How to Use Magnesium for Belly Fat Loss?

How to use magnesium for belly fat loss? How does it promote weight loss? What is the best time to take magnesium for belly fat loss? What Foods are high in magnesium? Can I take magnesium with vitamin D? What are the signs of magnesium deficiency? Types of magnesium? How much magnesium should I take for weight loss? and what are the precautions for use?

Here is an article that sheds a little more light on this natural ingredient that is magnesium and its ability to help lose weight.

I- What is Magnesium and Nigari Salt?

Magnesium is a mineral, more precisely a trace element essential to the proper functioning of our body.

It is responsible for more than 300 nerve connections, as well as for the absorption of calcium by our bones.

A magnesium deficiency can cause a lot of harm to your body, such as cramps, chronic fatigue, bloating …

This is why many people resort to a magnesium cure, and this is possible via several means, capsules, ampoules, dry oils.

But the best way is undoubtedly to take advantage of a 100% natural product, and thus the Nigari salt has made a name for itself in the world of aromatherapy.

Nigari salt is a natural non-purified version of magnesium chloride, it is extracted from seawater due to the process of electrolysis, it comes in the form of whitish crystals resembling salt.

It has the added advantage of being ultra-natural and not modified in factories like other forms of magnesium which undergo heavy protocols that modify it, resulting in mixing it with other chemicals, which is not necessarily great for someone looking for 100% natural.

A magnesium cleansing purge of the intestines can help with weight loss as well. Let’s see all of this in detail in the next few paragraphs.

II- How Does Magnesium Promote Weight Loss?

Diet plays a major role in a healthy lifestyle and weight control.

By eating healthy every day while practicing physical activity regularly you will obtain long-lasting and interesting results for weight loss and fitness.

You can also rely on rich elements such as minerals. Magnesium can help you to have a good intake to have a good functioning in your body

It is known and proven by science that marine magnesium has thousands of benefits while participating in the proper functioning of our body by being a neurotransmitter and the element responsible for the proper absorption of calcium by our bones.

In general, it participates in a good activity for our body by evacuating the toxins that our body is confronted with.

Magnesium has a laxative effect caused by its help in the production of digestive enzymes. Some of its enzymes provide digestive comfort and relieve bloating.

It eliminates fats in the body and transforms them into energy.

The Nigari salt limits the absorption of lipids which has consequences to support the transformation of lipids already in stock into energy, in other words, it acts really like a natural and very effective fat burner.

While allowing to control the level of sugar in the blood as well as the production of insulin to promote more maintained digestion and much fewer cravings and sudden hunger.

Moreover, it limits the sweet cravings for which one craves when stress threatens us and that fatigue prevents us from doing sports and continuing a diet.

A sufficient dose of magnesium in your body will have a detoxifying effect and will certainly help you lose weight.

III- How to Use Magnesium for Belly Fat Loss?

The Nigari salt is to be diluted in water to make a drink that will give you many benefits for your health.

Often used to relieve muscular pains as well as the problems of digestion, without speaking, of course, to regulate tiredness and many other things still, as quoted above, it will be able to become your best ally if you wish to lose weight.

Indeed, it acts on the installed cellulite as well as on all the fatty tissue present in your body. It is thus very effective to lose some kilos in excess.

If you want to use Nigari salt to lose weight, you can get it ready-made in organic stores.

But it is also possible to concoct yourself this magic potion full of benefits by simply mixing one liter of water with 30 grams of Nigari salt that you will find in pharmacies, on the internet, or at your favorite aromatherapy.

It is necessary to put to boil water, then to let it cool a few moments before pouring it into a container that contains the 30 grams of Salt of Nigari to dissolve it at best. Stir for a while and then cover it well, or pour it into a clean and well-closed bottle.

To optimize the conservation, please place this lotion in a cool place.

Be careful not to overuse it. The dose to respect for a cure of magnesium depends on your age as well as your sex.

But to complete your slimming diet, it is advised to take half a cup if you are less than 35 years old and 1 to 2 cups per day if you are older, so you are far from risking an overdose and you will be able to benefit at best from the slimming effect of Nigari Salt.

The ideal is to drink this miracle mixture in the morning.

# How Much Magnesium does your Body Need?

Birth to 6 months30 mg*30 mg*
7–12 months75 mg*75 mg*
1–3 years80 mg80 mg
4–8 years130 mg130 mg
9–13 years240 mg240 mg
14–18 years410 mg360 mg400 mg360 mg
19–30 years400 mg310 mg350 mg310 mg
31–50 years420 mg320 mg360 mg320 mg
51+ years420 mg320 mg
How Much Magnesium does your Body Need

# How Much Magnesium Should I take for Weight Loss?

The amount of magnesium we need daily for the proper functioning of our metabolism is the same as the amount we need to lose belly.

That is, the same amounts as mentioned above.

So for a young adult male, it is best to take 440 mg/d and over 450 mg/d for an adult over 30.

And for females under 18, the amount is about 300 mg/d and for those over 20, the amount is about 370 mg/d.

For those who can tolerate and have no side effects, they can take up to 50 mg of magnesium for each category.

# Best Time to Take Magnesium for Belly Fat Loss

Magnesium is a mineral that can be taken throughout the day and night. As a reminder, magnesium can be found in many foods, as well as being taken as a dietary supplement.

But we can also choose the time of taking magnesium according to the context and needs of each individual.

  • To have more energy for the whole day, we take it in the morning, after waking up.
  • To sleep well and de-stress from the day’s activities, it is taken one hour before going to bed.
  • Boost your sports performance, take it about one or two hours before exercising.
  • To repair the muscles damaged during a physical exercise, we take it after.
  • To fight against inflammation, lose weight and maintain the proper functioning of the heart, it can be taken throughout the day.

# Does Magnesium Speed Up Metabolism?

The magnesium that we absorb is one of the essential elements of glycolysis, beta-oxidation, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

All these biological phenomena have for ending the production of cellular energy, called ATP, without which our metabolism could not function.

The role of magnesium in this phenomenon is the storage of energy in the cell, precisely in the mitochondria.

It is also involved in the release of this energy stored in the mitochondria since it plays a role in ATPase which is a class of enzymes related to energy metabolism, which hydrolyze or synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules while transferring ions from one side of the membrane to the other.

At the muscular level, magnesium catalyzes the synthesis of creatine phosphate, a source of energy during intense and brief physical efforts.

In summary, magnesium is therefore essential for the reactions of use or storage of cellular energy.

# Where Can I Buy Magnesium Supplements for Belly Fat Loss

You can buy magnesium supplements in specialized health food stores.

You can also buy them on specialized websites, which are of high quality.

# Can Magnesium Make You Gain Weight

Magnesium is a very important mineral for the functioning of human metabolism. It has no calories and cannot be responsible for any weight gain.

On the contrary, it is a magnesium deficiency that can eventually cause weight gain.

Without magnesium, the body burns fewer calories and increases the level of glucose in the blood

This sometimes results in significant weight gain.

Instead, it is advisable to pay attention to your daily magnesium intake level to have a strong body and healthily consume more energy.

# Is it Ok to Take Magnesium on an Empty Stomach

One of the most common side effects of taking magnesium supplements is diarrhea.

This is why it is strongly advised to take magnesium supplements, and indeed all dietary supplements, in the middle of meals.

The food in the stomach prevents the effect of diarrhea from occurring in a significant way.

And in case you have diarrhea every time you take magnesium, you can gradually decrease the daily amount until you get the right dose without side effects.

It is always good to listen to your body.

# Can I take Magnesium with Vitamin D

In the countries of the northern hemisphere, for lack of sun, it will always be good to take vitamin D.

It is a very useful vitamin for the health of our body.

According to nutritionists, taking magnesium will certainly help the metabolism to absorb vitamin D and enjoy all its health qualities.

It is also important to be careful not to take too much vitamin D as a supplement, as this can increase the amount of calcium in the body, which is generally not healthy.

IV- Why Magnesium is Important for Weight Loss and Belly Fat

# Help Fight Inflammation

Many scientific studies suggest that magnesium supplementation has a great influence on protein C which is essential in the inflammatory process.

Indeed, protein C is a molecule that is mainly produced in the liver and intervenes efficiently and in large quantities in any inflammatory response.

The health of the metabolism depends a lot on its anti-inflammatory capacity. This is also important in the process of weight loss.

# Athletic performance

There is no doubt now about the ability of magnesium to increase the sports performance of athletes.

As we have just seen above, magnesium is essential in the production of energy and that is why great athletes are very careful with their supplementation, to avoid a deficiency of this mineral.

And by giving the metabolism the ability to produce more energy, it also allows it to burn more calories and thus lose weight.

# An Impact on Glucose Metabolism

Several studies suggest that magnesium would help type 2 diabetics in controlling their blood sugar.

Indeed, magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

A magnesium deficiency, according to some studies, can promote insulin resistance.

# A Booster of Energy

It should be remembered that the human body does not produce this trace element at all. It is obliged to extract it from our food, which is not rich in magnesium.

This is why, among the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, we find general and continuous fatigue, mood disorders, bad sleep, and sometimes even cramps in the whole body.

It is easy to deduce that taking enough magnesium will boost our physical and moral energy.

# Improve Sleeping

Some studies, still too few, to conclude, suggest that there is a very strong link between magnesium deficiency and poor sleep quality.

It is suggested that every person who encounters insomnia and sleep problems should first check if they have a magnesium deficiency.

Many people quickly improve the quality of their sleep just by taking a few days of supplementation with this essential trace element.

So, before looking further into the reasons for your insomnia, try first to check if you are magnesium deficient.

# Anti-stress

A serious scientific study suggests that taking magnesium and vitamin B6 have a very positive effect on stress reduction.

Note that people lacking magnesium may suffer from sudden nervousness, stress, and anxiety, and may have moments of extreme irritability.

It can be deduced that a deficiency in this trace element can have a considerable effect on the quality of life of the person who is in lack.

# Improve Muscle Contraction

Muscles need a lot of energy to function properly, as they are big consumers of calories.

This is why we will always need magnesium to keep the body’s muscular machine running smoothly.

But when this essential fuel for the cell is no longer available, the muscle is among the first parts of the body to suffer.

In case of magnesium deficiency, the muscles tend to have more cramps, diffuse pains and the recovery time after an effort or a physical exercise is lengthened in time.

# A natural Mood Booster

Magnesium gives joy and fights against moments of sadness. It is the lack of energy that affects the body and that itself affects the mind.

Indeed, one of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is a bad mood.

# Improve Heart functioning

In case of heart palpitations, the first remedy to try is simply to take a magnesium cure, especially if these palpitations are accompanied by great physical fatigue and a black mood.

Generally, supplementation of 400mg/day of magnesium for men and 320mg/day for women is sufficient in many cases to regulate the heartbeat and to get rid of heart palpitations.

This trace element helps regulate the heartbeat and limits the risks of high blood pressure.

Having enough of it in one’s diet also helps fight arrhythmia and strokes.

V- Foods High in Magnesium

Here are the foods richest in magnesium ( ) and their content per 100 g:

100 Grams of foodMg100 Grams of foodMg100 Grams of foodMg
Meloukhia powder (Egyptian Herbs)609,00 mgNon-iodized, non-fluorinated grey sea salt503,00 mgSardine in olive oil467,00 mg
Unsweetened chocolate powder376,00 mgCaraway seed366,00 mgBrazil nuts366,00 mg
Sunflower seed364,00 mgCoffee powder356,00 mgCoriander seed330,00 mg
Snail250,00 mgCashew nuts247,00 mgSpice (medium food) 233,00 mg233,00 mg
Almond232,00 mgPine nuts227,00 mgGround ginger214,00 mg
dark chocolate (70% cocoa minimum) in bars 206.00 mg206.00 mgPressed cheese (medium)202.00 mgChicory and Coffee powder 199.00 mg199.00 mg
dry cookies enriched with vitamins and minerals195,00 mgground black pepper190.00 mgartisanal baguette or grain ball181.00 mg
Nutritional yeast170,00 mgPeanut butter169,00 mgRoasted and salted peanuts168,00 mg
Wholemeal bread167,00 mgMalted, cocoa-sweetened drink powder162,00 mgBuckwheat flour157,00 mg
Multigrain bread156,00 mgDry cookies with fruit filling152,00 mgDark chocolate (70% cocoa) with no added sugar in bars149.00 mg
Chocolate-covered peanuts146.00 mgAnchovy fillets in oil (canned)144.00 mgAperitif mix of salted seeds and raisins143,00 mg
Dark chocolate with dried fruits140.00 mgCooked whelk135.00 mgTofu134.00 mg
High-fiber breakfast cereal enriched with vitamins and minerals132.00 mgPopcorn132,00 mgMacadamia nuts130,00 mg
Dry red rice130.00 mgWalnuts126.00 mgPecans125.00 mg
Skim milk powder115.00 mgDry frik114.00 mgSweetened chocolate powder (or granules)111.00 mg
Rye and wheat bread110,00 mgThyme110,00 mgWholemeal bread108,00 mg
Pistachio105,00 mgLow-calorie diet cereal bar104.00 mgDry brown rice104,00 mg
Sorrel103,00 mgMarinated anchovy101.00 mgBreakfast cookies97.00 mg
Semi-skimmed milk powder97.00 mgBaklava95.00 mgWheat petals with nuts hazelnuts or almonds enriched with vitamins and minerals95,00 mg
Sugar-free chewing gum93.00 mgDry wild rice90,10 mgCoconut, dry almond90.00 mg
Milk chocolate with dried fruits89,20 mgSorrel, boiled89.00 mgHazelnut88.40 mg
Chocolate and hazelnut spread88,00 mgDried fruit (medium)87.20 mgBuckwheat pancake86,90 mg
soft wheat flour or T150 wheat86,40 mgWhole milk powder86,20 mgPrickly pear85,00 mg
Dark chocolate (40% cocoa minimum) in bar84,20 mgSoy sauce83.70 mgOyster81.90 mg
Unsweetened espresso coffee80.00 mgChocolate puffed wheat grains enriched with vitamins and minerals80.00 mgFlaked muesli with fruit80,00 mg
Mustard77.90 mgWholemeal rusk77.80 mgMilk chocolate bars77.70 mg
Raw purslane leaves77.50 mgRaw whole wheat pasta76.70 mgSeafood (medium)75.20 mg
Almond paste75.00 mgFlaky fruit muesli with no added sugar74.50 mgSoft macaroon with jam or cream filling73.80 mg
salted potato chips73.30 mgChocolate crisp dry cookie, low fat72.10 mgSweetened chocolate powder72,00 mg
Mint71.50 mgPeanut70.60 mgBlack olive in a jar70.40 mg
chocolate muesli69.80 mgSpinach69.20 mgRaw rib steak68.50 mg
Chestnut flour67.90 mgBreadsticks66,30 mgMultigrain toast65.9 mg
foods high in magnesium

VI- Signs of Magnesium Defiency

Here are the biggest signs of magnesium deficiency:

  • Eyelid spasm
  • Anxiety, irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Cramps, contractures and tingling
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches and jaw pain
  • Numbness
  • High blood pressure
  • Concentration problems
  • Poor performance

VII- Magnesium Overdose

An overdose is related to the high amount of magnesium in the blood, it is by definition hypermagnesemia.

A magnesium overdose corresponds to a blood concentration higher than 1.1 mmol/L in a healthy subject.

Serious adverse effects related to magnesium overdose are very rare.

But sometimes, if you consume a large enough quantity of magnesium in food supplements, you could have:

  • Diarrhea
  • Low blood pressure
  • Vomiting
  • Muscular weakness and breathing difficulties (in case of very important overdose);
  • Sleep apnea
  • cardiac conduction disorders, paralysis and even coma in very extreme cases.

And a long-term overdose can have serious consequences on the kidneys.

VIII- Precaution of Use of Magnesium and Potential side effects

The Nigari salt is magnesium chloride in its most raw form. These benefits are numerous, but like anything else, you should not abuse them, because you can cause yourself harm and regret your magnesium cure if it becomes an obsession for you.

It is always necessary to be thoughtful and to keep in mind that the cures must be occasional, in small quantity, for one month only, maximum!

If you have cardiovascular problems or suffer from renal insufficiency, please do not consume magnesium without the advice of your doctor.

If you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, you can take Nigari Salt, but you are strongly advised to talk to your doctor before making any decision to preserve your health and that of your child.

You should also be aware of the laxative effect of magnesium if you suffer from diarrhea.

If you are taking medication, please consult your doctor before taking magnesium for belly fat loss.

IX- Types of Magnesium (for belly fat loss)

  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium L-threonate
  • Magnesium glycinate
  • Magnesium citrate
  • Magnesium malate
  • Magnesium oxide
  • Magnesium taurate
  • Magnesium orotate
  • and Magnesium lactate
  • Magnesium sulfate

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