Is it Safe to Take Magnesium During Pregnancy?

Is it safe to take magnesium during pregnancy? Is magnesium useful for pregnant women? How to consume it? What are the benefits of this trace element? What kind of magnesium is most indicated during pregnancy? How much magnesium should a deficient pregnant woman take? And which magnesium-rich foods are most recommended for a woman in early or late pregnancy?

I. What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a natural mineral found in water and certain foods. It plays a very important role in our body.

This trace element is responsible for the ingestion of calcium into our bones by our body as well as the synthesis of various hormones.

Not to mention its crucial importance for the connection of our nervous system. A magnesium deficiency can be very unpleasant, causing irritability, fatigue, dizziness, increased blood pressure, dizziness, and sometimes even a coma.

Nowadays, magnesium chloride is sold in the market in the form of salt to make a cure with a thousand benefits.

Its virtues have been proven by science and more and more people are enjoying the benefits of a magnesium cure. But what about pregnant women?

II- Is It Safe to Take Magnesium During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the fetus draws the energy necessary for its development from its mother’s reserves, so it is not uncommon for pregnant women to suffer from certain deficiencies in minerals, iron, or vitamins.

Among these deficiencies, it is the one magnesium that interests us because this mineral essential to the good functioning of our body enjoys thousands of virtues all as important as the others during pregnancy.

# Why You Need Magnesium During Pregnancy?

During this very important period in the life of a woman as well as that of her baby, it is crucial to choose the right type of food supplement.

The latter must be adapted to this situation in order not to cause any harm, neither to the mother nor to the child. To ensure the quality of a supplement, choosing a natural one is a good choice.

Magnesium of marine origin in addition to being natural will help the proper functioning of the intestinal transit of the pregnant woman.

If supplements do not suit you, it is also possible to choose foods rich in magnesium, such as periwinkles or bananas.

# Can You Take Magnesium Supplements While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a period during which a woman must be very careful about her needs. A magnesium deficiency can be dangerous for the course of the pregnancy.

For this reason, magnesium supplements are often prescribed to pregnant women. From the third trimester onwards, a quantity of 400 mg of magnesium per day is recommended for the mother-to-be. 

# What Are the Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency for a Pregnant Woman?

A magnesium deficiency is quite easy to detect, as the symptoms are often the same from one person to another, although they may vary slightly.

Here is a list of symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

  • Muscle cramps and soreness.
  • Headaches.
  • Fatigue starts mild and then becomes chronic over time.
  • Stress, anxiety, and irritability, as well as psychological disorders.
  • Dizziness.
  • Constipation as well as bloating and even lumbopelvic pain.
  • Water retention.

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible and make sure you think about taking a magnesium cure.

# When to Take Magnesium, Morning or Evening?

There are no real rules in the absorption of magnesium, if you take it in the morning, it will diffuse throughout the day and you will enjoy its benefits throughout the hours and more!

Consumed one hour before bedtime, you will benefit from a restful night’s sleep without the discomfort of muscle cramps.

As long as you respect the prescribed doses according to your age and sex, you are in no danger!

# What Type of Magnesium Should I Take During Pregnancy?

Apart from adopting a diet rich in magnesium due to the consumption of seafood, bananas, nuts, or mineral water with a high magnesium content, it is possible to take a course of treatment with different types of magnesium.

It exists in tablets or capsules, in liquid formula or ampoule, in sachets, in salt (either magnesium sulfate for external use or magnesium chloride to be diluted and consumed as is), or in dry oil.

For a pregnant woman, the best solution is to consume as much natural magnesium as possible, and therefore to favor a diet rich in magnesium.

But if the signs persist, the best way to enjoy the benefits of magnesium while taking care of yourself is to consume marine magnesium chloride, which is a completely natural product derived from sea salts.

# Diarrhea and Magnesium During Pregnancy

If a magnesium deficiency can cause constipation, on the contrary, an overdose can lead to more or less severe diarrhea.

There is no real risk of overdosing on magnesium except for people with kidney failure who should refrain from taking it without their doctor’s advice, but like anything else, its consumption should be considered and taken occasionally.

# Can I Take Magnesium in the Third Trimester?

There is evidence from various studies that magnesium in women at term is beneficial to fetal neuroprotection.

A study review found that magnesium given to mothers before preterm delivery protected the baby’s brain and improved long-term outcomes.

It is also safe to say that magnesium in late pregnancy allows the mother to maintain tone and vitality, things that are lacking in this period if she consumes it regularly enough.

# Magnesium Oil on Pregnant Belly

Magnesium oil can help fight aches and pains in the muscles.

Nevertheless, if you are a pregnant woman, it is not advised to apply magnesium oil to your belly. Before doing so, seek the advice of a health professional.

III. What are the Benefits of Magnesium During Pregnancy?

# Magnesium When Pregnant for Constipation

To regulate the transit of the pregnant woman, magnesium supplementation is a good idea. Magnesium can help manage constipation in pregnant women with naturalness and ease.

# Magnesium While Pregnant for Headaches

Headaches can occur during pregnancy. A magnesium deficiency can be the cause.

Magnesium supplementation is an effective way to manage migraines and headaches during this period.

IV. How Much Magnesium Do Pregnant Women Need?

The amount of magnesium that a pregnant woman can take during her pregnancy varies according to her age. According to specialists, here are the recommendations:

  • 400 mg – young girls aged 14 to 18
  • 350 mg – women aged 19 to 30
  • 360 mg – women aged 31 to 50

Before taking a magnesium supplement, it is imperative to talk to your doctor or midwife in the hospital.

They are the ones who know the pregnant woman’s body best and can help her determine if she is suffering from a magnesium deficiency.

V. Foods Rich in Magnesium to Take During Pregnancy

If you prefer to opt for a rich and balanced diet, here is a list of foods that offer a high percentage of magnesium:

  • Unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • Dried fruits: dates, prunes, grapes, figs…
  • Pulses: lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, beans …
  • Wholemeal and wholegrain cereals: Whole grain rice, whole grain bread, whole-grain breakfast cereals.
  • Certain green vegetables such as beans, spinach, artichokes, chickpeas, and sorrel.

It is necessary to favor organic products, because the overexploited soils are very depleted in minerals, such as magnesium, and this lack is felt in the products you consume.

Finally, please consult your doctor before taking any medication, especially during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Favor natural products, to take the best care of yourself.

VI. Magnesium During Pregnancy for Sleep

It is important for a pregnant woman to get enough sleep. Magnesium supplementation helps with the formation of GABA.

This is a neurotransmitter that improves sleep quality. Magnesium supplementation is therefore beneficial to the sleep of pregnant women.

VII. Factors That Affect Magnesium Absorption

Various elements can affect the absorption of magnesium by the body. Coffee consumption is one of them.

Other factors include taking corticosteroids or saturated fats. Immunosuppressive drugs and diuretics are other risks to good absorption of magnesium.

Certain diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, reduce the efficiency of magnesium absorption.

There are also genetic organisms that are predisposed to poor magnesium absorption. Age is the last factor that slows down the efficiency of magnesium in the body.

VIII. Magnesium During Pregnancy: Side Effects

There are risks of side effects during a magnesium intake. But these only appear in case of excess magnesium.

Diarrhea and abdominal cramps can occur in pregnant women as in anyone else. Headaches are other possible side effects.

IX. Other Questions About Magnesium During Pregnancy

# Is 500 mg of Magnesium Safe During Pregnancy

The magnesium requirement for an adult woman is around 330mg/day. During pregnancy, these can be as high as 460 mg/day.

But it is up to your doctor to determine your magnesium supplementation, based on your health condition.

# Can Magnesium Hurt a Fetus?

Taking magnesium can actually protect the fetus. A study shows the benefits of magnesium sulfate administered to mothers before giving birth.

This mineral would be able to protect the brain of babies.

# Can Magnesium Cause Birth Defects?

Congenital malformations can occur due to deficiencies in pregnant women. Magnesium is not responsible for malformations, on the contrary, it is one of the minerals that can prevent them.

# Is Preeclampsia Caused by a Magnesium Deficiency?

Magnesium deficiency in pregnant women can indeed lead to pre-eclampsia. Magnesium supplementation reduces the risk.

# Can You Take Magnesium and B2 While Pregnant?

Vitamin B2 helps give energy to the whole body. It combines very well with magnesium.

# Does Magnesium Prolong Labor?

It has not been proven that magnesium can prolong labor. This mineral is administered to fight cramps in pregnant women.

# How Much Magnesium Should I Take for Leg Cramps During Pregnancy?

To fight against leg cramps which often appear in pregnant women, magnesium supplementation can be prescribed.

Magnesium requirements for pregnant women can exceed 400 mg/day. Follow your doctor’s instructions.

# Can I Use Magnesium Lotion on my Belly While Pregnant?

Ask your doctor for advice before applying magnesium lotion to your belly if you are pregnant.

Each woman has her own metabolism and reacts differently to the use of magnesium lotion on her stomach.

In all cases, it is better to avoid its use as a precaution.

# Is Too Much Magnesium Bad for Baby?

It is important to respect the dosage of your doctor. However, there is no indication that too much magnesium can be dangerous for a baby.

Ideally, if you are concerned about a magnesium overdose, consult your doctor.

 Useful Links:

Effect of Magnesium Supplement on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Randomized Control Trial

Magnesium supplementation and preeclampsia in low-income pregnant women – a randomized double-blind clinical trial

The Role of Magnesium in Pregnancy and in Fetal Programming of Adult Diseases

Magnesium Citrate for Detox of Toxins

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