Turmeric for Nasal Polyps [Use & Benefits]

How to use turmeric for nasal polyps? How does it work on nasal polyps? What precautions should be taken to avoid nasal polyps? And finally, what are the other natural remedies for nasal polyps?

I.  What are Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are sinus infections. The appearance of nasal polyps is a symptom of nasal polyps.

These are formations found in the mucous membrane of the nose, which can appear following an infection. This can be an infection of the sinuses or the nose.

Polyps may grow and disappear after treatment, or they may remain in the nasal area. Once present, polyps can block the nostrils, causing breathing difficulties.

Many symptoms may indicate that you have nasal polyps. These include sneezing, nasal congestion, facial pain, headache, or itching around the eyes.

You may also develop a cloudy sense of smell and even taste.

Since these symptoms are quite similar to those of rhinitis, it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two.

The best way to know for sure if you have nasal polyps is to have a clinical examination. A biopsy can even be done to make sure it’s not a tumor or cancer.

# What Causes Nasal Polyps?

The causes of nasal polyps are quite mysterious. A genetic predisposition, intense allergic rhinitis, or a recurrent infection are the main causes known to date.

Their growth is often associated with an inflammatory phenomenon, an imbalance of the immune system.

It should be noted that people who suffer from asthma or eczema are the main people who suffer from nasal polyps.

II. Turmeric for Nasal Polyps

1. How Turmeric Works

Turmeric is a plant with the scientific name Curcuma longa. It is a rhizome of the Zingiberaceae family, found in Southeast Asia.

Turmeric is a spice that is often found in oriental cuisine. It is widespread in India and throughout this area.

Appreciated for its medicinal and dietary properties, turmeric is full of benefits for human health.

Turmeric contains an extract called curcumin. This active ingredient is the main element that gives turmeric its effect.

In the case of nasal polyps, turmeric can be useful due to its action on respiratory problems.

Studies have indeed been done on two groups, to verify the impact of turmeric on breathing.

To conclude that turmeric can improve respiratory parameters, 77 patients were divided into two groups. The first group received basic drug treatment for bronchial asthma.

The second group was treated in the same way, but in addition, received 500 mg of curcumin in capsule form.

After one month of this treatment, the results showed that the respiratory faculties of the individuals in the second group were better. The symptoms that were evaluated were difficult breathing, chest tightness, and improved blood quality.

Thus, against the respiratory difficulties that you can develop in the case of polyps, taking turmeric can be useful.

Another action of turmeric on nasal polyps is its anti-inflammatory effect. It should be noted that nasal polyps can be caused by inflammation of the sinuses. Therefore, the consumption of turmeric is a plus. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin, turmeric can affect the origin of the disease.

Turmeric can therefore be an asset if you have polyps and want to get rid of them naturally.

2. How to Use Turmeric for Nasal Polyps

To use turmeric against nasal polyps, all you have to do is put a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk.

Drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach and every evening before going to sleep. After only a few days, you will feel better.

Another way to consume it is to regularly add turmeric to your smoothie glass.

Turmeric is also available in supplement form. You can even take it in capsule form.

III. Precautions to Avoid Nasal Polyps

One of the things you can do to avoid nasal polyps is to keep yourself adequately hydrated.

A second action would be to use a humidifier or steam inhaler. Installed in your home, these types of devices will help thin the mucus in your nostrils.

Doing deep breathing exercises is another way to keep you safe from nasal polyps.

IV. Diet and Nasal Polyps

Some foods can help you fight nasal polyps. For example, you can eat garlic, onions, or green vegetables.

These different foods have the ability to improve the immune system. Since allergies are a risk factor for developing polyps, you will benefit from having a strong immune system.

To improve your health, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, and consume, in addition, elements rich in omega-3. These include fish such as wild salmon and flaxseed.

V. Other Natural Remedies for Nasal Polyps

1. Essential Oils (Tea Tree)

Put 5 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of hot water. Then you have two options.

First, you can dip cotton swabs in this liquid and apply them to your polyps inside the nasal cavity. Make sure that the polyps are well touched by the liquid.

Another way is to use this preparation as an inhalation. Use a towel to prevent the vapor from dispersing, and inhale several times. A few inhalations will help reduce nasal congestion and polyps.

2. Cayenne Pepper

This spice contains capsaicin, which helps clear sinuses, relieves inflammation, opens nasal passages, and boosts immunity.

You can use it as a nasal spray. But it is recommended for better effectiveness to take cayenne pepper internally.

In this case, you have the choice between adding cayenne pepper to your dishes or making an infusion with honey for example.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea is generally used as a remedy for colds or as an immune stimulant.

The Echinacea helps reduce respiratory infections and irritation of the airways. You can consume it as an herbal tea.

4. Garlic

To use garlic against polyps, put a tablespoon of fresh chopped garlic in a glass of water. Drink this twice a day until your condition improves.

You can also eat raw garlic or put it in your tea.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and supports the immune system.

5. Neti Pot

Pot Neti is nasal irrigation that helps to alleviate symptoms caused by nasal polyps.

Its use is very simple.

Start by filling your jar with warm or sterilized water. Add salt and tilt your head to the side and pass the solution through one nostril.

Do not block your nose and let the water run completely. Do not hesitate to blow your nose to remove the salt solution.

6. Astragalus

Astragalus can help you stop the spread of polyps in the nose. All you have to do is take 160 milligrams of astragalus twice a day for this.

This is a natural tip that will give you relief from your polyps.

7. Ginger

Ginger boosts immunity and relieves inflammation. You can add ginger powder to your meals, or make a hot herbal tea.

8. Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is applied directly into the nostrils. Start by heating the mustard oil. Then, when the oil has cooled slightly, use a dropper.

Put a drop in one nostril, then after a few seconds in the other nostril. 

9. Chamomile

Chamomile is used to treat inflammation or allergy. In the case of nasal polyps, the essential oil is the most indicated.

Just put five drops of chamomile essential oil in a little water. Using a cotton swab, dab this solution into the nasal passages.

Or, after heating water, add a little essential oil and inhale the steam.

10. Clay

You can disinfect your nose with green clay water. To do this, make a mixture with a tablespoon of clay in a liter of saltwater.

The disinfecting power of the clay will prevent the development of polyps.

11. Steam Inhalation

Simple hot steam inhalation helps you relieve nasal polyps.

Just take a hot water shower, go to a steam room, or use a humidifier.

12. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus essential oil has anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.

Dilute five drops of essential oil in a little water. Use a cotton swab to dab the solution into the nasal passages.

13. Thyme

Another recipe is to put drops of thyme essential oil and drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow.

This tip will help you decongest your nostrils and breathe better.

14. Peppermint

Peppermint is full of menthol, which has decongestant properties. You can make a mixture of essential oil and water to dab the solution into the nasal passages.

You can also add it to a diffuser. Or simply enjoy a cup of peppermint tea.

15. Butterbur

Butterbur has anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for coughs, asthma, and even skin wounds. It is therefore very useful for relieving nasal polyps.

16. Bromelain and Quercetin

Here is a mixture that will be very useful to relieve you from nasal polyps.

Indeed, bromelain helps to support a good balance of the immune system and to maintain the tissues of the sinuses healthy. While quercetin promotes normal respiratory functions.

17. Horseradish

This plant is known for its digestive properties. It is also very effective in the care of respiratory ailments, lungs, and bronchi.

VI. Tips to Avoid Nasal Polyps

1. Avoid Food Allergens

As much as possible, avoid eating foods that you are allergic to. All you need to do is to observe the times when you are allergic and see which food causes this condition.

This way you will know which food to avoid eating.

2. Avoid Alcohol

There is an adage that says that alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. It is not widely known, but alcohol can have an impact on nasal polyps.

It is therefore strongly recommended that you do not consume any more alcohol.

3. Saline Nasal Irrigation to Clear Nose

If you suffer from nasal polyps, it is advisable to give yourself a saline nasal irrigation. You can add essential oils.

4. Taking Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids

In omega-3, DHA is known to be effective in restoring respiratory capacity. You can find them in walnut, rapeseed, sardine, anchovies, or salmon.

5. Probiotics

Probiotics help prevent respiratory infections, especially in the elderly.

VII. Other Questions About Turmeric for Nasal polyps

1. What Foods to Avoid if You Have Nasal Polyps?

It is recommended to limit the consumption of dairy products. It is also recommended to avoid highly processed foods such as cold cuts for example, as well as alcohol.

2. Does Turmeric Clear Sinuses ?

Turmeric contains curcumin. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory. And contributes to the good health of the lungs and respiratory tract.

3. Can a Nasal Polyp Fall Out?

Yes, a nasal polyp can fall out. Steroids can remove or shrink polyps. But in some cases, they are removed by surgery.

4. How to Remove Nasal Polyps?

To remove nasal polyps, corticosteroids can be used as nasal sprays or tablets.

Surgery is necessary if they cause sinus infections or obstructs the airway.

5. Does Drinking Water Help Nasal Polyps?

The answer is somewhat mixed. But it is known that by doing inhalations, steam baths, or going to steam rooms regularly, you relieve your nasal polyps.

6. Can Bananas Cause Sinus Problems?

Bananas are not among the foods that cause sinus problems. However, alcohol and cold cuts are not recommended.

Useful Links:

Nasal Polyps

What are nasal polyps? Causes symptoms and diagnosis

Nasal Polyps Management and Treatment

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