Can magnesium deficiency cause hair loss?

Can magnesium deficiency cause hair loss? What about Magnesium and hair growth? What are the benefits of magnesium for hair? How to apply it externally to slow down hair loss? And how to take a magnesium cure?

I- Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a real scourge that affects more and more people around the world and spares neither man nor woman.

If you suffer from it, you are probably wondering what the causes of baldness could be. Here are some of them:

– Age: As time goes by, it is normal to notice a more abundant loss of hair. It is a natural phenomenon that is difficult to fight effectively, although it is possible to limit the breakage due to a routine specific to your needs.

– Stress: Emotions have a big impact on our bodies, and anxiety and lack of sleep may be the causes of your problems.

– Hormones: After menopause or childbirth, women are often prone to alopecia due to the disruption of hormones in their bodies.

– Nutritional deficiencies: Often the number one cause of hair loss, a deficiency can wreak havoc on your body. If you are not anemic, you may be suffering from a lack of magnesium.

II- Can Magnesium Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

1. Magnesium to Prevent Calcium Build-Up on Scalp

One of the causes of dry scalp is often the accumulation of calcium on the scalp.

For this, magnesium can be of great help. Magnesium helps to purify the scalp and improve its health.

2. Protein Synthesis 

Another action of magnesium on the scalp is to activate protein synthesis.

This enzymatic reaction is useful for hair growth, as protein gives hair better health. Magnesium is thus a choice supplement to make your hair grow.

3. The Benefits of Magnesium for Hair

As mentioned above, magnesium is a very important mineral for the health of your hair.

First of all, it is proven that magnesium fights against the inconvenience of sweat which modifies the Ph of your scalp causing irritation and the possibility of developing dandruff or even seborrheic dermatitis which can lead to considerable hair loss.

A direct application of a magnesium ‘potion’ to your scalp will also help clean out any impurities and other bacteria that may be present, increasing the risk of contracting alopecia.

Also, this application will help break down any buildup on your scalp that is not allowing your scalp to breathe, thus blocking the blood flow which will also cause progressive hair loss.

If this mineral that helps your body absorb other nutrients does not play its role 100% calcium may form deposits on your scalp, causing dryness and consequently hair loss.

It is proven that you can regain an exceptional level of shine by using magnesium lotion.

Magnesium and White Hair ….

Magnesium is not only applied directly to your skin as a lotion, it also helps to heal you from within. It has long been proven by science that a magnesium deficiency has devastating effects on your body.

It can result in premature aging of your hair fibers, causing premature graying and especially hair loss.

Professors proved that white hair has a much lower magnesium content than black hair.

He had succeeded in recoloring part of his graying beard by applying a serum that combined magnesium with other equally important minerals, and let’s not forget that he had achieved this feat at the honorable age of 76!

But not only! Magnesium also helps to boost hair growth by ensuring that your body has optimal blood pressure, and therefore a regular level of calcium out of your blood vessels, and finally a blood flow reaching with ease to the scalp which will be nourished and oxygenated properly.

Consumed regularly, this trace element will allow you to find the hair of dreams as well as a healthy scalp, by giving them again force and vitality, while avoiding the loss of hair as well as by boosting the growth to finally have the hair which makes you dream since so a long time.

So if you have scalp problems such as itching, dandruff, thinning hair, and you feel that you are losing more and more hair, it is high time to think about a good magnesium treatment that will surely cure you of all these problems.

4. Application of Magnesium to Stop Hair Loss

After understanding the many benefits of magnesium against hair loss and much more, you may be wondering how to apply this mineral and make the most of what it has to offer.

Magnesium can be used in several ways: Local application to the scalp and in cure:

# Magnesium Spray Lotion for Hair Growth:

Mix 20 mg of magnesium with 1 L of water and apply directly to the scalp, taking care to massage lightly with the fingertips before a shampoo.

You can also apply a small amount as a spray after showering to enjoy all its benefits throughout the day.

# Transcutaneous Magnesium Oil:

A dry oil often in spray form, is applied directly to the skin in order to enjoy the benefits of sodium in depth.

It is used before showering and rinsed off 20 minutes after application.

# Magnesium cure:

In order to attack the ache from the inside, you can consume magnesium to ensure that you do not suffer from any deficiency.

Mix 20 mg of magnesium with 1 L of water and drink 1 glass every 4 hours. It is also possible to get magnesium from our food due to water rich in this mineral, or foods such as bananas or shellfish.

Of course, any treatment that involves taking a food supplement or changing your diet must be carefully thought out.

Be sure to discuss it with your doctor, and discontinue it if you experience any discomfort or side effects.

People suffering from kidney failure should not take magnesium without the advice of their doctor.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women can consume it in varying doses but should consult their doctor.

III- Magnesium Oil for Hair Growth

Magnesium oil is obtained from magnesium. This oil is useful to fight against the dryness of the scalp.

It is also an ideal product that reduces sebum production and cleanses the scalp. You can use it on your scalp by applying it and massaging it into your scalp.

Magnesium oil stimulates blood circulation to promote hair growth.

IV- Best Time to Take Magnesium

It is always advisable to take magnesium during your meals. You can take it during your meals, especially during lunch or dinner.

You can take your magnesium supplement twice a day. Lunch and dinner are good times to take magnesium.

You can also take a single dose only in the evening.

It is important to take your magnesium supplement in the evening because this mineral will affect your sleep. You will sleep better after taking magnesium.

V- Does Magnesium Thicken hair?

By its action on proteins, magnesium helps to thicken the thinnest hair.

For example, magnesium intake promotes keratin, which is a protein of choice for strengthening dry hair.

Keratin is also useful for thinner hair. By using magnesium supplementation, your hair will be stronger and healthier.

VII- What Should We Eat to Reduce Hair Fall Out Immediately

There are tips and natural products to reduce hair loss. For protein, you can eat beans, seeds such as almond or sunflower seeds.

Fish, whole grains, and cheese are also good sources of protein.

You can also consume seafood, eggs, and legumes to increase your sulfur intake.

For zinc, opt for seafood, nuts, and pulses.

VIII- How Do I Know if I am Low on Magnesium

There are signs to know if you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency.

One of the first is fatigue, which is chronic when suffering from a lack of magnesium.

For this reason, muscle cramps also appear, as well as aches and pains, and tingling.

The twitching of the eyelids is one of the most striking symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

IX- Which Magnesium Is Best for Hair Growth?

There are several types of magnesium available on the market. Each type of magnesium has its particular characteristics.

It appears that magnesium chloride offers many benefits to hair health.

Magnesium chloride is the source of magnesium oil, which is very useful for hair growth.

Magnesium can be used in powder form as well as in oil.

X- Can Magnesium Reverse Grey Hair?

Magnesium can indeed act on gray hair and prevent its appearance. The absorption of magnesium allows a better synthesis of proteins.

By their action, the protein allows the production of melanin, which itself prevents the appearance of gray hair.

You can massage your scalp with magnesium as well as take it in liquid form.

Magnesium powder can also be diluted in a glass of water, which you can consume once a day.

If you already have gray hair, after 6 months you should see the first results.

XI- Can We Mix Zinc and Magnesium for Hair Growth  

Zinc is indeed a nutrient that can be very useful for hair growth.

The combination of zinc and magnesium is a mixture that does wonders for hair growth.

Zinc, like magnesium, contributes to protein synthesis and improves hair growth.

There are dietary supplements that combine the two products to improve the health of your hair.

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