How to Get Peppermint Oil Off the Skin?

How to get peppermint oil off the skin? What happens if you put undiluted peppermint oil on the skin? How do you remove peppermint oil from the eye? And finally, how do you use peppermint essential oils safely? 

I. What is Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint oil is a natural product derived from the mint plant. It is extracted using steam or CO2 to separate the essential oil from other parts of the plant.

Peppermint oil has been used for centuries as a medicinal recipe, but today it is mainly used in household products such as soaps, shampoos, and toothpaste.

And it is also found in many cosmetic products!

II. What happens if you put undiluted peppermint oil on the skin?

If you use undiluted peppermint oil on your skin, an allergic reaction or skin burn may result.

The latter is more likely to occur if peppermint oil is applied to large areas of skin, especially when it is hot.

If you experience any signs of irritation after using peppermint oil, including rashes or hives (raised spots) on your body and itching in the affected area(s), wash off any peppermint oil immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It is also important to note that peppermint oil should not be used for internal consumption, as this can lead to serious health problems ranging from nausea to vomiting and diarrhea.

III. How to get peppermint oil off the skin

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is a good moisturizer. It is also very gentle so it does not irritate the skin. If you have some on hand, apply a small amount of olive oil to the area where you just applied the peppermint oil and let it sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

The olive oil will almost completely absorb the peppermint oil, preventing the skin from burning or producing an allergic reaction.

2. Coconut oil

As a natural oil, coconut oil can be used to remove peppermint essential oil from your skin.

To do this, simply apply some coconut oil directly to the affected area and leave it on for 30 minutes. Once the time is up, rinse with soap and water.

If you only want to remove peppermint essential oil from one eye or eyelash (not your entire face), you can also use cold-pressed virgin coconut oil.

In addition to cleaning your eyes, coconut oil can help you sleep well!

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-histamine. It can help reduce inflammation caused by peppermint oil.

Use aloe vera gel or juice to clean skin that has been exposed to peppermint oil.

The aloe vera gel or juice will not only clean your skin but also moisturize it, making it soft and supple again.

4. Topical anti-histamine

Topical anti-histamines can also be used to treat peppermint oil dermatitis.

Unlike oral antihistamines, topical antihistamines work directly on the skin and are therefore more effective in treating this particular allergy.

5. Clay and milk mixture

To remove peppermint oil from your skin, mix clay with milk. Apply the mixture to the affected area and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.

Wash it off with warm water and repeat this process until most of the peppermint oil is removed from your skin.

6. Baking soda and Milk mixture

Baking soda is an alkaline, and milk is an acid. Mixed together, they create a neutralized solution that can be safely applied to skin coated with peppermint oil.

Mix equal parts baking soda and milk in a bowl (you will have some leftovers). We recommend that you only mix what you will use at one time so that the mixture does not dry out before you apply it to your skin.

Apply the mixture directly to any areas where peppermint oil has been spilled on your skin, paying particular attention to areas that are still burning or tingling after contact with the peppermint oil.

Leave on for about 15 minutes before gently rinsing with warm water and drying yourself completely with a towel or paper towel.

7. Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil is a great alternative to olive oil for removing peppermint oil from the skin.

As a light, easily absorbed oil with anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used to calm and soothe the area where you have been exposed to peppermint oil.

Grape seed oil does not clog pores or cause breakouts on your face, unlike other oils; nor does it leave an oily residue on your skin. In fact, many people find that using grapeseed oil as a moisturizer improves their skin texture and makes them less prone to acne breakouts in general.

This is because grapeseed oil contains high levels of linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid), which helps maintain healthy skin by improving cell turnover and reducing inflammation caused by acne-causing bacteria or environmental pollutants.

8. Drink Plenty of Water

  • Drink plenty of water. The best way to remove peppermint oil from the skin is to drink lots of water. Drinking lots of water can help relieve the symptoms caused by peppermint oil and will make it easier for your body to get rid of the oil on its own. If you don’t have access to other beverages (such as apple cider vinegar), you can simply drink tap water or mineral water at room temperature to help flush your system.
  • Mix lemon juice with your drinking water first thing in the morning, before you go to bed so that it can work throughout the day while you are awake and fall asleep at night! You should also make sure to not only consume orange juice but also foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli, peppers, and strawberries, among others, as vitamin C helps break down toxins faster than usual – which means less time spent suffering from side effects like headaches from too much exposure).

9. Use alcohol to remove essential oils from your skin

Use rubbing alcohol or vodka to remove peppermint oil from the skin. You can use a cotton ball, swab, or swab to apply the alcohol directly to your skin if you have sensitive skin.

To further dilute the alcohol, add one-part water to one part of rubbing alcohol or vodka. This will give you a better chance of not having an adverse reaction when using the mixture on your skin.

It’s also important not to use rubbing alcohol pure: it is extremely drying and can cause irritation or burns if used without care and under the supervision of a health care professional (or someone experienced in applying essential oils).

10. Soap and water (never watch essential oil with water, it makes it worse)

The final step is to wash the peppermint oil with soap and water. Never wash an essential oil with water, it will only make it worse.

If you can’t wash it off, neutralize the peppermint oil by applying baking soda and water to your skin.

If none of these options work for you, apply a cold compress to the affected area of the skin.

IV. How to get peppermint oil out of the eye

If you accidentally get peppermint oil in your eye, use a cold compress. A cold compress can help reduce the discomfort and swelling that may occur.

If you don’t have access to a cold compress, use a drop of sterile saline solution. This will help relieve the pain and swelling that may occur.

You can also apply vegetable oil that is not too harsh such as olive oil and coconut oil. Be careful if you are allergic to certain oils!

V. How to Use Peppermint Essential Oils Safely?

To prevent peppermint essential oil from irritating the skin, it is best to dilute it with a carrier oil before applying it to the skin. The same applies to applications on the hair and scalp.

Peppermint essential oil can be used in its pure form as long as you are sure your skin can tolerate its strong aroma and the tingling sensation on your skin.

Keep in mind that peppermint essential oils give off their strongest scent when mixed with water or another liquid.

If you choose to use undiluted peppermint essential oil, make sure the area where you plan to use this product is well ventilated!

VI. Other Questions about how to get peppermint oil off the skin

1. How to stop peppermint oil from burning?

To prevent peppermint oil from burning the skin, avoid contact with the eyes or skin. Use a carrier oil to dilute the essential oil.

This will help protect your skin from irritation and burning. If you have already applied peppermint oil to your skin, rinse it off with soap and water as soon as possible.

2. How to counteract peppermint oil?

If you’ve ever accidentally gotten peppermint oil near your eyes, you know that it can be extremely irritating.

You should always dilute peppermint oil before applying it to the skin and never apply it undiluted to large areas of the skin.

Peppermint oil is also very high in menthol, which can cause complications if used on sensitive or damaged skin.

3. How to remove essential oil from the fabric?

Use a damp cloth to wipe off the essential oil. You can also use a brush, toothbrush, or cotton swab to remove it from the fabric.

The best way to remove peppermint oil from the fabric is to put vinegar on the stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes before washing in cold water with laundry detergent and a cup of baking soda (if desired).

4. How to neutralize essential oil?

To neutralize peppermint oil on your skin, you need to use a base oil.

Base oils are non-toxic and can help neutralize the effects of peppermint oil on your skin.

Base oils include: coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil

5. Is peppermint oil toxic?

Peppermint oil can be toxic if ingested, if it comes into contact with the eyes, if it comes into contact with the skin without a carrier oil, or if it enters the lungs or nose.

6. Can I dilute peppermint oil with water?

It is generally not advisable to dilute peppermint oil with water. It can be dangerous and even toxic, especially if an undiluted peppermint oil solution is used.

However, diluted in a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil and applied topically to the affected area, it can be safe for most people who are not allergic to it.

You should still avoid getting the substance in your eyes, mouth, and nose to avoid irritation.

Useful Links:

Instant effects of peppermint essential oil on the physiological parameters and exercise performance

Peppermint was first described in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus from specimens