Aloe Vera Gel for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin?

How to make aloe vera gel for oily and acne-prone skin? How to apply it for satisfactory results? Recognize oily skin? Risks and Complications? And what are the good recipes that we recommend?

I. How to Recognize an Oily Skin?

Apart from normal skin (which is slightly dry), we tend to confuse other skin types. And to recognize oily skin with the naked eye, it is possible to rely on certain indicators

 The aspect that best characterizes oily skin is its shine. Indeed, the excess secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands and its flow on the surface of the epidermis gives a certain shine to the skin.

In a secondary way and afterward, we can recognize oily skin by the appearance of blackheads, pimples, and blackheads on the face. From this observation, one can say that one has acneic skin.

You have to be careful not to confuse it with mixed skin! The latter is specified by the appearance of signs of acne only on the central part of the face, while on the cheeks, the skin is rather normal or dry.

II. Why Is the Oily Skin?

The sebaceous glands secrete sebum to dry the skin and lubricate the hair. The disturbance of this action favors either dry skin or conversely oily skin.

In the latter case, as mentioned at the beginning, these glands produce excessive sebum and the skin becomes oily.

As a result, the spillage of this substance on the surface of the skin clogs the pores. The pores become enlarged to breathe, which leads to skin imperfections such as pimples, blackheads, redness…

The reasons that cause excessive sebum production are diverse but we will classify them by priority and relevance. We quote:

  • Oily or acneic skin can be decided during embryonic formation, in other words, it is genetically determined
  • The other relevant factor is hormonal imbalance. This occurs especially during puberty or pregnancy. This phenomenon influences both the quantity and the quality of the sebum secreted.
  • Stress is also an influential agent and is linked to hormones. Being constantly stressed creates a hormonal imbalance that modifies the intensity of the sebum produced.
  • Oily skin is also caused by: excessive consumption of fat and sugar, use of unnatural cosmetics, addiction to smoking…

III. What is Aloe Vera?

The aloe vera leaf is composed of three elements, the bark which is the external part, the sap which flows in the middle, and the pulp inside. The pulp is a viscous and translucent gel with medicinal properties.

The sap/sugar or latex contains a substance called aloin which is characterized by laxative and digestive effects.

The aloe vera gel is composed of 95% water and the rest would be active components such as nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and enzymes.

Minerals contained: calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus…

Vitamins contained: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12

With reduced quantities, aloe vera also contains carbohydrates, lipids, and organic acids.

IV. Homemade Aloe Vera Gel for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin

To prepare aloe vera gel at home, it is first necessary to have a leaf of this plant at home. If you don’t grow any, you can buy some in organic stores.

Once ready you remove with a knife the not useful parts, namely the base which is at the bottom of the leaf, and the spines on the ends. 

You cut the leaf into several pieces that you can already use in this form, rubbing them like rubber on the skin.

But for this application, you must make sure that you do not react negatively to aloin (no allergy), a substance that is found in latex and is irritating to some.

To continue the extraction, remove the bark from the ventral side of the leaf, and finally scrape the pulp with a spoon. You pour this into a container full of water to clean the gel from the sap.

It is possible to use it in its gelatinous state by applying it directly to the areas affected by acne or transforming it into a liquid using a blender to make recipes.

To store aloe vera properly, put it in a clean, airtight bottle and place it in the fridge, without of course waiting months to use it.

V. How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Acne and Oily Skin (Recipes)

Once you have the pure and raw gel extracted from its leaf, it is possible to combine it with other substances. These can be added for practical reasons of use, but also to complement and boost the effect and taste.

# Can You Use Pure Aloe Vera Topically

With topical use, you can take advantage of aloe vera’s properties for the skin, which include anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, cooling, and healing.

# Aloe Vera Gel and Honey Against Acne and Oily Skin

With lesser capacities than aloe vera, honey has virtues capable of contributing to the regulation of sebum and subsequently helping the disappearance of pimples.

This choice to mix aloe vera with honey to make an anti-acne mask is therefore judicious.

Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and another of honey, and mix them with the help of any utensil in a bowl, It will give a kind of cream easy to hold on the skin.

To apply the mixture to the part affected by acne, you use a kitchen brush. You dip it in the mixture and rub it against the skin to spread the remedy.

Leave the mixture on for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the application daily until the desired results are obtained.

Note that it is good to make intervals of about one or two weeks between two cures with aloe vera (mask or drinkable solution).

# Aloe Vera, Honey, and Cinnamon Face Mask

Start with 2 tablespoons of pure honey and mix it with 1 tablespoon of pure aloe vera. The mixture should be easy to spread and not runny.

Stir in 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder before applying the mask to your face and relax while the mask works its magic for 5-10 minutes.

# Black Cumin Oil and Aloe Vera Against Acne

Black cumin oil does not regulate sebum, but it can get rid of excess sebum on the surface of the skin.

It also has healing properties, which help pimples to heal and acne marks fade.

For this reason, we chose this ingredient to complete the anti-acne recipe made mainly of aloe vera.

To make a homogeneous mixture using these two ingredients, it is necessary first of all to grind the aloe gel with a robot so that it becomes liquid.

You take 10 cl of aloe vera in a glass, you add 10 drops of black cumin oil and you shake it with a spoon.

Once the liquid is ready, with your hands, you spread it on the place you want to treat.

Leave the mask on for 30 minutes before rinsing. And it is recommended by specialists to apply this recipe regularly to have satisfactory results.

# Aloe Vera and Lemon Juice Face Mask

Put the aloe vera gel in a clean container. Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the aloe vera gel; mix until smooth.

Then apply the mask to the face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Don’t forget to repeat the procedure every day until the spots are completely gone.

# Aloe Vera Mask for Oily Skin Special Face

The apparent signs of oily skin are usually seen on the chest and back but are also common on the face. It is when this area is acne-prone that we are most frustrated and motivated to find a way to get rid of it.

Each treatment has its own recommendations and way of doing it, and aloe vera is no exception.

We will present here the simplest recipe to make your own anti-acne face mask that is often effective on most facial skin, to at least reduce the negative action of excess sebum produced.

The recipe consists of a solo use of aloe vera.

Start by cutting a piece of the leaf and remove its bark from the hollow part only. Then rub the gelatinous side on your entire face: cheeks, forehead, eye contours, and chin.

You will end up with a sticky, slimy face for about 15 minutes until the gel starts to dry. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Here is another recipe slightly complex but also effective against oily and acne-prone skin:

To apply this recipe you need the following ingredients: aloe vera gel, shea butter, olive oil

The Recipe:

Put 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a mixing bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Stir gently until the ingredients are mixed.

Finally, add 2 tablespoons of shea butter. And don’t forget to mix everything well.

And in case the shea butter refuses to dissolve (because of the room temperature), microwave it for five seconds and stir again. Repeat the 5-second heating until the shea butter dissolves completely.

How to Apply the Recipe?

Start by washing your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open up the pores of your facial skin.

Once the mask ingredients have cooled, apply a generous layer to the skin on your face, neck, and décolletage.

Let the mask dry for fifteen minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

If necessary, use a soft washcloth and use small circular motions to remove any remaining mask ingredients.

Don’t rub too hard or you’ll remove all the beneficial oils.

# Aloe vera, Sugar, and Coconut Oil Scrub Recipe

If you have dry skin, you need an extra dose of moisture to prevent the signs of aging from appearing prematurely.

Cut the aloe vera leaf from one end to the other and extract the clear gel it contains.

Put the gel in a clean container and add coconut oil and sugar.

Stir until you have a smooth mixture.

Before going to bed, apply the mask to your washed face and neck.

For best results, leave on overnight and remove any residue in the morning.

# Aloe Vera and Cucumber Face Mask for Skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon of almond oil and the pulp of a cucumber and apply to your cleansed face.

Leave on for at least 10 minutes and rinse well with warm water.

# Aloe Vera and Yogurt Face Mask

Want to fight dry skin, but don’t like the texture of coconut oil? Then try this mask we suggest, with yogurt.

It is very moisturizing and does not grease the skin. You will need 4 tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt.

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply to the face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and finally rinse off with warm water.

# Tea Tree Oil and Aloe Vera Cleanser

It is often recommended to avoid leaving tea tree oil on the skin for long periods, but when mixed with aloe vera, it can be used as a cleansing solution.

Tea tree oil also works as a moisturizing solvent and can therefore be used as a cleanser.

It easily removes grease and dirt and helps protect the skin from oxidative stress.

# Turmeric and Aloe Vera Face Mask for Oily and Prone-Acne Skin

To prepare the face mask, you will need one tablespoon of turmeric, one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and water.

Mix the aloe vera gel and turmeric, adding the right amount of water to make the mixture creamy and smooth. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

VI. What are the Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel on Oily acne-prone Skin?

# Reduces the Effects of Acne

Aloe vera gel helps in the treatment of skin acne. It contains two hormones: auxin and gibberellin.

These two hormones help in the healing of wounds and are anti-inflammatory, thus reducing the inflammation of the skin.

# Slows the Signs of Aging

Aloe vera helps to naturally increase collagen production in the body, which helps to reduce visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Collagen helps reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin while improving skin elasticity.

# Relieves Sunburn

Aloe vera is so effective at soothing burns that it is sometimes called the “burn plant”. A compound in aloe vera called aloin has been found to be responsible for the plant’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

Aloe vera can therefore help moisturize the skin and prevent the peeling that sometimes occurs with sunburn.

# Relieves Irritated Skin

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe skin rashes.

It also has antimicrobial capabilities, which may help prevent infections.

# Hydrates and Heals the Skin

Aloe vera is a perfect remedy for those who suffer from dry, dehydrated skin. Due to its unique chemical composition, aloe vera can deeply moisturize the skin and can be applied to the hands, face, or body skin.

# Helps Remove Dead Skin Cells

In addition to being an excellent natural healer, what makes aloe vera great for the skin is its antiseptic properties, which help to cleanse the face and remove dead skin cells.

# Fights Eczema and Psoriasis

Aloe Vera, thanks to its soothing, moisturizing, and healing properties, is considered an exceptional remedy for these two inflammatory diseases.

Aloe Vera gel is very effective due to the presence of polysaccharides, which exert a re-epithelializing action on eczema and psoriasis.

# Reduces Dark Circles and Bags Under the Eyes

Aloe vera is an ideal plant for moisturizing and toning the skin, especially the thinner skin, so it is ideal for getting rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Simply extract the aloe vera gel by separating the leaf in half. Very gently massage the area of dark circles or bags under the eyes with the gel.

VII. Risks and Complications of Using Aloe Vera for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin

The application of aloe vera for oily skin and acne is considered safe, although it can sometimes cause burning and itching.

Indeed, some people may be allergic to aloe vera. And that is why before applying aloe vera gel to your skin for the first time, you must imperatively put a little of this gel on a small part of the body and leave it like this for several hours to make sure you’re not allergic.

The next day if you see that there is no allergic reaction from the small part of the body where the gel has been applied, you can then use it without hesitation on the rest of the body.

VIII. Other Questions About Aloe Vera Gel for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin

# Can Aloe Vera Gel for Acne Be Left Overnight

Yes, you can leave the aloe vera on your face overnight. However, be sure to rinse it off as soon as you wake up.

# Does Aloe Vera Clear Pimples?

Aloe vera contains properties that can help you get rid of all your pimples. Apply it daily to the affected area and you will see the change after a few days.

# Could Aloe Make Acne Worse?

No, aloe vera has a curative function. It can therefore in no way aggravate acne. On the contrary, it will help to heal it more quickly.

# Can We Apply Aloe Vera on Face Daily?

Yes, you can apply aloe vera daily on your face without any fear. This will help you speed up the relief or healing process.

# What Is the Best Time to Apply Aloe Vera Gel on the Face?

The best time to apply aloe vera gel to your face is at night, a few minutes before you go to bed. The treatment will last all night and will allow quick care.

# How Long Until Aloe Vera Clears Acne?

Aloe Vera will clear up acne after two weeks if you use a daily treatment.

# Does Aloe Vera Clog Pore?

No, Aloe Vera does not clog pores, but it does help you remove pore-clogging impurities.

# Does Aloe Vera Darken the Face?

Aloe vera has lightening and moisturizing properties. Therefore, it cannot darken your face in any way.

# Should We Wash Face After Applying Aloe Vera?

Yes, it is necessary to rinse your face a few minutes after applying aloe vera. If you did it during the night, you can wait until the next morning.

# How Long Should We Keep Aloe Vera on Face?

For best results, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water and dry it with a towel.

# Is Aloe Vera Good for Tightening Skin?

Few plants have as many benefits for the skin as aloe vera. Its properties nourish the skin, and repair and protect it, while naturally firming it.

This last benefit is due to its contribution to malic acid, a substance that gives the skin more elasticity.

Useful Links:

13 best skincare products for oily skin, according to experts

Patient experiences with oily skin: The qualitative development of content for two new patient-reported outcome questionnaires

The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review

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