Turmeric for Diarrhea [Benefits & Use]

Here are the benefits of turmeric for diarrhea and how to use this superb spice to quickly get rid of this recurrent digestive problem.

I- Brief Reminder on the Different Causes of Diarrhea

Diarrhea can become a real source of trouble especially if it becomes more and more chronic and you can’t fight it anymore.

There are several types of treatments that, in the long run, can cause damage to our intestinal flora.

But to properly treat diarrhea, we must first understand the causes, which can be multiple.

It can be caused by eating spoiled food or food that you can’t stand, that your body has difficulty digesting, or it can be caused by bacteria.

Some people suffer from diarrhea when they are stressed or when they have sleeping problems such as insomnia for example.

It is not uncommon for women to suffer from diarrhea before or at the beginning of their menstrual period because of a hormone that the body secretes in excessive quantities.

In any case, this disease must be treated because it can cause serious damage to the digestive system as well as chronic dehydration.

II. What is Turmeric?

Also known as “turmeric”, turmeric is a spice with many virtues and incredible properties. It has several uses.

It is used as a condiment, as a dye. And even as a medicine!

Indeed, it is recommended as an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and is useful to treat different types of digestive disorders.

It should be noted that currently, research is underway to uncover the anti-cancer potential of turmeric. This research looks promising.

III- Benefits of Turmeric Against Diarrhea

Well known for generations, turmeric is a spice that does a lot of good to our digestive system.

In ancient times, it was already used to fight heartburn and acid reflux.

But today science has managed to prove the effectiveness of this spice against diarrhea but also against all kinds of bacterial diseases of the stomach such as ulcers.

Turmeric is a spice that has natural anti-bacterial power and that allows to clean the stomach by getting rid of toxins and by helping the intestinal flora to fight against bacteria which are real external aggressions and which destroy the intestinal comfort little by little.

But that’s not all, studies have proven a real draining effect that eliminates all the toxins from the digestive system as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the stomach and its aches that can make life hard for those who suffer from them.

This is all due to the chemical components that make up turmeric. A cure of this spice can work miracles and help you regain optimal digestive comfort for a pleasant life without pain and chronic diarrhea.

1. Does Turmeric Help Bowel Movements?

Turmeric is recommended for people who suffer from digestive disorders. And therefore in cases of diarrhea and constipation.

However, it is important to respect the doses and especially to ask your doctor for advice before starting a cure.

2. Can We Use Ginger and Turmeric for Constipation

Like turmeric, ginger is a root with multiple properties. Ginger helps to fight fatigue, to fight infections, boosts sexual vitality.

It is also recommended for digestive disorders such as constipation.

You can choose between taking turmeric, ginger, or a mixture of the two for constipation.

3. Should I Take Turmeric on an Empty Stomach?

Turmeric can be taken at any time of the day. Whether it is in the morning or the evening. It all depends on you.

However, it is more recommended to take it on an empty stomach to get the most out of its benefits.

4. Can I Take Turmeric and Ibuprofen at the Same Time?

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and ibuprofen is also an anti-inflammatory.

Since both play the same role and to avoid overdosing, it is recommended not to take them at the same time.

And above all, talk to your doctor who will give you appropriate advice.

5. Can Too Much Turmeric Upset Your Stomach?

Taken in large doses and in an uncontrolled manner, turmeric can have adverse effects. Especially in the digestive system.

Turmeric can cause diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, and even heartburn.

It is therefore strongly recommended to be careful in the dosage.

6. Can I Take Turmeric and Vitamin D Together?

Vitamin D is found in turmeric. Vitamin D and curcumin are elements that can help prevent and fight the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

It should be noted that synthetic curcumin is absorbed more quickly by the body than natural curcumin.

In addition, vitamin D and curcumin have different effects on the immune system. In other words, it is quite possible to take them together.

IV- Other Benefits of Turmeric for Belly Problems

1. Reduce Nausea

If you have nausea, it is possible to consume turmeric in order to relieve you. For a better effect, it is recommended to consume it in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Aid in Digestion

A meal a little too rich or too heavy? Did you overindulge at a party? Turmeric can help you digest better.

Just make yourself a nice cup of turmeric tea, drink it and let it work gently.

3. Relieves Stomach Pain

When taken in large quantities, turmeric can cause heartburn. For this reason, it is recommended to be careful with the dosage of this herb when consuming it.

Turmeric is excellent for relieving stomach pain, heartburn, and abdominal pain.

4. Soothe Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, turmeric is your best ally.

The components of this plant both reduce and fight against diseases that affect the intestines such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Curcumin is effective against Crohn’s disease.

5. Reduce Gas in the Stomach

Turmeric also helps reduce bloating and gas in the stomach. If you encounter this problem, you have the option of taking a turmeric infusion. And let it work.

6. Soothe Heartburn

Turmeric does not cure heartburn. But it can relieve it.

This is due to its antibacterial effects. If, despite the turmeric treatment, heartburn persists, do not hesitate to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

V- How to Use Turmeric for Diarrhea?

First of all, it is important to know that the body assimilates the components of turmeric much better when it is associated with something fatty and with … PEPPER.

Pepper contains a chemical component that helps the body assimilate the benefits of turmeric much more quickly.

If you want to do a turmeric-based detox, you can use turmeric and pepper-based dietary supplements that are available in pharmacies and specialized stores.

Being careful to respect the doses is something important in order to avoid any problems and overdosing.

If you don’t want to use dietary supplements, you can simply use turmeric in your dishes by seasoning them without forgetting the little touch of pepper for a curative effect.

It is preferable to choose organic and quality spices to take full advantage of all their benefits while avoiding any trace of pesticides or undesirable chemical products that will only make the situation worse.

A healthy, balanced diet, as well as a sports session, will help you fight against digestive disorders, don’t forget it!

1. How to Prepare Warm Turmeric Water

Start by heating water without boiling it. In a cup, pour a teaspoon of turmeric and cover with hot water.

You can add the juice of half a lemon and honey. Mix well and consume.

2. How to Prepare Ginger and Turmeric Tea for Diarrhea?

If you have diarrhea, turmeric can help relieve you. In this case, you need to add ginger to turmeric.

Start by boiling water. Add lemon juice, turmeric, honey, and ginger. Stop the heat, let it sit for thirty minutes, and drink.

VI. Daily Dosing of Turmeric

For digestive disorders, if you consume turmeric in dried rhizome powder, take between 1.5 and 3 grams per day. That is, between 0.5 and 1 teaspoon per day.

In the form of an infusion, we consume two cups per day including a teaspoon in boiling water.

In case of inflammation, the equivalent of 200 to 400 mg of curcuminoids is taken three times a day.

VII. Can Curcumin Supplements Cause Diarrhea?

At high doses, capsules, supplements, and high dose food tablets can cause adverse effects.

One of the consequences is that they can cause diarrhea.

VIII. Side Effects of Turmeric

If turmeric is natural, fresh, without additives, its consumption is safe. But if you consume it in large quantities, you may have undesirable effects without much consequence.

Among the most common side effects are bloating, flatulence, dryness of the mouth, an unpleasant feeling of heat, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

IX. Other Benefits of Turmeric

1. Osteoarthritis

Turmeric has positive effects on pain related to osteoarthritis of the knee. It is possible to take this infusion in a preventive way.

But the best way to enjoy the benefits of this plant regarding osteoarthritis is to take it curatively.

You must make an infusion of it. In 150 ml of water, mix one or two grams of turmeric powder with three or four black peppercorns.

Let it boil for 15 minutes. Drink two cups a day.

2. Itching (Pruritus)

Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that work wonders for skin conditions.

Psoriasis is one of the most difficult skin diseases to treat and often causes the patient to itch.

To soothe the itching, you need to mix equal parts of turmeric powder and honey.

Apply it to the itchy area.

This mixture helps to calm and cool the skin.

3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The curcumin contained in turmeric has considerable properties on the body.

This curcumin also has anti-inflammatory properties and has effects on digestive comfort.

4. Reduce Bad Cholesterol 

Turmeric has an active role against cholesterol and lowers level of triglycerides in the blood.

Simply mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of water and bring it to a boil.

Leave to infuse, covered, for about ten minutes. Strain and drink this infusion two to three times a day. Otherwise, simply sprinkle turmeric in your meals as a condiment.

5. Joint Pain

If you have joint pain, turmeric is your best ally for relief. Turmeric helps reduce inflammation, discomfort, and pain.

It is also effective against inflammation of joints and tendons.

Useful Links:

Turmeric extract may improve irritable bowel syndrome symptomology in otherwise healthy adults: a pilot study

A Meta-Analysis of the Clinical Use of Curcumin for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

A systematic review of diarrhea duration and severity in children and adults in low- and middle-income countries

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