How to Treat Ganglion Cyst with Clay?

How to treat ganglion cyst with clay? How does clay act on cysts? And what are the other natural remedies to treat a synovial (ganglion) cyst?

I. Brief Reminder on the Synovial (Ganglion) Cyst

The synovial (ganglion) cyst is a benign, non-cancerous tumor.

It appears at the level of a joint or a tendon, in the form of a sort of swelling or bulge.

It is a pocket in which a liquid, called ganglion fluid, has developed.

A ganglion cyst can appear following unusual gestures, which would have caused a physical traumatism. Carrying a heavy load, for example, can lead to a ganglion cyst in one of the affected joints.

But it is also very often idiopathic, i.e. without any known cause.

The presence of a ganglion cyst is very often asymptomatic. Moreover, it can disappear by itself. Even if there are natural methods to get rid of it.

II. How to treat a ganglion cyst with clay

1. What is the Best Clay to Treat Ganglion Cyst?

All types of clays have a positive effect on ganglion cysts. But the most effective according to scientific studies is the red desert clay.

Note that this clay can be taken in two ways. Either internally or as an external poultice on the cyst.

2. How Clay acts on the Cyst?

Clay is one of the oldest natural remedies available. Since time immemorial, almost all civilizations have used it for medical purposes.

The properties of clay are numerous. First of all, it is an earth rich in silicates and many other elements.

Absorbent, it allows the drainage of liquids from the body. Absorbent, clay acts on toxins, which it captures. It fixes them in its structure. Moreover, clay is purifying and detoxifying.

Against infections or pain, clay can also be useful.

It is a soil that can be used in different ways. You can drink clay water or clay milk. This is an ideal way to treat internal problems, such as diarrhea or stomach problems.

But it is its external use that can be of great benefit in the treatment of cysts.

A clay poultice can make a cyst disappear in a month or two. The clay will drain the ganglion fluid from the body, resorbing the cyst. And if you experience pain, it will soothe you.

3. How to Use Clay on the Ganglion Cyst

To treat your ganglion cyst with clay, make continuous poultices until it disappears, or decreases considerably in volume and pain.

In a non-metallic container, put a quantity of dry powdered clay.

Add water, but do not stir the mixture. Make sure that the paste is not too liquid, so that it does not run. It should not be too heavy either, so that it does not dry out too quickly.

Let the clay rest for 20 to 30 minutes. Some people let it sit longer, about an hour.

Then take a handful of clay paste using a paper towel as a glove. You can also use gauze, but definitely not plastic. Try to apply a minimum of 2cm of clay per day.

Apply the clay to the cyst, and to keep it from falling off, hold it down with a cotton cloth or thin gauze.

Avoid tightening it too much, otherwise you will impede the blood circulation of your joint.

The time of wearing a poultice is not fixed. Some people keep it on for an hour, others for two hours, others even overnight.

The poultice can only be kept on the skin when wet.

In the best of cases, it is better to alternate several poultices during the day than to keep one very long. The clay will drain the ganglion fluid in depth.

III. Other Natural treatments for Ganglion Cyst

1. Apple Cider Vinegar and Ganglion Cyst

Because it is antibacterial and antiseptic, cider vinegar is a great product to get rid of your ganglion cyst.

To use cider vinegar on your cyst, all you’ll need is a cotton swab, or cotton.

Soak the cotton ball with cider vinegar and apply it to the cyst.

If it is a small cyst, you can proceed with the cotton swab. If the cyst is larger, use a cotton ball.

Cider vinegar can be irritating on sensitive or slightly injured skin. If this is your case, do not hesitate to mix it with a little water before application.

Do this several times a day, three to four times.

After a while, you will notice that your cyst will dry out. Then a crust will appear in its place, before falling off.

Antimicrobial, cider vinegar is very effective on sebaceous cysts. It cleans the bacteria, which makes them disappear.

2. Treating Ganglion Cysts with Massage

When the ganglion cyst appears, immobilizing the wrist or joint can help.

This can help to reduce the size of the cyst.

Massaging the joint affected by the cyst can also be helpful in allowing the cyst to resolve.

3. Essential Oils for Ganglion Cyst

Essential oils are also a natural and simple way to treat your ganglion cyst, and stop the synovial effusion.

In an empty bottle, put:

  • 20 drops of essential oil of peppermint
  • 40 drops of oily macerate of arnica
  • 20 drops of essential oil of lemon eucalyptus
  • 40 drops of essential oil of Lentisque Pistachio

For about ten days, use 4 to 6 drops of this mixture on the affected joint or tendon. Massage gently into the skin 3 times a day.

Children under 6 years old as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this mixture.

This mixture is also not recommended for asthmatics and epileptics, without prior medical advice.

4. Homeopathy to Treat Ganglion Cyst

You can have your ganglion cyst treated with homeopathy. This is usually done for cysts on the wrist.

This is a natural way to try to make the ganglion cyst go away.

To do this, use:

For 3 times a day, take 3 granules of sticta pulmonaria 4 CH. With support of silicea 5 CH (one dose per week).

If your ganglion cyst is old, replace Silicea with Calcarea fluorica 9 CH.

Calcarea carbonica 15 CH can take over, if the previous ones have not worked.

IV. Can the ganglion cyst removed by surgery?

It can happen that all treatments, natural and others, do not bring any result against the synovial effusion.

In these cases, it is possible to turn to a surgical operation. This will allow the removal of the cyst, with a minimum risk of recurrence.

Useful Links:

A Ganglion Cyst Alternative to Surgery Shows to Be Successful to Some

Red Desert Clay Shows to be Effective Ganglion Cyst Treatment for Some

Blunt Force May be an Effective Treatment for Ganglion Cysts