Why my Aloe Vera plant leaves are Bending and drooping? Should I cut bent Aloe leaves? Aloe vera with hollowing leaves, what to do? What is happening to my Aloe with brown soft leaves? What to do about my Aloe with curling leaves? An Aloe with loose leaves? An Aloe vera with broken leaves? Aloe vera that turns brown? And finally, why does my Aloe vera grow high?
I- Why my Aloe Vera Plant Leaves Are Bending and Drooping
1- Why Does my Aloe Plant Not Stand Up
Aloe vera is known to be an ideal indoor plant because it is very easy to grow and very forgiving. And with good light and not too much water, the aloe vera will become big very quickly.
This plant is indeed very resistant, but unfortunately, it sometimes collapses and has falling leaves for several reasons.
And if this is the case, there is a problem. Because nobody would like to see the leaves of his plant falling. Indeed, everyone wants to have an aloe vera that is not only straight but also robust.
It is then obvious that to treat it, it is necessary to understand the reason for this phenomenon of falling leaves.
Generally speaking, it can be a combination of several reasons, among which we can list: a fungal infection, a too shallow container, insufficient sunlight, bad watering practices, cold temperatures, etc.
# Overwatering or Under Watering
The plant must have just what it needs water and that which remains must imperatively be drained so as not to run the risk of seeing its roots rotting.
The little trick to knowing the plant’s water needs is to put your fingers in the substrate to check if the soil is still wet or dry.
Because if the soil remains moist for a very long time, it could cause multiple problems for the plant.
This is why it is necessary to give just the right amount of water to the plant to see it grow in good health. That is to say, do not give too much or too little water.
# Lacks of Sunlight
The aloe plant is a plant of light and therefore it will need at least 6 to 10 hours of sunlight per day in order not to get sick and see its leaves fall from lack of energy.
This means that the plants which are kept inside the houses must imperatively, in order not to wilt, remain in front of a wide bay and if possible have the midday sun in front.
If the plant does not get enough sunlight, it can easily sag and see its limp leaves drop.
Note that a plant that has lacked a lot of sun, should not be put in full sun for a long period, but rather be gradually exposed to sunlight.
One hour the first day, two hours the next day. So on until it gets used to it and reaches full throttle.
# Temperature
Many people think that aloe vera is a desert plant that endures high temperatures like all succulents.
You should know that beyond a certain temperature (32 ° C, 90 F) the aloe plant will begin to suffer from the high temperature.
And if it is not watered well at this time, it may wilt and have its leaves prick down.
This is when you should put your plant out of the sun, if it is planted in a pot, especially during the sunniest hours of the day.
On the other hand, low temperatures will also harm your plant if it is not protected and sheltered from frost, especially at night.
You should know that aloe is sensitive to temperatures of minus 10 ° C (50 F).
This is your aloe plant is large enough and is planted in a large pot, it does not risk almost anything around 10 ° C (50 F), but you still have to be careful that the temperature does not fall suddenly lower than that.
And if it is still small, put it inside and especially not leave it in front of an open window on very cold days.
# Fungal Disease
Sometimes fungi attack the aloe plant and it shows in the leaves of the plant which become rather curved and turn yellow.
Despite the correct watering, the plant will begin to dry out, and if it becomes completely dry, despite this watering, it will be difficult to save it.
To get rid of fungi from the aloe vera plant, you must implement all the conditions that have been mentioned throughout this article.
Namely, having good drainage, putting the plant in good sun exposure for 6 to 10 hours a day, protecting it from the cold and high temperatures, repotting it, changing the planting soil, and watering it properly.
# Bacterial Infection
When bacteria attack the aloe plant, its leaves are darker and bend easily, falling downwards.
Watch out for these bacteria, as they spread extremely quickly throughout the plant.
The leaves of the aloe plant become darker and look swollen due to gases produced by bacteria inside the plant.
The solution for this kind of problem is almost the same as that of fungi. Watering spacing, adequate drainage, sunshine, cutting diseased leaves, etc.
# Very Shallow and Small-sized Container
One of the main conditions for the proper maintenance of the aloe vera plant is to provide it with a pot large enough for its size and which has drainage holes underneath.
Because the roots need space to propagate and the additional water must be drained from this pot so as not to rot them.
In general, great care should be taken with the size of the plant and the pot that supports it. The roots risk choking in a cramped pot.
Indeed, if there is a difference between the size of the plant and that of the pot, the plant will have difficulty standing upright and will have drooping and folding leaves.
Pay attention to this requirement at the first signs of drooping or bending plants.
# Beware of Transplant Stress
Oftentimes, an aloe plant will sag and see its leaves drop if it is in a pot that is too small for its size.
Its roots do not have enough space to grow to support the plant, which in turn grows from the outside.
Repotting in this case is the perfect solution to see the plant come back to life and have beautiful, vigorous leaves.
But you have to be very careful with the stress of repotting.
The plant may not adapt to its new habitat, especially if repotting is done in haste and without considering the plant’s requirements.
To avoid this stress problem, choose a pot more suited to the size of the plant (the bigger the better), add new soil that is fresh and full of essential nutrients for the plant.
You can even add natural fertilizer to boost the plant in its new environment.
Then try to remove the plant gently so as not to damage them. Then arrange them in the new pot so that they all take up space, without overlapping too much.
# Poor Drainage
As we have just seen overwatering can be more harmful to the plant when drainage is poorly adjusted or does not exist at all.
The soil where the aloe vera is planted must be well-draining (in the ground or a pot).
And if it’s in a pot, make sure the pot has holes underneath, through which the excess water will drain.
You should also empty the cup from the pot each time it is filled with water.
Indeed, even outside the pot, the water by capillarity can cause the roots to rot.
This will allow the planting soil to be able to dry easily between watering, which gives the roots great vigor and the plant will be very healthy.

2- Summary of Solutions for Drooping Aloe Leaves
The good news is that there is probably an easy solution to your aloe Vera’s falling leaves.
Consider the above problems and make sure to provide the plant with the right growing conditions if only and if you have an aloe with leaning or drooping leaves.
Your aloe needs to get at least six hours a day of strong, direct sunlight. In other words, lack of sunlight can weaken the leaves and cause them to drop.
It should be added that cold weather can have the same effect on the leaves of your aloe vera. Therefore, do not let your aloe vera go below 10 degrees Celsius.
Likewise, too much water can be a problem and lead to an aloe vera plant falling over. In fact, a simple watering strategy for aloe vera is to wait until the soil is completely dry, then wet it completely.
You are advised to remove the excess water and not water again until the soil is dry again. That’s why you have to put it in a pot with a hole for drainage. Otherwise, there is still a risk of root rot.
The roots of your plant can also be infected by a fungus if you have watered too much for a while.
In this case, it is recommended to check and treat the roots of your plant with a fungicide.
Finally, it is possible to remedy the fall of your aloe vera by choosing a better container, wider and deeper to allow the plant to grow at its ease!
3. Why are my Aloe Plants Flopping Over?
Aloe, like all succulents, needs at least 6-10 hours of sunlight per day. Because a lack of light and heat can weaken the leaves and make them soft.
Too much water and poor drainage can also be factors for sagging plants. The roots are so submerged in water that they cannot develop or support the plant.
It is then advisable to plan the watering well, to check the humidity of the plant, and to make holes in its pot to drain well.
4. Should I Cut Bent Aloe Leaves?
And if you have tried all the solutions that we have presented throughout this article and the leaves of your plant have remained drooping and without vigor, then in this case only, you can start by cutting the diseased leaves from the outside of the plant.
This will give more energy to the small leaves that are in the middle of the plant.
They will have enough nutrients and will be reached by the sun, which will give them enough light to do their photosynthesis.
And if you see any leaves infected with fungi or bacteria and other diseases, it is best to cut them off to keep the disease away from the roots and young shoots.
This will revive your plant and even stimulate the growth of new leaves.
5. My Aloe Have No Roots
As already pointed out above, the problem of lack of roots usually stems from overwatering and poor drainage.
You just need to fix this problem to see your plant make new roots.
In many cases, you can add soil to the pot or organic fertilizer, or even change the size of the pot.
There may also be other reasons why the aloe plant is lacking in roots. We can cite bacteria that attack the roots, fungi, or even a physical accident.
6. Do you Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom?
Watering the aole plant is done from below. Avoid watering it from above, on the leaves, especially when temperatures are very low.
The plant may be attacked by fungi, parasites, or bacteria, which are usually attracted to moisture.
We water from below, even in summer, so that the water reaches the roots.
Watering should be deep but spaced out over time until the plant’s soil is at least two centimeters dry, the equivalent of a phalanx of your index finger.
II- Aloe Vera With Hollowing Leaves
1- Reasons of Hollowing Leaves
Lack of water can lead your aloe vera to have hollow leaves. It can happen that when you water your plant, the water goes directly through the soil without really hydrating the plant.
Overwatering can also be the cause of this problem. In other words, overwatering can cause the plant’s roots to rot. As a result, the plant will not be able to absorb water properly.
2- Solutions
Preferably, soak the pot of your plant in a bowl of water and wait a good while, at least 1 hour. The soil must be well hydrated. From this moment on, the leaves of the plant will start to swell.
And if it is the excess of watering which is at the base of the hollow leaves of your aloe vera, you must then repot it in a larger pot and take care to water it less in the future.
III- Aloe With Soft Brown Leaves
1- Reasons
The leaves of your aloe vera become brown and soft when there is an excess of water or a lack of light or both.
You have to check if your pot is well pierced at the bottom or not, because if the water stagnates, it makes the roots rot and then, the leaves become soft and turn brown.
This is a bad sign.
In the sense that not only will your plant not look good, but also its growth will be stopped and it will eventually die if you don’t do anything about it.
However, there is no need to panic. This is a very common problem and it is possible to remedy it.
2- Solutions
If the problem is not lack of water, it may be excessive water intake. Indeed, this can be noticed when the leaf becomes soft.
As a solution, you are advised to change the exposure of your plant and to put it in the light, because the sunlight will help to evaporate the excess water.
It is recommended to increase the temperature of the room if you are in winter or spring and the sun is scarce.
It may be necessary to consider repotting your houseplants if this is not enough to dry out the soil.

IV- Aloe Plant With Leaves that Curl Up
1- Reasons
There are several reasons why the leaves of your aloe vera plant may curl up: an unsuitable substrate, a lack or excess of watering per week.
This can make your plant rot very quickly.
2- Solutions
Faced with this type of problem, you should make a mixture of potting soil/garden soil/big sand (or vermiculite) for your plant.
You should only water it when the substrate is completely dry, or when the plant shows signs of thirst.
However, aloe vera is not very talkative, so it is better to rely on the dryness of the substrate when you don’t have the eye yet.
After having (re)accustomed it gradually, it needs a very bright exposure, even direct sunlight.
V- Aloe Vera with Empty Leaves
1- Reasons
The leaves of the aloe vera become empty when they lack light or suffer from overwatering.
Indeed, indoors, watering it once a week is already too much in summer. If you water it in winter as well, this could be the root of the problem.
Empty leaves will dry up afterward.
2- Solutions
Indoors or outdoors, depending on your geographical location, you need to water your plant once, every 2 or 3 weeks, and sometimes later while checking the humidity of the substrate.
In winter, you cannot water it.
If it is a defect of light, it is recommended to you to expose it the maximum on your terrace, but attention not to put it off a blow in full sun.
It is better to put it a few hours a day in full sun while increasing the number until it gets used.
VI- Aloe Vera with Broken Leaves
1- Reasons
The leaves of your aloe vera break when they receive a blow or a load that they cannot bear.
This can cause the leaf that received the blow or load to fall halfway. The latter loses its aesthetic appeal.
2- Solutions
You don’t have to worry if the root is still in the ground. The broken leaf will heal with time.
This is true whether it is broken at the base or the top. It should be noted that the plant will certainly keep the trace of a wound.
However, apart from the fact that it will lose a little in aesthetics, this wound will not cause any harm to the plant if not a little less aesthetic.
You don’t have to panic because other leaves will grow quickly and will sooner or later mask the inconvenience.
It is better to report your aloe vera in a larger container better adapted to its size when it still seems comfortable in its pot because, with time, it will grow and will need more space.
This will help prevent your aloe vera leaves from breaking off again.
Indeed, many plant lovers are used to observing a specific period for repotting their plants.
We recommend that you always go by feel by simply observing their behavior.
If you notice that they are cramped and that they are struggling to grow, if they make you “gray-mine”, there is a reason. You need to act immediately.
Take them out of the pot and transfer them to a larger pot filled with new potting soil. This usually works.
VII- Aloe Vera that Turns Brown
1- Reasons
Generally speaking, aloe vera turns brown when there is an excess of watering or additional retention of water in the substrate due to non-drainage or simply because of the cold and lack of evaporation.
It is not without interest to recall once again that the aloe vera is a fat plant that lives in hot climates, hence the usefulness of not overwatering it.
It can indeed retain water within its leaves.
2- Solutions
To save your plant, you have to look for a remedy once you know the origin of the browning.
In these circumstances, the first thing to do is to check the humidity of the potting soil continuously and to extend the watering intervals.
You should remove the plant from the pot and cut off the soft, rotten roots if the problem persists and more brown spots appear on other leaves.
You should also check each time you water the plant to make sure that the drainage is effective and that the water easily seeps to the bottom of the pot.
Excessive water or extra water retention in the substrate being the main cause of browning of your aloe vera, we can easily deduce that the frequency of watering should not be too repetitive, and changes according to the months and the seasons.
It is important to note that a lack of watering will make the leaves of your aloe vera turn yellow, while an excess of watering will cause brown spots to appear, hence the need to respect the quantity of water to be used according to the weather and the seasons.
In winter, because of the abundant humidity, the aloe vera only needs one watering per month.
When temperatures are low, you can extend the amount of time.
On the other hand, during the summer, your aloe vera grown in a pot or its garden will need to be watered every 15 days, or even once a week when it is very hot.
The substrate is the right indicator to be sure of good watering. It is therefore recommended to check it from time to time to know its humidity level.
Finally, if possible, it is recommended to use freshwater or rainwater and to avoid tap water.
VIII- Aloe Plant that Grows in Height
1- Reasons
It can happen that your aloe vera, instead of growing thicker, grows higher. It is as if it wants to come out of the pot, yet it looks good and grows small.
This problem is because your aloe vera is etiolated, i.e. it lacks light.
If it is placed on south-facing windowsills, it may also grow upwards rather than outwards.
2- Solutions
You need to place your aloe vera outside in good weather, gradually getting it used to the sun. This is very important.
Also, avoid locations on windowsills that are exposed to the south for indoor culture.
IX- Aloe vera with Loose Leaves
1- Reasons
A substrate problem can cause the leaves of your aloe vera to detach. Most of the time, plants are sold with a not-so-good substrate.
Often it is excess peat, which is not at all suitable for the long term because it can even contain diseases.
In the case where the leaves come off at the base, it can be rot. It can also be a problem with the roots, i.e. a fungus attack.
2- Solutions
Generally speaking, you need to repot the aloe vera plant with a good substrate when you buy it.
For example, you can use a standard cactus soil as substrate.
The most important thing is that it is not too rich and well-draining. Normally, aloe vera just needs plenty of light and little water.
If it is the root rot of your plant which is at the base of the detachment of your leaves, you must check if the brown part at the base of the leaves is soft, spongy.
Also, take care to see if the pot is well-drained or not because there should be no stagnant water in the pot.
Useful Links:
Aloe vera is an herbaceous perennial in the family