What Effect Does Magnesium Have on the Body?

What effect does magnesium have on the body? How to recognize a magnesium deficiency? What are the daily intakes of magnesium recommended by specialists? And are there any risks or contraindications to taking magnesium?

I. What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral salt that has a very important role in our body. The human body can synthesize it.

It is therefore essential to consume it through our diet to avoid any deficiency. It ensures the health of bones, teeth, muscles, and liver.

It is the key element of nerve transmission and plays an indispensable role in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

It is combined with calcium, potassium, and sodium to ensure that our metabolism functions properly.

II. What Effect Does Magnesium Have on the Body?

Among the hundreds of roles played by magnesium in the body, we can mention the prevention of metabolic diseases.

It is also important to remember that magnesium influences the quality of nerve impulses and the contraction of the heart.

As it increases the solubility of calcium, especially in the urine, magnesium could have a preventive effect on kidney stones.

Moreover, it decreases the absorption of oxalate in the intestines, a substance that participates in the formation of kidney stones.

Magnesium has many positive effects on our body, among them:

# Anti-Stress and Anti-Depression

It has been proven by many studies that the consumption of an acceptable level of magnesium helps to reduce stress and its effects on the human body.

Indeed, due to its ability to lower the heart rate, it helps our body to remain in harmony by fighting against stress while helping to boost our nervous transmissions and participating in the phenomenon of muscle relaxation by acting on the glands responsible for the decrease in the production of cortisol (hormone related to stress).

The aim is to make us feel lasting well-being and to be less subject to stress.

Often associated with stress, irritability can also be the result of a magnesium deficiency because magnesium helps to maintain psychological and emotional balance. What better way to revive our good mood than with a good magnesium treatment?

# Anti-Fatigue

A magnesium deficiency causes in most cases heavy and insurmountable fatigue that lasts in the amount of time and becomes chronic.

If you feel more sluggish than usual, it may be time to take a magnesium treatment to boost your energy and feel better about your body.

Because of its effects on muscle relaxation, this trace element would also be beneficial against tension, stress, and anxiety.

This mineral acts at the level of the nervous system, in particular on the release of serotonin, which is a soothing and anti-fatigue neurotransmitter.

Irritability often caused by chronic fatigue will certainly be relieved at the same time as your slackness due to magnesium.

# Fight Against Migraines and Headaches

Magnesium is indeed known to have a soothing effect on migraines and headaches. These can often be caused by a magnesium deficiency.

# Helps You Sleep Well

Because of its effects on muscular relaxation, magnesium is beneficial against stress, tension and anxiety.

It acts at the level of the nervous system, which is essentially why it is recommended to consume magnesium in case of fatigue and irritability.

As mentioned above, magnesium helps to relax muscles and reduce stress, which has the effect of considerably improving the quality of your sleep, especially if you suffer from muscle tension or chronic fatigue.

# Magnesium to Weight Loss

Magnesium has detoxifying properties; it helps to eliminate toxins present in the blood as well as fats by transforming them into energy.

To take advantage of the benefits of magnesium on weight loss, it is necessary to combine its consumption with a balanced diet and regular moderate physical activity.

In addition, magnesium limits the sweet cravings for which one craves when stress and fatigue take hold of us.

Indeed, lack of sleep and appetite are linked, and the fight against stress and bad nights will help to remove the urge to eat more fat and sugar.

Magnesium contributes to the prevention of type 2 diabetes. However, the studies that point out that this trace element acts in the treatment of the disease are controversial.

What is known is that magnesium supplements help reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

It is also known that this essential mineral salt helps to promote good cholesterol.

# Reduces Pain Due to Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a condition that affects almost all women. It is a state of discomfort caused by hormonal imbalances caused by the approach of menstruation.

The subject feels tired and may feel pain in the back and pelvic area.

Fatigue sets in as well as a state of nervousness more or less great, and for cause, the decrease in the rate of magnesium in the body in front of this menstrual activity.

This effect would be even more important with a combination of vitamin B6, as a study on the subject has proven.

It is better for every woman to take a magnesium cure at least once a month.

# Strengthens Teeth and Gums

Regular consumption of magnesium is a natural remedy against tooth decay and cavities.

The absorption of minerals reinforces the solidity of the canines, incisors, and molars by participating in the consolidation of the enamel and the bones supporting the teeth.

There is nothing better than a good magnesium treatment to make your teeth stronger and your gums healthy and resistant.

# Helps Healthy Heartbeat

Magnesium is a heart rhythm regulator. It can prevent arrhythmias and protects the arteries.

# May Help People with Alcohol Dependence

To better live the withdrawal, magnesium supplementation can be beneficial. Taking magnesium can help ease this period by soothing symptoms such as muscle cramps.

# Osteoporosis

Magnesium contributes to bone health because it is an essential mineral for bone structure, just as useful as calcium.

A magnesium deficiency contributes to the production of normal bone density.

In children, magnesium is necessary for the formation of bones as well as teeth. Half of the magnesium in the body is found in the bones and teeth.

This means that magnesium is essential for the prevention and relief of osteoporosis while allowing the delay of this very common disease with age.

# Helps Regulate Muscle Contractions

Muscle pain is one of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is useful to fight against muscular pains, sport or not.

# Blood Pressure and Heart Disease

It has been proven by several studies that magnesium has an impact on heart and cardiovascular health.

Thus, there is a link between the level of magnesium in the blood and the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease or disorder.

A chronic lack of this trace element translates into an increased cardiovascular risk, particularly in terms of hypertension and stroke.

Magnesium regulates blood pressure. People suffering from high blood pressure are advised by their doctor to eat a diet rich in magnesium, which helps to regulate blood pressure and prevent the risk of heart attacks, strokes, angina pectoris, etc. …

It has been proven that the consumption of magnesium would reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation, which is a common heart rhythm disorder.

# Help to Maintain Brain Healthy

For the nervous system too, magnesium intake can be important. Not only does magnesium act on stress, but it also improves the ability to concentrate.

# Improve Blood Sugar

Type 2 diabetics have a problem controlling their blood sugar levels. A magnesium-rich diet or magnesium supplementation may help.

III. Recommended Magnesium Daily Intake

The recommended nutritional reference is 6 mg per kilo of weight per day, whether for children or adults.

Example: 120 mg for a 20 kg child, 420 mg for a 70 kg adult. But this is a basic reference to which must be added:

  • 25 mg per day for adolescents
  • 40 mg for pregnant women
  • 30 mg for breastfeeding women

Some references according to age and sex:

  • Babies from 1 to 3 years old: 80 mg/day
  • Children aged 3 to 8 years: 130 mg/day
  • Children 9 to 13 years old: 240 mg/day
  • Boys 14 to 18 years: 410 mg/day
  • Girls 14 to 18 years: 360 mg/day
  • Male 19-30 years: 400 mg/day
  • Female 19-30 years: 310 mg/day
  • Male 31 years and older: 420 mg/day
  • Female 31 years and older: 320 mg/day
  • Pregnant women 18 years and under: 400 mg/day
  • Pregnant woman 19 to 30 years old: 350 mg/day
  • Pregnant woman 31 years and older: 360 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding women 18 years and under: 360 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding women 19 to 30 years of age: 310 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding women 31 years and older: 320 mg/day

Source: Dietary Reference Intakes for calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin D and fluoride, 1997 Canadian and American Institutes of Medicine.

IV. Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

This trace element is one of the most important for the proper functioning of the body, it is very easy to discover a magnesium deficiency, given the signs that your body will give you.

In this day and age, magnesium is a nutrient that is increasingly absent from our plates, due to ready-made food and the almost total refinement of our foodstuffs.

Here are a few signs that will alert you:

# Fatigue

The first sign of a magnesium deficiency will undoubtedly be fatigue, which may be temporary and moderate before becoming chronic and preventing you from living your life to the fullest.

Since magnesium plays a crucial role in the quality of nerve transmission, fatigue or a decrease in the quality of your sleep may be due to a lack of this trace element.

# Cramps

If a magnesium treatment always helps to relax the muscles, it goes without saying that a lack of magnesium prevents your muscles from relaxing.

Researchers have found links between magnesium deficiency and sudden nighttime leg cramps.

# High Blood Pressure

If you eat well and exercise but still have high blood pressure even though your heart is healthy, you may be lacking magnesium.

This nutrient relaxes the blood vessels; in a state of deficiency, the vessels will contract, resulting in increased blood pressure.

# Stress and Irritability

Strong emotions are often caused by fatigue and as mentioned above, the culprit could be a lack of magnesium.

# Bloating and Digestive Problems

Magnesium relaxes the muscles of the intestine and promotes good digestion. If you suffer from bloating or constipation, a magnesium cure can only do you good.

# Discomfort

The feelings of dizziness and nausea typical of discomfort can be caused by a lack of magnesium, which promotes electrolyte balance.

It is therefore a lead not to be neglected if you suffer from discomfort.

V. Risk of Overdose and Side Effects

Like anything else, magnesium is also subject to the “not enough is enough” rule. An overdose of magnesium can have dramatic consequences and therefore, a cure of this trace element should not be done lightly.

Here are a few signs that may alert you:

  • Continuous and strong diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Muscle weakness and breathing difficulties.
  • Sleep apnea, paralysis or even coma in the most extreme cases.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, stop the treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If you suffer from renal insufficiency, please talk to your doctor before taking any magnesium, which is eliminated exclusively by the kidneys.

# People with Gastrointestinal Diseases

If you already suffer from any form of diarrhea, taking magnesium is not recommended for you. This is one of its main side effects, especially in the case of an overdose of magnesium in the body.

# Older Adult

For the health of the elderly, magnesium supplementation can be beneficial. Magnesium can increase energy and fight against stress. But it should be avoided in case of renal insufficiency or if you take diuretics.

VI. Foods Rich in Magnesium

You can invest in magnesium salts to be diluted in water directly, otherwise, the best way to benefit from the advantages of this trace element is through your daily diet.

You will find here a list of the foods richest in magnesium:

  • Seafood contains up to 300 mg.
  • Bananas.
  • Dark chocolate and unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • Lentils.
  • Whole grain bread.
  • Brown rice.
  • Mineral water.
  • Nuts.
  • Wheat germ, brewer’s yeast and whole grain cereals are also excellent sources of magnesium.

VII. Other Questions About Magnesium in the Human Body

# Does Magnesium Make You Poop?

Magnesium is considered a laxative. Some types of magnesium are particularly recommended in cases of constipation. Magnesium citrate is one of these.

# Will Magnesium Cause Weight Gain for the Body?

On the contrary, studies have shown that magnesium is useful in the fight against weight gain. In particular, because magnesium improves the functioning of the human body.

# Does Magnesium Give You Energy?

A magnesium deficiency can weaken the body. In these cases, magnesium supplementation gives energy to the body.

# How Can I Raise My Magnesium Levels Quickly?

There are foods that are naturally rich in magnesium that you can eat. These include dark chocolate, whole grains, or onions. Another good idea is to drink mineral water enriched with magnesium.

# Can Low Magnesium Cause Hair Loss?

By helping the action of vitamins, especially vitamin B, magnesium can slow down hair loss. Magnesium can prevent hair dryness and give it more strength.

# Does Magnesium Lower Cholesterol?  

Magnesium supplementation increases the level of “good cholesterol” in the body. This helps maintain cardiovascular health.

# Does Coffee Deplete Magnesium?

Drinking coffee tends to cause leakage of magnesium in the body. For this reason, limit your coffee consumption during your magnesium treatment.

# Can Magnesium Cause Inflammation?

Magnesium has not yet been proven to cause inflammation. Rather, it is known to reduce inflammation, especially that related to oxidative stress associated with diabetes.

# Should Magnesium Be Taken with Food or on an Empty Stomach?

It is generally recommended to take magnesium with meals. Magnesium can thus be taken in the morning and evening and allow for a soothing sleep.

# Can I Take magnesium with Vitamin B 12

Combining magnesium and vitamin B12 is no problem. This formula is very effective to fight fatigue and stress. Moreover, to be bio-activated, vitamin B12 needs magnesium.

# Can You Take Magnesium if You have Heart Problems?

The consumption of magnesium supplementation can bring a lot to people suffering from heart problems. Magnesium helps regulate the heartbeat and stabilizes the heart muscles.

# Does Magnesium Make You Retain Water?

Water retention can cause swelling of the limbs. On the contrary, magnesium supplementation is one of the methods to prevent and cure water retention.

# Does Magnesium Help Tachycardia?  

In cases of severe tachycardia, it is not uncommon for medical professionals to decide to give magnesium injections. Because of its ability to regulate the heart rate, magnesium is very helpful in cases of tachycardia.

Useful Links:

Role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression

Magnesium: Every organ in the body

Subclinical magnesium deficiency