Bentonite Clay for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain?

How to use bentonite clay for plantar fasciitis and heel pain? How does it work? What are the other solutions to relieve plantar fasciitis? And finally, what are the home remedies to soothe plantar fasciitis?

I. Brief Reminder on Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation that is located on the sole of the foot. It takes its name from the ligament that is affected, namely the “plantar fascia”.

This ligament runs from the heel to the toes, and if it is inflamed the pain felt is similar to that of a stretch or tear.

There are many causes of plantar fasciitis: poor foot position, improper footwear, or poor exercise.

Fortunately, this type of inflammation can be cured with natural remedies.

II. Bentonite Clay for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

# Can I Put Bentonite Clay on My Feet?

To use bentonite clay on your heels for pain, make a poultice of it. Start by mixing ¼ of clay with 2/3 of water, and let it rest.

After an hour at rest, mix with a wooden spoon until you get a paste.

You can apply this paste to your painful foot and bandage with a cabbage leaf or gauze. Let it rest for at least 3 hours.

# How Clay does Work on Plantar Fasciitis

Clay is a sedimentary rock, which has been used since time immemorial to cure various ailments. It is found all over the world and exists in various colors.

The specific properties of each color of clay make it one of the most beneficial natural elements to human health.

The ailments that can be treated with clay can be internal (gastric and intestinal disorders), as well as external (wounds, scars…).

In the case of plantar fasciitis, clay can be useful because it is first of all an anti-inflammatory compound. As mentioned previously, plantar fasciitis is an inflammation that is accompanied by severe pain.

Clay can therefore provide real relief and facilitate rest, which is an important element in the healing of this condition.

Secondly, the mineral richness of clay can stimulate the affected ligament and allow it to heal more quickly.

In addition, clay, especially bentonite clay, is used to heal tendonitis and sprains. This is because it promotes tissue repair and helps blood clotting.

Applied to treat your plantar fasciitis, bentonite clay will not only bring you relief but will also improve your healing.

The absorption capacities of this rock will be of great help to you to detoxify the painful part of your foot.

# How to Use Clay to Soothe Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

The best way to use clay to heal plantar fasciitis is still in the form of a poultice.

Start by choosing a quality bentonite clay, making sure it is superfine and organic. To do this, find out about the brand that sells it.

In a glass or wooden container, pour your clay powder and dilute it with spring water. The proportions are 1/4 of clay for 2/3 of a liter of spring water.

Let it sit, without stirring, for about an hour. After this time, you can use a wooden spoon to mix it well and obtain a thick and smooth paste.

Then put some of the clay paste on a clean piece of gauze and apply the gauze, clay side down, to your sore foot.

You can also use a cabbage leaf.

It is important that the poultice remains wet and on the foot for at least 3 hours, if not overnight. You can do this by holding it down with a cloth.

Some people use plastic wrap, but many disapprove. They fear that the plastic will prevent the clay from working on the skin.

You can repeat your clay poultice every night until the symptoms improve.

III. Other Solutions to Relieve Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

# Re-education

Re-education in case of plantar fasciitis problems consists of stretching. These exercises can be done on their own, or with the help of a podiatrist.

Not only does stretching the foot help reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis, but it also reduces the risk of recurrence.

For example, you can gently stretch your toes and calves during the day. This type of exercise will help you cope with the pain better.

But it’s best to consult a professional, who will accompany you during your healing process.

# Medication

The pain caused by plantar fasciitis often requires the use of certain medications. It can be analgesics or painkillers, which relieve for a time the suffering of this affection.

In addition, if your doctor deems it necessary, he or she may also prescribe cortisone injections.

Unfortunately, the effect of these medications is often temporary. A consultation is necessary if you take anti-inflammatory drugs for more than 3 days without medical advice.

# Orthopedics

There are devices and methods to support a painful foot. These orthopedic devices allow the ligaments and tissues to regenerate while relieving the pain.

They also prevent a worsening of the pain, which can occur due to certain movements.

For example, you can use adhesive bandages or foot orthoses. A splint or even a cast can also play this role.

# Wear Supportive Shoes & Footwear

If you have plantar fasciitis, you should use shoes and footwear that support your foot well.

There are orthopedic shoes that can provide relief if you are suffering from plantar fasciitis. These shoes should be comfortable and without heels.

This is a type of shoe that soothes plantar pain. You can also use insoles to make your shoes more comfortable.

# Losing Weight

Weight gain may be responsible for foot pain. Since the legs are the limbs that support the weight of the entire body, it is common for weight gain to cause joint pain.

If you are overweight, losing weight is important to relieve your foot and joint pain. Consult a physician to find out your BMI and the best method to get back to an ideal weight.

IV. What Is a Natural Remedy for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

# Ice

You can apply ice to your sore foot for relief. Wrap ice cubes in a glove or small towel, before putting them on your foot. It is best to elevate your foot first.

This procedure can be done four times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.

Avoid placing the ice cubes directly on your skin, as this can cause burns.

# Essential Oils

To use essential oils to treat your plantar fasciitis, you must mix them with vegetable oils. Usually, you need as many essential oils as plant oils.

An effective mixture is to combine the essential oils of winter bentonite, rosemary camphor, eucalyptus citriodora, and juniper; with calophylla or arnica vegetable oil.

Massage the painful part of your foot with this mixture, 2 to 3 times a day.

There are also gels with silicon and essential oils that you can use. But because they are generally low in essential oils, it is better to add some.

# Therapeutic Massage

Massage helps to relieve the pain caused by plantar fasciitis. To do this, you need to use a round or cylindrical object that will fit the arch of your foot.

Start by sitting comfortably in a chair and placing the object at your feet on the floor.

Then place your painful foot on the object and move it back and forth. Apply pressure, but without it being painful.

You can use a tennis ball or a water bottle as an object. Use the object while it is cold, its effect will be even better.

You can do this 3 times a day maximum, but avoid putting too much pressure on your foot. Otherwise, you can make your condition worse.

# Often Walk Barefoot

Walking barefoot is not recommended if you suffer from plantar fasciitis. Indeed, plantar fasciitis being an inflammation of a ligament, it is necessary to do the maximum to protect it from shocks.

Exposing the sole of your foot unprotected to various surfaces can have the opposite effect, and make plantar fasciitis worse.

# Salt Water Soak

Footbaths are a simple and natural method to manage to help you with plantar fasciitis. You can opt for saltwater foot baths.

Add a handful of Epsom salt to a basin of warm water, and soak your feet in it for about 15 minutes.

Do this twice a day.

# Follow an Alkaline Diet

An alkaline diet helps to reduce acidity in the body, thereby reducing inflammation. This is a diet low in acidic foods such as pasta, Brussels sprouts, or even alcohol and organ meats.

Instead, focus on foods such as honey, avocado, potatoes, and turnips.

Consult a nutritionist for help. Developing a diet is a serious project, as the wrong diet can cause deficiencies.

# Cherry Juice

Cherries contain components that can help with inflammation. For this reason, cherry juice is used in cases of gout and various muscle pains.

When you suffer from plantar fasciitis, drinking cherry juice is a way to reduce your painful symptoms and inflammation.

You can take a glass of cherry juice morning and night. Also, cherry juice contains melatonin, which will help you sleep better.

# Magnesium Oil

Magnesium oil has many benefits. Not only is it anti-stress, but it is also anti-inflammatory.

It is an oil that you can use if you suffer from muscle pain. The oil from magnesium chloride is applied to the skin.

V. Other Questions About Bentonite Clay for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

1. Bentonite Clay for Detoxing Your Feet

The benefits of bentonite clay on the feet are numerous. Bentonite clay can help with pain because it is an anti-inflammatory but also detoxifies the foot.

Bentonite clay has absorbing and adsorbing capacities, which allow it to extract toxins present in the foot. Using bentonite clay for foot health helps remove toxins and other bacteria.

2. Can I Use Bentonite Clay Every Day on My Foot?

Generally, it is recommended to use bentonite clay on a limited basis if you have a foot problem.

You can use bentonite clay poultices when you have an inflammation until you feel better.

Bentonite clay is a natural treatment. You can also use it from time to time to keep your feet healthy.

3. Can Bentonite Clay Be Harmful?

Bentonite clay is usually used as a cure. Because of its properties, it is not recommended to take bentonite clay constantly, especially internally. It is important to respect the dosage and avoid taking too much.

Bentonite clay also has some side effects that can be harmful. This clay can cause gastric disorders as well as intestinal obstruction.

4. What Aggravates Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis can be aggravated by various practices. First, if you wear unsuitable shoes. These shoes may be heels, or shoes that are uncomfortable for other reasons.

Secondly, it is not advisable to stand on a hard surface for long periods.

Another element that can aggravate your pain is intense activity. To get rid of plantar fasciitis, you need to rest.

5. What Happens if You Ignore Plantar Fasciitis?

If plantar fasciitis is left untreated, it can become more complicated and cause increasingly severe and disabling pain.

Later, you may notice a bony growth at the site of the inflammation. Eventually, you may need surgery.

Useful Links:

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis: Evaluation and Treatment

Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

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