Causes and Symptoms of lack of magnesium?

What are the Causes and Symptoms of lack of magnesium? What are the signs to recognize a magnesium deficiency? The different diseases that can be caused by a lack of this mineral? And finally, what should be done in the case of a magnesium deficiency?

I- Brief Reminder on Magnesium

Magnesium is a trace element essential to the natural functioning of our body. It plays an essential role in neuronal, cardiovascular, and enzymatic functions.

We get it from our food and it is one of the elements most present in our blood and our bones.

II- Causes and Symptoms of Lack of Magnesium

1) Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency?

A magnesium deficiency can have very negative effects on health, and in our time, many people are unaware that they suffer from it, sometimes for several years.

These symptoms can put you on the track of a lack of this mineral and will perhaps invite you to think of taking advantage of the benefits of magnesium via a natural cure or to consult a doctor to make a blood test which will raise the veil on all your doubts.

# Stress and Anxiety

If it is possible to cure stress and anxiety through magnesium supplementation, it goes without saying that a deficiency in this mineral can cause a state of nervous tension that sets in overtime.

Magnesium helps with cognitive strengthening as well as memorization, which is why there are mineral supplements on the market for students during exam periods.

# Dizziness

If you feel dizzy from time to time without really having any explanation, you may be suffering from a lack of minerals, especially magnesium.

Take a one-week treatment and observe your condition.

# Bloating

Magnesium plays a very important role in the proper functioning of our digestive system by being the main cause of the activation of enzymes responsible for good transit.

Bloating can be the result of a magnesium deficiency, often accompanied by constipation.

These problems can easily be solved due to magnesium supplementation.

If the symptoms of dizziness have diminished or completely disappeared, it is almost certain that you have a magnesium deficiency.

# Migraine and Headaches

A scientific study has proven the effectiveness of magnesium supplementation to suppress headaches.

If you are not a migraine sufferer but suddenly you are suffering from headaches, consider exploring the possibility of magnesium deficiency.

And if you are prone to migraines that last an amount of time or come back from time to time, try magnesium supplementation and watch your reaction, it may just be a magnesium deficiency.

# Fatigue and Insomnia

Stress due to a lack of minerals can often be accompanied by insomnia and a very poor quality of sleep, leading to temporary fatigue that can become chronic over time, forming a vicious circle of extreme fatigue without being able to sleep with ease.

# Hypertension and Irregular Heartbeat

Magnesium has a major role in the dilation of blood vessels and arteries, and therefore an essential role in the reduction of blood flow.

Unexplained high blood pressure can be caused by a lack of this trace mineral. Taking a course of magnesium once or twice a year is a good way to alleviate the problems associated with high blood pressure. 

# Tingling and Burning Sensation

One of the most common symptoms of mineral deficiency is a tingling sensation in the limbs, as well as burning sensations in the fingertips and on the thighs.

# Tension in the Eyelids

Nervous hypertension caused by a lack of magnesium can make you feel pain in your eyes as well as a sensation of eyelids fluttering or shaking involuntarily.

# Mental Health Disorders

There are many signs of a magnesium deficiency. Among these, we find mental disorders.

Indeed, a lack of magnesium can cause headaches as well as difficulties in concentration.

If you suffer from a magnesium deficiency, you may develop hypersensitivity to noise. Memory problems, increased nervousness and irritability are also to be noted.

# Osteoporosis

Magnesium, like vitamin D, has a strong impact on the bones of the human body. This mineral can strengthen cells such as bone cells.

Therefore, magnesium is involved in the prevention of pathologies such as osteoporosis. Conversely, a magnesium deficiency increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.

# Asthma

It is common to find a magnesium deficiency in people with asthma.

Some studies highlight the link between a lack of magnesium and a weakness of the pulmonary muscles.

This would explain why magnesium deficiency is an aggravating factor in asthma.

2) Causes and Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

# Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol addiction is indeed one of the causes of magnesium deficiency. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, alcoholism results in a pronounced elimination of magnesium from the body, due to urinary losses.

The second element is the fact that constant alcohol consumption weakens the body’s capacity to absorb magnesium.

# Type 2 Diabetes

When you develop type 2 diabetes, your body continues to produce insulin. However, insulin does not do its job and carbohydrates do not enter the cells to fuel them.

Lack of magnesium causes insulin in the body to be weak, leading to the development of type 2 diabetes.

This pathology can be a sign of a magnesium deficiency.

# Use of Diuretics

Some diuretics, because they cause dehydration, can cause a loss of minerals in the body.

This loss of minerals can cause a more or less important magnesium deficiency.

# Gastrointestinal Diseases

Gastrointestinal pathologies often cause magnesium deficiency. This is particularly true of diarrheal diseases.

This is due to the loss of minerals that this type of pathology causes.

Chronic pathologies of the intestine are also concerned.

# Aging

Older people frequently suffer from magnesium deficiency. Old age often comes with a certain number of pathologies that can cause a lack of magnesium.

In addition, urine loss does not help. Elderly people often take magnesium supplements.

III- The Different Diseases Linked to Magnesium Deficiency

A magnesium deficiency can be without gravity if it is treated quickly. However, it is possible that it can become established over time, and medicine has often found a link between magnesium deficiency and several diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases are pathologies that affect the heart and blood vessels such as heart attacks and strokes, these diseases can be easily prevented with a diet rich in magnesium.

Diabetes can also be avoided due to magnesium, which has a role in regulating blood glucose at the same level as insulin.

Depression and nervous stress are in themselves a symptom of magnesium deficiency.

And finally, fibromyalgia, which is a pathology characterized by chronic and diffuse pain throughout the body at the level of the muscles, as well as great fatigue, would undoubtedly be the cause of an untreated magnesium deficiency.

This was proven by the fact that patients suffering from this disease had a very low level of magnesium in their blood.

The intake of this mineral led to a decrease in symptoms and an improvement in mood in all patients.

IV- What Can Be the Other Causes a Magnesium Deficiency?

Magnesium is found 100% in our diet because our body is not able to produce or synthesize it.

Some people following restrictive diets to lose weight can suffer from magnesium deficiency among other things, but even with a more or less balanced diet, it is still possible to lack it because of our lifestyle.

This is why in our time, where industrialization and new methods of agriculture rich in pesticides and harmful products have depleted our vegetables and meats in magnesium.

And so a large part of the western population suffers from this lack, often without even realizing it.

V- How to Get Enough Magnesium in Case of Deficiency?

Fortunately, nowadays, it is easy to obtain magnesium in various forms to supplement oneself with magnesium, with the advice of a pharmacist or an aromatherapist, and even with medical advice in the case of a severe deficiency.

Several possibilities are available to you, in the first place, food supplements are available in pharmacies at the lowest cost, in the form of ampoules or tablets of magnesium associated with vitamin B 6 in order to optimize its assimilation by your body.

But there are also other natural alternatives such as Nigari salt to be added to your water, which is pure magnesium low in sodium.

You can also use a balanced and organic diet, preferably with bananas, dried fruits, wholemeal flour, bitter dark chocolate, winkles, and even mineral water naturally rich in magnesium.

VI- Is It Ok to Take Magnesium Daily

Magnesium is generally taken during a cure. This can be more or less long, and can be repeated once or several times a year.

Magnesium is therefore consumed as a supplement temporarily, at least in most cases.

VII- How Can I rise My Magnesium Level Quickly

By making a few changes to your diet, you can quickly increase your magnesium level.

Foods such as Brazil nuts, flax seeds, or sunflower seeds are very rich in magnesium.

It is also possible to take a magnesium cure, for at least one month.

VIII- What Drinks are High in Magnesium

It is also possible to increase your magnesium intake with the water you drink.

If you ask around, you will discover mineral waters enriched with magnesium. These are options to avoid magnesium deficiency.

IX- Does Vitamin D Deplete Magnesium

Vitamin D and magnesium work together for bone cell health. The action of vitamin D indeed requires the presence of magnesium in the body.

Without magnesium, vitamin D remains inactive. The two elements are correlated because vitamin D in turn promotes the absorption of magnesium.

X- Does Magnesium Keep Me Awake

No. On the contrary, magnesium promotes the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

A good amount of magnesium in the body improves the quality of sleep.

Although magnesium energizes the cells, it does not cause insomnia.

XI- Can Magnesium Make You Gain Weight  

Magnesium consumption is not responsible for weight gain. Magnesium promotes the proper distribution of nutrients in the cells.

In fact, due to this, the accumulation of sugars and fats is prevented. Magnesium helps to keep the body healthy.

XII- Can Lack of Magnesium Cause Brain Fog

Brain fog is a term that includes symptoms such as loss of concentration, lack of motivation, or headaches. A magnesium deficiency may be the cause of these symptoms.

XIII- Can Low Magnesium Cause Hair Loss

You can indeed lose your hair if you suffer from a magnesium deficiency. It is even possible to see your hair turn gray because of a lack of magnesium.

First of all, because your body would be lacking in minerals and your immune system would be weakened.

Secondly, a lack of magnesium causes stress. And stress can be the cause of hair loss.

XIV- Can Low Magnesium Affect Your Eyes

One of the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency is eyelid tremors. Because magnesium is involved in muscle health, its lack affects muscles.

Trembling eyelid muscles are signs of low magnesium.

XV- Can Low Magnesium make You Hungry

Low magnesium in the body can have several effects. Muscle aches, fatigue, and irritability are among these effects.

You may also develop sleep disorders. However, it is quite rare to develop a particular appetite in the case of magnesium deficiency.

XVI- Foods High in Magnesium   

As our body does not manufacture this trace element and does not have any reserves, it is then obliged to draw it from our daily food to fill its need.

This is why it is advisable to eat foods rich in magnesium.

To get the most out of it, it is advisable not to boil food but rather to steam it, and to eat as many natural, unprocessed products as possible.

All fruits and vegetables have enough magnesium but the richest are bananas, almonds, brown rice, and many others.

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