Sea Moss Benefits for the Heart

Here are some of sea moss benefits for the heart. A Seaweed known for its antioxidant properties, its many nutrients, as well as for the carrageenan it contains. Let’s see all the benefits that the heart can get from this aquatic plant.

I. What is Sea Moss?

Also known as sea foam, sea moss is due to the presence of microscopic algae called Phaeocystis. Present in the sea, this algae accumulates and forms a thin layer of gelatin.

It is this gelatin that fills with air when the sea is agitated and ends up forming sea moss.

II. Sea Moss Benefits for Heart

Sea moss is touted to have many benefits for the body, especially the heart.

Indeed, sea moss has effects on thyroid functions which makes it an excellent ally for heart health.

Apart from that, sea moss has many other virtues for the heart.

1. Benefits of sea moss for heart regulation

As we said above, sea moss has many benefits for the heart. The first of these benefits is that it helps prevent ventricular hypertrophy and helps regulate the heart rhythm.

2. May prevent ventricular hypertrophy

Allowing to fight against LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), sea moss is excellent against high blood pressure. At the same time, it helps to prevent diseases such as ventricular hypertrophy.

3. May reduce heart inflammation

Due to its ability to fight against bad cholesterol, sea moss is also excellent against heart inflammation.

4. Sea moss may prevent blood clot

Sea moss has effects on blood sugar management. Indeed, this natural food allows better management of glycemia, which prevents diabetes and blood clots.

5. Source of Potassium

Sea moss is very rich in potassium. By consuming it, you will be able to fill up on potassium, which is excellent for your health.

6. Excellent antioxidant

Sea moss is also an excellent antioxidant, which is why some people use it as a beauty mask.

III. Sea moss Nutrients

Like all other red algae, sea moss contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. It is also very low in fat, sugar, and calories, which makes it an excellent health ally. In a tablespoon of sea moss you will find :

  • Proteins.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Fiber.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.

You should also know that sea moss, like all sea vegetables, contains iodine which is excellent for thyroid health.

For 50 g of sea moss, we find :

  • Water: 406.5 gr
  • Energy: 250 kcals
  • Fat: 0.8 g
  • Fiber: 6.5 g
  • Protein: 7.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 61.5 g
  • Iron: 44.5 mg
  • Magnesium: 720 mg
  • Zinc: 9.75 mg
  • Copper: 0.745 mg

IV. How to Prepare Sea Moss

In terms of preparation, sea moss offers an almost infinite number of possibilities. Indeed, this seaweed can be cooked like any other seaweed, which leaves room for creativity.

However, the best way to take advantage of all its virtues is to add it to your food.

To do so, boil a few spoons of dried sea moss in water for 4 hours. Then, put the resulting mixture in a blender until you get a smooth paste.

Once you have this paw your preparation is finished you just have to add it to your food.

For example, you can add a spoonful of this paw to your smoothie to take advantage of the sea moss’s virtues. You can add it to all your recipes.

NB: avoid consuming more than two tablespoons of sea moss per day.

V. Other Benefits of Sea Moss

As mentioned above, sea moss is an excellent source of nutrients. These nutrients allow it to have positive effects on the entire body.

Here are some examples of the positive effects offered by the nutrients contained in sea moss.

1. Good source of Iodine

Like most sea vegetables, sea moss contains a large amount of iodine. Due to this concentration of iodine, it helps to improve thyroid health.

2. Weight Loss

Due to its fiber concentration, sea moss helps to increase the feeling of satiety.

It allows you to eat less, which is excellent for losing weight naturally without having to make too much effort.

3. May support thyroid health

The iodine concentration in sea moss is perfect for maintaining your body’s thyroid health.

4. Good for the immune system

Research has proven that consuming sea moss is perfect for strengthening your immune system.

So by consuming sea moss regularly you can improve your immune system.

5. Gut Health

Due to its fiber concentration, sea moss also helps to improve your intestinal health. So by consuming sea moss you can improve your digestion.

6. May prevent Parkinson’s disease

The antioxidant properties of sea moss allow it to effectively prevent Parkinson’s disease.

7. May improve blood sugar control

One study found that the compound fucoxanthin in sea moss had hyperglycemic properties.

VI. How much sea moss should you take per day?

The daily dose of sea moss is 2 tablespoons of gel. The equivalent is 4 to 9 grams of sea moss.

This is the dose for adults, as for children it is not recommended to go beyond one tablespoon of gel.

This is the dosage needed to avoid consuming too much iodine.

VI. Potential side effects

Sea moss may have many benefits for the heart in particular and the body in general, but it is not perfect.

This seaweed has some side effects that you should be aware of so as not to be surprised. The side effects of sea moss are:

  • Thyroid dysfunction: Indeed, overconsumption of sea moss causes dysfunction of thyroid functions. It is for this reason that it is recommended not to consume more than 2 spoons of sea moss per day.
  • Nausea and or vomiting: Always in case of overconsumption of sea moss, you may experience nausea or vomiting.
  • Irritated skin: In some cases, the application of sea foam as a mask or skincare product may irritate.
  • Reddened or burning skin: This side effect too can occur when using sea moss as a mask or skin care.

Useful Links:

Research into large-scale seaweed production at sea

An Introduction to the Study of Seaweeds