.

 Note: there are several other ways to take ginger for difficult and slow digestion. Here are a few of them:

  • Ginger syrup with honey and lemon
  • Ginger vinegar
  • Ginger soup
  • Or simply sprinkle ground ginger over cooked dishes.

IV. Other Benefits of Ginger for Digestif System

1. Improve Food Digestion

Ginger has stimulating properties on our digestive system. Specifically, it increases the activity of digestive enzymes and promotes the secretion of bile.

In this way, ginger accelerates and improves the digestion process and the breakdown of food in the stomach.

Regular consumption of ginger promotes the optimal functioning of the liver, which is also involved in the digestion process.

This effect seems to be most noticeable when ginger is consumed in large quantities.

In the long term, ginger cures help to restore digestive comfort. The health benefits of ginger are felt by all organs of the digestive system.

It acts on the stomach, the small intestine, and the colon. It also acts on the mouth and esophagus!

2. Loss of Appetite and Weight

Ginger is a flowering plant that is mostly grown for its root, an ingredient in cooking and baking.

Eating ginger will give you more energy, reduce cortisol production, stimulate digestion, regulate metabolism and reduce your appetite.

Ginger reduces inflammation, stimulates digestion, and suppresses appetite. These properties lead to the conclusion that ginger is likely to promote weight loss.

3. Acts Against Bloating

A remedy for all ailments, ginger also improves digestion and relieves several digestive disorders such as bloating.

The therapeutic properties of ginger are due to two of its components. These are shogaol and gingerol.

These components have a soothing effect on abdominal pain and prevent the formation of gas.

Ginger can be used in many ways, but making tea with garlic is by far the best.

This traditional remedy is widely used to treat bloating related to constipation, pregnancy, and menstruation.

4. Digestive System Acidity

The digestive properties of ginger make it an essential food in daily cooking.

Ginger promotes the production of digestive enzymes and fights stomach acid. Including it in the diet is an excellent way to prevent and treat gastritis and ulcers.

It also relieves nausea and prevents vomiting.

5. Good for Gas and Flatulence

Widely used in Asian cooking and medicine, the stem of the ginger plant helps fight stomach aches and digestive disorders.

True antispasmodic, ginger facilitates digestion, in particular thanks to its enzymes. It eliminates nausea and relieves gas and flatulence in no time.

You can find it in capsules, tablets, essential oils, or as a spice to add to your dishes.

6. Relieve Stomach and Intestinal Pain

Ginger is known to be an excellent natural anti-inflammatory, which also greatly improves digestion, and bowel movement and reduces stomach pain.

Therefore, it is an excellent option for relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

7. Relieve Nausea

Ginger also has a very useful property: it effectively fights nausea. Whether it’s temporary dizziness or pregnancy-related dizziness, consuming this spice helps reduce this unpleasant feeling.

Its antiemetic property is so powerful that the simple fact of “sniffing” it is enough to make nausea disappear gradually.

People suffering from motion sickness can use it to fight against stomach bloating related to travel.

8. Reduce Inflammation of the Digestive System

Ginger is traditionally used to improve the digestive process. Nine different substances have been found to stimulate serotonin receptors in the gut, which has beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal system.

This reduces gut-related inflammation and improves nutrient absorption.

9. Removes Pathogens and Other Toxins

Ginger root eliminates inflammation, and protects the body from pathogens and parasites.

Ginger can stop the growth of some of the most common fungal pathogens.

As proven by several studies, ginger can fight fungal pathogens responsible for ringworm/tinea and yeast infections.

It can therefore be used for diseases such as athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) and yeast infections of all kinds.

V. Ginger Side Effects and Who Should Never Use It

Depending on how ginger is consumed, it can cause certain side effects. These side effects are usually mild for those who respond.

Ginger is reasonably safe when taken properly. However, it can produce mild side effects such as:

  • Heartburn
  • Belching
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Skin irritation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort

Ginger: who should never use it

While ginger is useful for countless health problems and conditions, there are some circumstances where it is not recommended.

Such as in these cases:

  • People with blood disorders

This root increases blood flow and stimulates circulation, so it is beneficial in cases of obesity, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, or peripheral arterial disease, but people with hemophilia should avoid it.

  • People taking certain medications

People taking blood pressure and diabetes medications are particularly at risk, as ginger can alter their effects on the body.

Combining ginger with blood thinners, beta-blockers or insulin can be extremely harmful.

  • Low weight people

If you need to gain weight, you should not consume ginger or take ginger-based supplements, because the ginger root is rich in fiber and stimulates digestive enzymes.

Therefore, it helps to burn fat, reduce food cravings and achieve greater weight loss.

  • Women who have been pregnant for some time.

Ginger is rich in stimulants that promote muscle health and aid digestion. However, its use during pregnancy can lead to premature contractions and preterm labor.

Please note that its use is not recommended during the last trimester of pregnancy. It should also be taken into account that it inhibits the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and dietary iron.

VI. Other Questions about using ginger for difficult and slow digestion

1. How Is Ginger Good for Stomach

According to some studies, the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can help gastritis, ulcers, heavy stomach, nausea, vomiting, and other digestive system conditions.

2. How to Use Ginger for Gas Relief

Ginger is a perfect ally because it facilitates digestion and inhibits gas. It is recommended to grate a piece of ginger and add it to your dishes and herbal teas.

But you can also eat grated ginger directly with a spoon.

3. Can Ginger Cause Gas

Ginger, if consumed in large quantities, can cause heartburn, gas, bloating, nausea, or gastric distress, because it reinforces the action of warfarin by heterogeneous mechanisms.

4. Is Ginger Good for IBS?

Ginger is known to be an excellent natural anti-inflammatory, which also greatly improves digestion, and intestinal transit and reduces stomach heaviness.

It is therefore an excellent choice for relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

5. Can Ginger Cause Constipation?

In the case of ginger, side effects are related to inappropriate use and unnecessary abuse. Any herbal medicine should be used in moderation.

These spices, if misused, can cause heartburn, inflammation of the intestines, and constipation.

6. Is Ginger Good for Gastritis?

Ginger is an excellent natural remedy for gastritis and to control excess stomach acid.

It helps to fight diarrhea and constipation: it eliminates harmful bacteria or microorganisms such as E. Coli which causes diarrhea in children, or gastroenteritis.

7. Does Ginger Relax the Esophageal Sphincter?

Ginger relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, which causes acid reflux. It relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter and delays stomach emptying, causing acid reflux.

8. Is Ginger Better Raw or Boiled for Digestion?

The truth is that the best way to benefit from its properties is fresh and raw, so you can eat pieces of ginger.

But this is something that must be done sporadically, even many people can’t do it because raw ginger is very spicy and can irritate the stomach more.

Useful Links:

Your Digestive System & How it Works

Ginger in gastrointestinal disorders: A systematic review of clinical trials

Gut Microbiota Variation With Short-Term Intake of Ginger Juice on Human Health