Beet Poisoning Symptoms [Allergy & Intolerance] What to Do?

Beet poisonning Symptoms and beet intolerance allergy

What are the beet poisoning symptoms? What are beet intolerance and allergy? How to recognize a beet allergy? What are the causes? The symptoms? What is beeturia? Causes of beeturia? Diagnosis and treatment of beeturia? What to do in case of beet allergy? Why does raw beet sometimes irritate the throat? And finally, is beet … Read more

Are Beets Bad for Diabetics?

Are beets bad for diabetics?

Are beets bad for diabetics? Are we sure that it does not cause complications for diabetics? How to consume it? How to make beetroot juice for diabetics? What is its glycemic index? What are the other benefits of beet? And finally, what are the foods to avoid in case of diabetes? I- Brief Reminder on … Read more

Best time to eat beetroot during pregnancy [Benefits & Risks]

best time to eat beetroot during pregnancy benefits and side effects

What is the best time to eat beetroot during pregnancy? Can we give beet to pregnant women without risk? Is it good or bad for her? What are the dangers? How to consume it with efficiency? What about beet and fertility? And finally, what foods and drinks are recommended for pregnant women? I- Benefits and … Read more