How to Remove Excess Magnesium from the Body?

How to remove excess magnesium from the body? How do you know if you have an excess of magnesium and what are the side effects? What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency? And what are the consequences of taking magnesium with renal failure?

I. What is Excess Magnesium (Hypermagnesemia)?

A lack of magnesium is said to be a deficiency; several symptoms may alert you to a potential magnesium deficiency.

A magnesium cure is often done without the advice of a doctor, access to magnesium-rich supplements such as capsules, ampoules, and sea salts (magnesium chloride) is very easy whether on the internet or in the organic or aromatherapy stores.

As its consumption is always done through natural products, a magnesium cure can be done without being thoughtful, too often, or over a too long period.

Like anything else, this mineral does not deviate from the rule of too much is not enough. Indeed, too much magnesium can also have consequences on the body.

Can an overdose of magnesium have side effects? An overdose is linked to an excessively high quantity of magnesium in the blood; by definition, it is hypermagnesemia.

These risks of overdose remain extremely rare but are not impossible. An overdose corresponds to a blood concentration higher than 1.1 mmol/L in a healthy subject, or 2.5 mmol/L in the case of the therapeutic use of magnesium.

II. Symptoms of Too Much Magnesium [Overdose of Magnesium]

An overdose of magnesium can have serious consequences on our bodies. Here is a list of side effects that are quite common if you suffer from an excess of magnesium:

1. Diarrhea

Magnesium treats constipation if consumed in the right amount. In case of overdose, you may suffer from diarrhea more or less strong, as well as bloating.

But this is not the only effect on your digestive system, you may also experience vomiting and increased acidity in your stomach, resulting in abdominal pain.

2. Constipation

A fairly rare effect, given the laxative effect of magnesium, is constipation. The body gets totally blocked by ingesting too much magnesium, stopping digestion altogether, while causing more or less severe abdominal pain.

3. Hypotension

Taking magnesium helps to relax the blood vessels and offers many benefits for cardiovascular health by avoiding the risk of heart attacks, due to its blood pressure regulating effect.

But too much magnesium in your body can cause your arteries to relax too much, resulting in a sudden drop in blood pressure, which can lead to dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and in the worst case, a coma.

4. Dehydration

In medicine, dehydration represents the contraction of one or more fluid sectors of the body, following various metabolic anomalies.

Its main cause is the loss of sodium, which binds water molecules. Magnesium, which has a diuretic effect, can cause dehydration if it is present in too large a quantity in the body.

5. Allergic and skin reaction

Magnesium can be taken externally. Some people use dry magnesium oils to apply directly to the skin, as well as solutions based on this mineral mixed with bath water or applied as a lotion, as directly as the oil.

In rare cases, this can result in allergic and skin reactions, which will disappear immediately after stopping these applications.

III. What Causes High Magnesium

The elimination of magnesium is done exclusively by the urinary way and thus passes by the kidneys. Therefore, severe renal insufficiency is a contraindication to taking magnesium by supplementation and even a reason for abolishing the consumption of certain foods that are too rich in magnesium such as seafood.

Of course, it is not a question of eliminating the dietary intake of magnesium in such patients, but the intake must be only through a healthy diet and regulated by a diet recommended by the doctor and avoiding at all costs the intake of magnesium in cure.

IV. How Likely is a Magnesium Overdose?

Taking magnesium is often done without the advice of a health professional, and can be done over a long period, or too often.

A one-month course of treatment should not be exceeded, 3 to 5 times per year maximum. Supplementation should be regular and not become an addiction.

If you are taking a magnesium treatment, here are some symptoms that may alert you to an overdose of this mineral.

If you experience any of the following symptoms during a course of treatment, you may be suffering from a magnesium overdose.

Diarrhea is the main side effect of magnesium due to its laxative effect and may be accompanied by abdominal cramps and bloating.

Vomiting should also be a warning sign.

These symptoms should not be ignored, if they are temporary, please reduce the intake of magnesium, but if they persist, please consult a doctor as soon as possible, and stop any ongoing treatment immediately.

V. How Do You Test for Magnesium Toxicity?

Magnesium intoxication is quite rare. Severe magnesium intoxication (hypermagnesemia) is suspected in cases where magnesium levels exceed 3mmol/L.

The diagnosis is first made by questioning the patient. This step makes it possible to determine the hours of absorption, as well as the quantities absorbed by the body.

Then, signs of intoxication are looked for, such as paralysis or bradycardia.

An ECG can also be performed.

VI. Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

In contrast to overdose, a magnesium deficiency can also result in several symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue, either temporary or chronic.
  • Irritability and strong emotions.
  • Sleep problems (insomnia, non-restorative and disturbed sleep).
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Unexplained high blood pressure.
  • Constipation.

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, you may want to consider a reasonable magnesium supplement, preferably by consulting a health care professional before making any decisions.

Please note:

If you suffer from kidney failure, please do not consume magnesium without the advice of your physician.

If you are a pregnant or nursing woman, please consult your physician before deciding to take magnesium.

VII. How to Remove Excess Magnesium from Body

To remove excess magnesium from the body, it is common in hospitals to administer calcium.

If the intoxication is severe, calcium chloride is administered IV (intravenously). The dose may be 100 to 200 mg as a slow IV over 10 minutes.

VIII. How to Remove Excess Magnesium from Body at Home

Hypermagnesemia is extremely rare, largely because magnesium is eliminated fairly easily from the body.

Nevertheless, if after taking magnesium you develop diarrhea, it may be too much magnesium.

Generally, you only need to stop taking magnesium to feel the effects wear off.

Drink plenty of water, especially if you have diarrhea. If the problem persists, consult a doctor.

IX. Sources of Magnesium

# Foods

Many foods are natural sources of magnesium. Examples include seeds such as peanuts.

Dark chocolate is one of the greatest sources of magnesium. Don’t hesitate to drink mineral water enriched with magnesium.

# Supplements

There are magnesium supplements available in pharmacies and parapharmacies. They can also be found in supermarkets.

Magnesium supplements are useful to fight a magnesium deficiency.

X. Other Questions About Excess Magnesium

# How Long Does Magnesium Stay in Your Body?

It is difficult to determine how long magnesium stays in the human body. But magnesium is eliminated mainly through sweat and urine.

# How to Stop Diarrhea from Magnesium?

Diarrhea is one of the side effects of taking magnesium. Generally, this symptom stops naturally.

However, by stopping the intake of magnesium, you will normally see this symptom disappear.

# Is Magnesium Hard on Your Liver?

Magnesium consumption has a protective effect on the liver. It is a mineral that helps this organ to function properly.

Liver cells age less quickly with sufficient magnesium intake.

# Does Magnesium Affect Urine?

Magnesium deficiency has been shown to reduce urinary excretion. Sufficient magnesium intake allows for the better elimination of waste products in the body through the urine.

Magnesium consumption can increase urinary excretion.

# Can Too Much Magnesium Cause Itching?

Too much magnesium can have several side effects. Headaches, nausea, or diarrhea.

But the itching is not one of the usual symptoms of hypermagnesemia.

# Does Exercise Deplete Magnesium?

Sports activities cause a great loss of magnesium. Therefore, it is important to have a good magnesium supplementation for the athlete.

If you have a sufficiently varied and rich diet, you can safely engage in regular physical activity.

# What Blocks Magnesium Absorption?

Several elements can slow down the absorption of magnesium. Drinking coffee is a risk, as is taking certain medications, such as diuretics.

# Does Alcohol Reduce Magnesium Levels?

Yes, alcohol consumption is one of the elements that can reduce the level of magnesium in the body.

It is not recommended to take alcohol with magnesium supplementation.

# Do Bones Store Magnesium?

Bones are also one of the organs that store magnesium. More than 50% of the body’s magnesium is found in the bones.

This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to determine the level of magnesium in the body.

# Can Too Much Magnesium Cause Leg Cramps?

Muscle stiffness can be a cause of excess magnesium. It is a magnesium deficiency that usually causes muscle cramps.

# Can Too Much Magnesium Make You Dizzy?

It is possible to develop headaches due to hypermagnesemia.

But nausea and dizziness are the usual consequences of magnesium deficiency.

# How Much Magnesium Is Fatal?

Post-resuscitation hospitalization is required in cases where magnesium intoxication would be at least 5 mmol/L, with SAP > 100 mmHg and HR > 60bat/min.

It is not clear how much magnesium is fatal. It is advisable to consult a health care professional to determine if you are dangerously magnesium poisoned.

Useful Links:

Magnesium Toxicity

Magnesium and Health

Can You Overdose on Magnesium?

Magnesium Citrate for Detox of Toxins

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