How to heal a fissure fast with clay Soil? How does clay act on this disease? What are the different ways of using it? What are the causes of fissures? Anal fissure symptoms? Is it really effective? What are other home remedies for anal fissures? And finally, what are the other natural remedies that we recommend to treat anal fissures?
I- Causes of Anal Fissures
Anal fissures are injuries, wounds located at the anal level. They are usually snowshoe-shaped and are tears of 1 to 2 cm from top to bottom.
The anus is the terminal outlet of the digestive tract, which ends in the rectum. In everyday life, anal fissure is very difficult to live with. Fortunately, most of the time it is a minor infection.
Sometimes anal fissures are just a simple discomfort, which manifests itself as itching. In other cases, the pain is really important and disabling.
Anal fissures have many origins. It can be due to poor vascularity in the anal area when the blood supply to this area is less good.
Anal fissures can also occur when there is constant contraction of the anal sphincter. This makes the blood flow worse.
Another cause of anal fissures is trauma. Constipation, especially if it is regular, can damage this area of the body. Hard stools have this effect, but it can also be the case with liquid and abundant stools.
Also, in cases of gastroenteritis, the risk of anal fissures is increased.
II- Anal Fissure Symptoms
The symptoms of anal fissures are very easy to recognize. They are wounds at the end of the anal canal, which mainly affect the mucous membranes.
The symptoms of anal fissures are:
- Itching in the anus
- Almost permanent discomfort in the buttocks
- Pain when having a bowel movement
- Sometimes the stool is accompanied by bleeding
It is important to note that bleeding should be examined by a specialist to make sure that it is not caused by another, more serious, disease.
Because it is possible to contract another serious disease even if you already have the problem of anal fissures.
III- Signs a Fissure is Healing
The signs of healing of anal fissures are easily recognized. It is simply the gradual decrease of the symptoms we have just listed.
The first obvious sign is a decrease in itching, and then there is less pain at the end of the colon and an improvement in general comfort.
IV. How to Heal a Fissure with Clay Soil
1. How Clay Works on Anal Fissures
clay is a natural compound. It is found all over the world and in all varieties.
clay is rich in silica, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Zinc and copper are also found in their composition. The properties of clay are innumerable and differ according to the variety.
clay, the best known and most used of all, is very absorbent. It also acts on bacteria and is healing.
On anal fissures, clay can therefore be of great help.
As every time the skin is injured, there is a risk of infection. Clay can act in this case to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Moreover, since it is anti-inflammatory, clay can alleviate the pain associated with anal fissures.
As a healing agent, clay can also help anal fissures to heal.
It is available in tubes in pharmacies and Para-pharmacies. clay is easily available in stores, both in specialized shops and on the Internet.
2. How to use clay to heal a fissure fast naturally
a. Internally:
Clay can be used internally in two ways. First, you can decide to consume clay water or clay milk.
To consume clay water, simply mix some clay with water and stir with a wooden spoon.
In a glass, pour one to two teaspoons of clay powder and let it sit overnight. In the morning, consume only the water that has been left over.
Drink the mixture on an empty stomach, and follow this cure for one week.
The clay water helps to detoxify the intestines and the stomach. As for anal fissures, you should know that clay has a targeted action. This means that it will always act where the body needs its help the most and will be deprived.
After a while, you can switch to clay milk.
Clay milk is made exactly like clay water, except that this time you will have to stir the clay deposit left at the bottom of the glass.
Because it is more concentrated in compounds, the milk of clay is best consumed after a time of adaptation to the water of clay.
It should also be noted that a clay cure is very beneficial for cleansing the liver and the digestive system.
b. Externally:
To use clay externally, it should be applied directly to the skin.
A clay poultice is a good way to treat yourself.
A 21-day course of treatment can help you improve your condition.
Mix quality clay with warm water with a wooden spoon, and apply a layer to the anal area. Use gauze to put the clay on.
You can leave it on for 2 to 3 hours or overnight. In the morning, rinse with cold water. If necessary, repeat as often as possible.
Using clay to treat your anal fissure is natural. However, if you are already taking a treatment, wait before you start.
Personally, I have tested this remedy and I can affirm that 90% of the itching has disappeared since I put clay on my fissures. (For your information, it’s been a week since I started this remedy).
IV. 2 Other Best Home remedies for Anal Fissures
# Sitz Bath
For anal fissures, a sitz bath is a good solution. Soak your buttocks in a basin of warm water for about ten minutes several times a day.
Raise your knees out of the water, this will make the blood circulation even more efficient. Don’t forget that anal contraction is often the cause of anal fissures.
Sitz baths improve circulation and relieve pain.
You can add Epsom salt to your warm water. It will add a little extra to your treatment. Once you’ve finished your sitz bath, dry the area well.
# Essential Oils to Heal a Fissure at Home
Essential oils can also bring relief to anal fissures. For that you need:
- 1 drop of Patchouli EO
- 2 drops of real lavender EO
- 100 drops of oily macerate of calendula
- 2 drops of Cistus EO
- 1 drop of Rose Geranium EO
- A glass bottle
Mix all the oils in your bottle and shake well. Put it on the area, and repeat the operation 2 to 3 times a day, for 3 weeks.

V- Other Treatments for Anal Fissures
# Medication
Medical treatment for anal fissures usually contains painkillers to fight the pain. You should also change your diet to avoid constipation.
Apart from painkillers, you may also be prescribed laxatives, anti-angina drugs, or steroids.
You may also be prescribed creams, suppositories, and vitamins.
# Surgery
Surgery is the last resort for anal fissures. It is considered when the fissures are chronic, acute, or recalcitrant.
It is usually sphincterotomy and fistulectomy.
Sphincterotomy consists of reducing the tone of the sphincter. This can lead to involuntary loss of stool and gas.
Therefore, in France, fistulectomy is usually preferred. It consists in removing the anal fissure.
V- Other Home Remedies for Anal Fissures
# Drink Water and Fluids
When you drink a lot of water and fluids, the intestinal transit becomes more fluid and the stools become less compact and less hard.
This softness of the stool will allow not to solicit too much the muscles of the anus.
This will avoid opening the wounds of the tissues which heal slowly.
Otherwise, when the stool is hard, it will increase the pressure on the muscles of the anus. This will open the wounds every time.
# More Fiber in Dietary
Fiber is an essential nutrient for regulating bowel movements and making stools soft.
So eating about 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day will help you heal anal fissures quickly.
The best way to get fiber is to eat it with vegetables and fruits.
For example, you can take pumpkin seeds which are good for bloating and gas and help the intestines a lot to thin the stool.
You can also take fiber in dietary supplements.
# Softening the Stools
In addition to softening the stool with water, different liquids, and fiber, we must pay attention to our diet.
We are advised to avoid foods that harden the stool like junk food and foods that cause inflammation in the colon like hot peppers.
# Avoid Straining During Bowel Movements
Unfortunately, many people try to go fast in the release of stool by forcing the colon to go faster than its pace.
This is done by voluntary spasms of the intestines to force them to evacuate the stool quickly, which causes a lot of work to the muscles of the colon and the anus.
And this is exactly what opens all anal injuries.
Finally, we advise you to avoid straining during bowel movements!
# Breathing Exercise
It may sound strange, but there are breathing exercises and yoga exercises that help reduce the work of the bowel and the muscles that make it up. Thus they will help to heal anal fissures quickly.
Here is a video on youtube that explains everything.
VII- Foods That Cure Fissures
Here are the foods that can help you heal anal fissures quickly:
- Legumes
- Bananas
- Milk
- Papaya
- Turmeric
- Oatmeal
- Ghee
- Broccoli
- Lemon
- Peas and beans
- Apple
- Watermelon
- Flaxseed
- Foods rich in probiotics
VIII- Can I Speed Up the Healing of a Fissure?
Yes, it is possible to heal anal fissures quickly if you follow all the advice we have given throughout this article.
Normally, anal fissures heal within 5 to 8 weeks.
If this is not the case, you should consult a specialist who will refer you to the appropriate treatment. Either to an appropriate medication or a surgery that will do you a lot of good.
IX- What to do if my Fissure is not Healing?
In this case, it is imperative to go see a doctor who will guide you to the best way for you to heal your anal fissures.
In addition to all the lifestyle advice you need to follow, he will probably prescribe appropriate medication.
And as for surgery, he will not recommend it unless it is really necessary.
Useful Links:
Pain and Bleeding in Subjects With Acute Anal Fissure: Comparative Evaluation of Three Treatments
The epidemiology and treatment of anal fissures in a population-based cohort