Can I Eat Sea Moss While Pregnant? A Small Guide!

Can I eat sea moss while pregnant? What are the benefits of sea moss for a pregnant woman? How can a pregnant woman consume it? What are the nutrients in sea moss? And finally what are the potential side effects?

Let’s see it all together in this little guide to sea moss during pregnancy:

I. What Is Sea Moss?

Sea moss is known by many names, such as Chondrus crispus or white goeland. Irish sea moss is a seaweed that grows underwater in the area between North America and Europe. But a variety of this seaweed is also found in the Caribbean Sea and has long been consumed in Jamaica.

Although varieties of sea moss can be found in various colors, the one that is most known and used for its natural virtues is usually red.

This seaweed is known for its antioxidant properties, its numerous nutrients, as well as for the carrageenan it contains. This ingredient is a carbohydrate, which is used in food processing, such as ice cream.

But carrageenan, as well as the other elements of the moss, can also bring a lot to the human body.

II. Can I eat sea moss while pregnant

Consumed by thousands of people throughout the world, sea moss has many virtues for the body.

This seaweed has so many virtues thanks to the numerous nutrients it contains. The problem is that some of these nutrients can be dangerous for pregnant women.

The question is then to know if the moss of the sea is dangerous for pregnant women.

1. Is Sea Moss Safe During Pregnancy?

Like most foods from the sea, sea moss may contain toxic elements or heavy metals. This is why many people advise against eating sea moss during pregnancy.

However, what these people do not know is that once properly cleaned, sea moss is perfectly safe.

It can even relieve many of the symptoms of pregnancy and promote the development of the baby.

It is safe to say that sea moss can be consumed in moderation during pregnancy, but more research is needed to fully understand its effects on fetal development and pregnancy outcomes.

We recommend that you ask your doctor about the safety of taking sea moss in your case. Because each pregnancy may be different from the other.       

2. Sea moss for morning sickness

Pregnancy nausea is related to many factors and one of the most important is the need to eat.

For this reason, it is recommended that pregnant women eat small amounts of food several times.

Sea moss has a satiety effect which helps to reduce morning sickness for a long time.

3. Is sea moss and bladderwrack good during pregnancy

Like nori and dulse, sea moss and bladderwrack contain many nutrients. These nutrients allow them to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Sea moss is, therefore, an excellent food supplement for pregnant women.

4. Sea Moss and Prenatal Vitamins 

Rich in vitamin B and B12, sea moss is an excellent food supplement. It allows you without difficulty to fill up on vitamins for the good progress of your pregnancy.

In addition, sea moss has many other nutrients such as iodine, iron, magnesium, and even zinc.

5. How Much Sea Moss to Consume During Pregnancy?

Because of its high concentration of iodine, sea moss should not be consumed in large quantities.

It is therefore recommended that pregnant women consume a maximum of 10 mg of sea moss per day.

NB: if consumed in excess, sea moss can cause thyroid dysfunction.

III. Sea moss benefits while pregnant

As mentioned above, sea moss has many benefits for the pregnant woman’s body. Here are the main benefits of sea moss during pregnancy.

1. May help reduce the deficiency of Iron

Indeed, sea moss contains a significant amount of iron which makes it an excellent supplement. By consuming sea moss during pregnancy you will definitely avoid iron deficiency.

2. Helps in bone marrow formation by making red and white blood cells

Due to its high concentration of iron and various nutrients, sea moss supports people with anemia.

It is for this reason that it is used to compensate for the deficiencies caused by vegan and vegetarian diets.

3. May help in brain and spinal formation

Sea moss has a high concentration of zinc, iron, and even magnesium which contributes to the formation of the spine and brain.

4. May help balance hormones during pregnancy

Sea moss also affects hormones due to its concentration of iodine. This concentration allows it to influence thyroid hormones, which affect many aspects of the body.

5. Rich in zinc (an essential element for conception)

Rich in zinc, sea moss is the perfect food to promote fertility. By consuming it in large enough quantities, you can strengthen your fertility and thus facilitate conception.

6. Rich in folate

Like zinc, folate is an essential nutrient for conception present in large quantities in sea moss. So by consuming sea moss regularly, you will be able to fill up on folate.

7. Iodine

An essential nutrient for thyroid function, iodine is very present in sea moss. Thanks to it, the body can produce thyroid hormones which are very important for metabolism.

IV. How to take sea moss During pregnancy

To get the most out of sea moss, it is necessary to prepare it in a certain way.

So here are some methods of consumption to enjoy the benefits of sea moss during pregnancy.

1. Sea moss drinks (Sea moss powder)

This method of consuming sea moss is certainly the simplest of all. To make it, you just have to add a little sea moss powder to your food or in your meals.

NB: Be sure not to consume more than 2 tablespoons of sea moss powder per day.

2. Sea moss gel

Sea moss gel is also an excellent solution for enjoying the benefits of sea moss. You can find it in gel form or make your own gel from dry sea moss.

To make your own gel, you need to clean the dried sea moss before soaking it in alkaline water.

Then cover the container with cling film and let it sit for at least 12 hours. Finally, blend the moss in a blender.

You can eat the sea moss gel on its own or by adding it to your meals.

3. Sea moss tablets

Although it is much rarer, it is also possible to consume sea moss in tablet form.

These tablets are food supplements that will allow you to take advantage of all the benefits of sea moss.

NB: Always read and respect the dosage on the box of sea moss tablets.

V. Sea moss nutrients

Sea moss contains many nutrients, including Iodine, vitamin B, B12, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.

For 50 g of sea moss, we find:

  • Water: 406.5 gr
  • Energy: 250 kcals
  • Fat: 0.8 gr
  • Fiber: 6.5 g
  • Protein: 7.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 61.5 g
  • Iron: 44.5 mg
  • Magnesium: 720 mg
  • Zinc: 9.75 mg
  • Copper: 0.745 mg

VI. Potential side effects

Normally, sea moss has no side effects, but if you are allergic to it or overuse it, it is a different story.

In these cases, you may experience thyroid dysfunction, nausea, vomiting, or skin irritation.

It should also be noted that sea moss, due to sea pollution, may contain algae toxins or surface-active pollutants in its bubbles.

These toxins can be released which can irritate the eyes and damage the health of people with breathing problems.

These toxins can also increase the risk of cancer, cognitive impairment, and many other health problems.

VII. Other questions about Sea moss during Pregnancy

1. Can I eat sea moss while breastfeeding?

Yes, you can eat sea moss while breastfeeding, so the nutrients it contains can reach your baby.

2. Can I eat sea moss to get pregnant?

Yes, as we said before, in this article, sea moss is great for boosting fertility. So by eating sea moss you increase your chances of getting pregnant.

3. Can sea moss cause miscarriage?

There are no scientific studies that say there is a risk of miscarriage when taking sea moss, a seaweed that is highly prized for its unique nutritional value.

The only concern is not to take more than the recommended daily dose. 

4. Can sea moss improve lactation after pregnancy?

Micronutrients, consisting of vitamins and minerals, are one of the main benefits that breast milk naturally provides to the baby.

Especially certain minerals such as iron, calcium, iodine, or vitamin A, which are essential for a well-developed baby’s physique.

Sea moss is rich in these different nutrients and if it is healthy and taken in the right proportions, it can only be beneficial for the baby. However, you must be careful that the baby is not allergic to sea products, which is a very rare occurrence. 

5. Can sea moss help prevent postpartum depression?

There is no scientific evidence for this question.

In fact, the feeling of sadness, anxiety, and sustained fatigue that makes it difficult to carry out daily baby care and personal care tasks is called postpartum depression.

It is possible that the nutrients in sea moss can help the postpartum mother have more energy and may even decrease her anxiety due to the magnesium it has in such good quantities.

6. How does sea moss affect blood pressure during pregnancy?

Blood pressure is essential for the blood to circulate through the blood vessels and perform its function of providing oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues in the body that they need to maintain their activity properly.

Studies show that sea moss can help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, lower cholesterol and promote weight loss, which are good factors in regulating blood pressure.

7. Does sea moss contain mercury or other harmful substances that could harm pregnant women?

Unfortunately, sea moss that has not been properly cleaned can contain substances that are harmful to health, such as mercury and cadmium and other industrial products that are dumped into the sea.

That’s why you should always look for a good brand of sea moss that is not cheap or from the other side of the world.   

8. Can sea moss help me lose weight after pregnancy?

Studies show that sea moss contains some essential compounds that can help pregnant women lose weight.

For example, the presence of carrageenan in sea moss can help reduce body fat and prevent weight gain.

According to research, sea moss can affect metabolism and help control the good bacteria in the gut. This can help reduce body fat and increase feelings of satiety and satisfaction.

Also, some say that sea moss can also help prevent binge eating.

9. Is sea moss good for fetal development?

Anything good for the mother is automatically good for the baby. And if a mother takes only the good and healthy sea moss with the indicated daily doses, it can only help the development of the fetus which is a kind of part of the mother.

10. Can sea moss be used to treat anemia during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, the amount of blood in the body increases dramatically (up to 50% above normal), which implies an increased need for iron to produce more hemoglobin to meet the needs of the baby and the placenta.

When iron, which is essential for the production of hemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells that is responsible for such a basic function as carrying oxygen to the cells), falls below normal levels, it is called anemia.

The treatment of anemia during pregnancy and even after consists of replacing what is deficient, that is, iron and other vitamins such as vitamin B.

Generally, this treatment should be started when the anemia is detected and should be maintained throughout the pregnancy and even in the months following delivery.

Unfortunately, the amount of iron in sea moss (about 90 mg in 100 g of sea moss) is not sufficient to make up for a severe iron deficiency. You should check with your doctor who will determine the amount of iron that needs to be added to make up for the iron deficiency, based on the tests performed.

11. Can sea moss help prevent gestational diabetes during pregnancy?

Some studies link the lack of magnesium and B12 to diabetes. In addition to the contribution of iodine to the control of insulin in the blood.

Perhaps this is why sea moss, which is rich in magnesium, iodine, and B12, is often recommended for diabetics to regulate the function of insulin.

On the other hand, no specific study has been found on the contribution of sea moss to gestational diabetes.

Further studies are needed to confirm or deny the influence of sea moss intake on the development of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

12. Can sea moss cause allergic reactions during pregnancy?

An allergic reaction is by definition a response of a particular individual to a substance foreign to his or her body, whether it be tropical or oral.

And sea moss is no exception to this rule.

One may be allergic to seafood or certain seafood products. Therefore, before consuming sea moss for the first time, you should check whether you are not allergic. For this, it is advisable to take a small amount the first time to see if there is no bad reaction to our metabolism.

If this is the case, it is absolutely necessary to consume it.

13. Can sea moss help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

Sea moss is a seaweed rich in antioxidants that can moisturize the skin, fight skin inflammation, and help healthy skin cell growth. This can obviously help eliminate stretch marks or at least reduce them.

With regular intake of sea moss, women who have this stretch mark problem can see improvement in just a few weeks.

As far as stretch marks in pregnant women are concerned, we can add that there are no specific studies on the matter, which can corroborate this finding.

14. How does sea moss affect digestion during pregnancy?

Sea moss is very rich in fiber, which is responsible for relieving the digestive system by helping it to properly absorb the various nutrients from the food ingested.

It goes without saying that sea moss is good for helping pregnant women to regulate their digestive system. 

15. Can sea moss help boost the immune system during pregnancy?

Yes, and this is one of the great things about sea moss.

It is a seaweed containing essential nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, iodine, copper, and several vitamin Cs.

All of these nutrients are known to be essential for maintaining a good immune system.

16. Can sea moss contribute to healthy skin during pregnancy?

Sea moss promotes the production of collagen, a protein that is very important in skin rejuvenation. It is even considered an anti-aging protein.

Topical use of sea moss gel helps to deeply moisturize the skin and reduce irritation.

17. Can sea moss help with the absorption of other nutrients during pregnancy?

One of the main properties of sea moss is that it is full of a mucilage called carrageenan.

These mucilages are essentially a type of soluble fiber that helps improve bowel movements when we have trouble going to the bathroom. In addition, it contains chlorophyll, omega-3, protein, calcium, iron, and potassium.

All this richness will help the body to absorb the other nutritious foods it needs.

18. What are the best sea moss recipes for pregnant women?

Recipe 1 (pineapple sea moss smoothie):

The pineapple and sea moss smoothie recipe is quite simple to make. All you need to make it is some sea moss and pineapple.

To make this recipe, start by washing your sea moss in mineral water. Then let it soak for 12 hours in a container with alkaline water and tightly closed with cling film.

Once the moss has absorbed the alkaline water, you can blend it in a blender with pineapple and milk.

To fully enjoy the benefits of this recipe, we recommend that you drink it. You can drink it after meals or just before intense physical activity.

Recipe 2 (Sea Mousse Gel with Elderberry and Ginger):

To make an elderberry and ginger sea moss gel, you will need:

  • 2 grams of dried sea moss.
  • 5 centimeters of fresh ginger.
  • 2 tablespoons of elderberry.

Once you have all the ingredients, the first thing you need to do is to clean your sea moss.

To do this, you need to use mineral water and make sure to remove any residue on the moss.

Next, soak your cleaned moss in alkaline water. Make sure the moss is completely submerged and cover the container with cling film.

Tighten the edges so that the container is tightly sealed and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours.

After that, cut the ginger into large pieces and place it with the elderberry in a container before boiling it for 20 minutes.

Then let the elderberry and ginger infusion cool down before adding it to the blender with the sea moss.

Add more or less infusion depending on the texture you want for your gel.

That’s it, your elderberry and ginger-infused sea moss gel is ready.