Does Baking Soda Kill Scabies?

Does baking soda kill scabies? How to use baking soda for scabies? Is it effective in getting rid of this highly contagious parasite? What are the other natural remedies to treat or at least reduce the extent of this skin disease? And finally, what are the non-prescription treatments for scabies?

I. Does baking soda kill scabies

1. Causes of scabies

Scabies is a dermatological disease. It is also known as scabious. Scabies is caused by a parasite: the Sarcoptes.

This tiny mite is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. The female mite digs grooves under the skin to lay her eggs, which marks the beginning of the disease.

The eggs in turn hatch and begin their migration under the skin, causing “scabious furrows”.

It is a highly contagious disease.

2. Symptoms of scabies

Diffuse itching is the first symptom of scabies. It is also known as diffuse itching and often occurs at night. Because scabies is highly contagious, the itching often affects several members of the same family.

Lesions may also appear, mainly in the armpits or wrists. But also in the area of the breasts in women and genitals in men.

The scabious furrow is a determining symptom. It is a small red furrow on the hands and wrists.

3. How to use baking soda for scabies

Baking soda is a product that has been proven time and time again to be of value in the treatment of skin problems. While it cannot treat scabies, baking soda can still help you in your fight against this disease.

To completely get rid of scabies, you need to eliminate the mite that is responsible for them. To do this, there is nothing better than disinfecting your home. Mites are found in fabrics, wood, and even walls. Disinfecting your home with bicarbonate ensures that you get rid of them.

Recontamination is one of the risks of this disease. Sheets, sofas, cushions, curtains, clothes; all your fabrics must be disinfected. Your floor should also be thoroughly cleaned. Sprinkle bicarbonate on it during your cleaning. Don’t forget to wear gloves.

Baking soda can also be used to disinfect dogs, which often carry a different type of mite. A baking soda bath will help them a lot.

To fight your itching, you can think about baking soda. It is indeed a product that soothes a lot in case of itching and irritation.

Even if it cannot act against the parasite or cure the condition, the use of baking soda can bring relief.

Local treatments for scabies are always applied to clean, washed skin. You can add a little baking soda to sanitize your skin. Essentially on the small areas affected by scabies.

It is always wise to consult your dermatologist before using baking soda on your skin.

Bath for scabies:

The best use of baking soda in the fight against scabies is to put a good handful of this excellent ingredient in your bathtub before getting completely into it for at least 15 minutes.

You can even rub your body with wet baking soda.

Don’t forget to take a shower after your baking soda bath.

Remember that baking soda relieves a lot of the itching caused by scabies, but it can’t get rid of them all from your body!

Baking soda to treat a part of the body:

Usually, the infection starts in a small part of the body. It is then recommended to take a handful of baking soda and put in a few drops of water. Then you rub the area deeply until you feel a reduction in itching. You can repeat the operation as many times as you want per day.

III. Other scabies home remedies

1. Onion for scabies

Onion contains sulfur, which is very helpful in reducing scabies. In addition, it is composed of quercetin, which is an effective analgesic to reduce itching.

To use it, boil one liter of water. In this boiling water, add 4 chopped onions, and leave for another 5 minutes.

Then remove from the heat and let it rest. Apply the boiled onion, still warm, wherever scabies have appeared on your skin. Do this until you feel an improvement.

2. Garlic for scabies

To use garlic for scabies, you need to peel and crush 6 cloves of garlic, before putting them in boiling water.

After that, strain this juice, and for about ten minutes, let it rest. Make sure your hands are clean and soak a cotton ball in this solution. Then apply it to the affected skin and let it air dry.

Do this for two weeks.

3. Killing scabies with vinegar

Although it has not been proven, white vinegar is often used to fight scabies. You need to mix the same amount of water and white vinegar in a container.

With absorbent cotton, apply this solution to the parts of your skin marked by the disease. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it with clean water.

Repeat this operation 3 times a day for 15 days.

4. Salt for scabies

There are two ways to use salt against scabies. First, you can take a hot bath diluted with salt.

Secondly, you can spray warm saltwater on your skin, targeting the areas affected by the parasite.

5. Bleach for scabies

Mix one part bleach with four parts of clean water. Put the solution in a spray bottle, and spray it on the affected areas.

Repeat twice a day for several days. The effectiveness of bleach against mites makes it an excellent remedy for scabies.

6. Aloe vera for scabies

Because this plant is antimicrobial and emollient, aloe vera is ideal for fighting scabies. All you have to do is use its gel and put some on the areas affected by the condition.

Leave the aloe vera gel on for an hour before rinsing with clean water.

Use this tip every day until you feel better.

7. Does Vaseline kill scabies

Vaseline is very effective in many areas of traditional health, but it is not known to cure or kill scabies.

For it to be at all effective, we must induce our body with it for at least 15 to 20 minutes with a fairly thick layer, to suffocate the mites that are on our skin.

Note that it is not very effective in getting rid of the parasite eggs deposited under the skin.

8. Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Scabies?

Hydrogen peroxide is indeed an excellent antiseptic that is used effectively in many areas.

However, there is no evidence that it is effective against scabies.

9. cayenne pepper for scabies

Applying cayenne pepper powder on the part of the body infected by these parasites will surely reduce the itching and give you rest for a while.

But I did not find during my research any scientific proof of its effectiveness to kill scabies and their eggs.

IV. Over-the-counter treatments for scabies

1. Sanytol for scabies

There is currently no evidence that Sanytol products are effective for scabies or its symptoms. Before using them, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

However, disinfection can be done with Sanytol products, which are very effective against mites. Sanytol’s dust mite spray will eliminate all parasite eggs and keep your environment healthy.

2. Betadine against scabies

Betadine is an antiseptic. It is one of the most famous disinfectants available, effective on both viruses and bacteria.

Although Betadine is not mentioned as a remedy for scabies, its properties can be very useful.

If you want to use Betadine for scabies, ask your doctor first.

3. Ivermectin

Ivermectin is an oral treatment for scabies. This product neutralizes the nervous system of the parasites, which eventually die.

Its administration is very simple, it is the ideal treatment in case of a scabies epidemic. The administration of Ivermectin consists of a single oral dose.

A second dose can be taken two weeks later.

V. General advice on scabies

To be sure of a good cure for scabies, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations carefully.

Do a thorough cleaning of your home, and wash your linens at high temperatures. The heat will kill the mites.

During your treatment, avoid contact with other people to limit the spread of the disease.

Also, remember to clip your fingernails to prevent the itching from causing injury (this is a golden tip, don’t forget it!).

VI. How do you get scabies out of your couch

The only way to get rid of scabies pests and their eggs is to do a thorough cleaning of your home and especially your bed and linens.

Then clean them at more than 50° C and dry them for at least 20 minutes to make sure that the eggs are dead.

And as for the bed, it is better to coat it with baking soda on all sides.

Leave it on for half a day before vacuuming up the product and the dead moths.

Dispose of the vacuum bag directly away from the house, in the outside garbage can.

You can repeat this process several times until you are sure there are no bugs left in your home.

Useful Links:

Scabies is an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite

Scabies Slideshow: Symptoms, Cause, and Treatments

Scabies Symptoms & causes Diagnosis & treatment